11 research outputs found

    A case analysis for PEArL: software on wheels

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    The problems and difficulties in complex systems design are more subjective and ambiguous than commonly acknowledged and soft systems tools and frameworks can help to address gaps in knowledge and support judgement throughout the design process. This paper describes the application of the PEArL framework, an intellectual device based on systemic principles, to support a team in a complex product environment manage the ‘soft’ challenges in complex systems design. The PEArL framework facilitated the creation and management of inter-disciplinary relationships in a pressurised business environment and provided a structure for validation of the way in which the design process had been undertaken

    Navigating complex systems design with the PEArL framework

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    The problems and difficulties in complex systems design are more subjective and ambiguous than commonly acknowledged and soft systems tools and frameworks can help to address gaps in knowledge and support judgement throughout the design process. This paper describes the application of the PEArL framework, an intellectual device based on systemic principles, to support a team in a complex product environment manage the ‘soft’ challenges in complex systems design. The PEArL framework facilitated the creation and management of inter- disciplinary relationships in a pressurised business environment and provided a structure for validation of the way in which the design process had been undertaken

    A Framework for Managing Information during the Design and Development of Complex Systems

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    Many products developed today are becoming increasingly reliant on embedded software to facilitate customisation. Such products are becoming extraordinarily complex systems to design, update and maintain throughout the entire product life cycle. To support the design of complex systems there is a need for a complete re-conceptualisation of the traditional approaches to the management of information throughout the design and development process. This research is being undertaken within an action research framework and involves professionals from across the automotive sector, including participants from major OEMs; suppliers and support organisations and small start-ups. This paper sets out a new conceptual view for managing the information needed to support the design and development processes for complex systems. The framework has been evaluated through a number of workshops and is now informing work on a business transformation project in a large OEM for luxury cars

    Risk Assessment, Impact Analysis and Control Methodology Via Digital Dashboards in Statistics Data Centers

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    Every system, when connected to a network, is susceptible to threat of being hacked. It is important to protect all systems of an organization in real-time in a cost-effective manner. This paper presents a well-designed and integrated database for risk management data using a dashboard interface in real-time risk that makes it easy for risk managers to reach a understanding the level of threats to be able to apply right controls to mitigate them. In this paper, a case study of a data center for a statistical management institute is presented that proposed calculation of total risk at the organization level by using the proposed risk database. A digital dashboard is also designed for presenting the risk level results so that decision makers can apply counter measures. The risk level on a dashboard viewer makes it easy for decision maker to understand the overall risk level at the statistics data center and assists in the creation of a tool to follow-up risk management since the time a threat hits till the time of its mitigation

    Moving Towards International Recognition of Computer Science and Information Technology University Programs Through Latin American Accreditation Bodies with the Seoul Accord: CONAIC a Mexico Case Study

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    Due to globalization trends, computer science and information technology professionals demand to be graduates of internationally recognized programs, the need for international recognized programs has been acknowledge by many countries, which have signed international accords for mutual recognition such as the Seoul Accord that is an international accreditation agreement for professional computing and information technology bodies responsible for accreditation in its signatory countries. The article describes the Seoul Accord as an agreement that provides mobility of information technology professionals. A case study in the Latin American region is presented with CONAIC in Mexico that recently became a provisional signatory and discusses the challenges that represent to become a full signatory member of the accord

    An Employee-based Risk Management Strategy for reducing security incidents in a Canadian PHIPA Regulated Environment

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    The paper uses a case study research approach in defining how an employee based risk management strategy such as employee information security training, employee motivation, and quality assurance can be used to reduce security incidents in a Canadian PHIPA regulated environment. During the research, information security professionals and employees were asked direct questions aimed at understanding the reasons why internal data breaches are recurrent, and what are users' perception and understanding of existing security policies, processes, and their role in protecting information in their work environment. By using a qualitative case study research design method, data was collect from a small but targeted group of information security professionals and employees within healthcare organization in Ontario. The gathered data was analyzed to identify what are the main causes of security incidents, and what organizations, in the healthcare field can do to better involve their employees for the reduction of breaches and incidents. The recommendations made by this research paper have the potential of influencing an organization's organizational culture and employee behavior. The main goal of this paper was to develop an employee based risk management strategy for enterprise level risk management focused on positively influencing employee behaviour

    Reducing Security Incidents in a Canadian PHIPA Regulated Environment with an Employee-Based Risk Management Strategy

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    The paper uses a case study research approach in defining how an employee based risk management strategy such as employee information security training, employee motivation, and quality assurance can be used to reduce security incidents in a Canadian PHIPA regulated environment. During the research, information security professionals and employees were asked direct questions aimed at understanding the reasons why internal data breaches are recurrent, and what are users’ perception and understanding of existing security policies, processes, and their role in protecting information in their work environment. By using a qualitative case study research design method, data was collect from a small but targeted group of information security professionals and employees within healthcare organization in Ontario. The gathered data was analyzed to identify what are the main causes of security incidents, and what organizations,in the healthcare field can do to better involve their employees for the reduction of breaches and incidents. The recommendations made by this research paper have the potential of influencing an organization’s organizational culture and employee behavior. The main goal of this paper was to develop an employee based risk management strategy for enterprise level risk management focused on positively influencing employee behaviour

    A Framework for Implementing IT Service Management in the Field of Pre-hospital Emergency Management with an Integrated Approach COBIT Maturity Model and ITIL Framework

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    Introduction: The purpose of this research is to provide an appropriate framework forimplementing IT management services in the field of pre-hospital emergencies with anintegrated approach of COBIT maturity model and ITIL framework.Methods: In a qualitative part, experts familiar with the field of pre-hospital emergency andinformation technology were purposefully selected. In the quantitative phase of the statisticalcommunity, we included experts in the field of information technology management whoare also experts in the field of emergency, as well as university professors who workedin the field of emergency and senior and middle managers in the field of pre-hospitalemergency entered the community. Considering the limitations of the community and thepurposefulness of the selection of individuals to enter the community, 915 individuals wereselected as a sample. To select a sample in the quantitative section, Morgan table was used.They were selected by simple random method using software. To collect information, wefirst reviewed the texts and articles in the field of ITIL and COBIT and then the extractedcodes in this category were reviewed and an overview of the research was obtained; then,in the qualitative part the interview method and in the quantitative part the researchermadequestionnaire were used. To analyze the data in the qualitative section, we used MAXQDA software to review and categorize the information. Then, in the quantitative section,the researcher-made questionnaire was collected and finally the model was fitted usingconfirmatory factor analysis.Results: In the end, it was concluded that the main components such as management,organization, processes, eyes, size, goals of the organization, staff, monitoring and evaluation,support, organization, information architecture and service delivery and their subcomponentswere the main factors that should be paid special attention in the field of prehospitalemergency management.Conclusion: To be more successful in implementing the organization’s framework, it mustidentify the most important problems and then create a controllable domain to implementservice support processes in the organization. The selected processes should be strongly andclearly supported by the general management of the organization. A codified and specificplan for implementation should be developed. A coordinated and planned approach fordesign, implementation should be specified and after the implementation of the mentionedprocesses. After expressing the output measurement indicators of the processes, the outputsshould be measured and based on the changes that exist, these changes should be consideredand returned to the planning stage to re-formulate the steps

    An Extension Proposition for the Agent-Based Language Modeling Ontology for the Representation of Supply Chain Integrated Business Processes

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    The recent introduction of supply chain systems has redefined the way organizations perceive collaboration. Although characterized as a human driven process by which people communicate, share knowledge, and cooperate internally; collaboration also extends outside the organization and across the supply chain by interacting with both suppliers and customers. While human driven collaboration is fundamental in operating certain business processes, they are usually depicted in models such as high-level abstracts or implicitly integrated in exception related mechanisms. This creates the need for an ontology capable of representing human-driven collaboration. The Agent Lab Language (TALL) ontology was selected as a possible solution to the research problem given its emphasis on agent/ business collaborations. A Bunge-Wand-Weber ontological representation analysis was further used to evaluate the ontological completeness of the Agent Language Lab (TALL). From this analysis, a set of propositions were elaborated in accordance with human-driven collaboration requirements. Following these propositions and the results of the analysis, additional constructs were proposed to the TALL ontology as a solution to the research problem

    A method for comparing traditional and component-based models in information systems re-engineering

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    Many organisations have become aware of the limitations of their legacy systems to adapt to new technical requirements. Trends towards e-commerce applications, platform independence, reusability of pre-built components, capacity for reconfiguration and higher reliability have contributed to the need to update current systems. Consequently, legacy systems, typically designed and developed using traditional methods, need to be re-engineered into new component-based systems. The objective of the study is to develop a method to compare traditional and component-based models of systems. Design science is the approach used to build and evaluate the method. The method incorporates and integrates existing methodologies for information systems re-engineering and conceptual model evaluation. A case study illustrating the comparison method revealed that a reengineered component-based conceptual model was capable of representing and enriching all the traditional conceptual model constructs. However, there was a conflict with the use of data flows as these can represent both events and also couplings between processes, data stores, and external agents. Thus, the project derived an additional set of rules to use when generating a component-based model to improve the re-engineering step