180,763 research outputs found

    MegSDF Mega-system development framework

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    A framework for developing large, complex software systems, called Mega-Systems, is specified. The framework incorporates engineering, managerial, and technological aspects of development, concentrating on an engineering process. MegSDF proposes developing Mega-Systems as open distributed systems, pre-planned to be integrated with other systems, and designed for change. At the management level, MegSDF divides the development of a Mega-System into multiple coordinated projects, distinguishing between a meta-management for the whole development effort, responsible for long-term, global objectives, and local managements for the smaller projects, responsible for local, temporary objectives. At the engineering level, MegSDF defines a process model which specifies the tasks required for developing Mega-Systems, including their deliverables and interrelationships. The engineering process emphasizes the coordination required to develop the constituent systems. The process is active for the life time of the Mega-System and compatible with different approaches for performing its tasks. The engineering process consists of System, Mega-System, Mega-System Synthesis, and Meta-Management tasks. System tasks develop constituent systems. Mega-Systems tasks provide a means for engineering coordination, including Domain Analysis, Mega-System Architecture Design. and Infrastructure Acquisition tasks. Mega-System Synthesis tasks assemble Mega-Systems from the constituent systems. The Meta-Management task plans and controls the entire process. The domain analysis task provides a general, comprehensive, non-constructive domain model, which is used as a common basis for understanding the domain. MegSDF builds the domain model by integrating multiple significant perceptions of the domain. It recommends using a domain modeling schema to facilitate modeling and integrating the multiple perceptions. The Mega-System architecture design task specifies a conceptual architecture and an application architecture. The conceptual architecture specifies common design and implementation concepts and is defined using multiple views. The application architecture maps the domain model into an implementation and defines the overall structure of the Mega-System, its boundaries, components, and interfaces. The infrastructure acquisition task addresses the technological aspects of development. It is responsible for choosing, developing or purchasing, validating, and supporting an infrastructure. The infrastructure integrates the enabling technologies into a unified platform which is used as a common solution for handling technologies. The infrastructure facilitates portability of systems and incorporation of new technologies. It is implemented as a set of services, divided into separate service groups which correspond to the views identified in the conceptual architecture

    Innovation attributes and managers' decisions about the adoption of innovations in organizations: A meta-analytical review

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    The adopĀ­tion of inĀ­noĀ­vaĀ­tions has emerged as a domĀ­iĀ­nant reĀ­search topic in the manĀ­ageĀ­ment of inĀ­noĀ­vaĀ­tion in orĀ­gaĀ­niĀ­zaĀ­tions, alĀ­though inĀ­vesĀ­tiĀ­gaĀ­tions ofĀ­ten yield mixed reĀ­sults. To help manĀ­agers and reĀ­searchers imĀ­prove their efĀ­fecĀ­tiveĀ­ness, the auĀ­thors emĀ­ployed a meta-analyĀ­sis inĀ­teĀ­grated with strucĀ­tural equaĀ­tion modĀ­elĀ­ing to anĀ­aĀ­lyze the asĀ­soĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tions beĀ­tween the atĀ­tribĀ­utes of inĀ­noĀ­vaĀ­tions, manĀ­agers' beĀ­havĀ­ioral prefĀ­erĀ­ences, and orĀ­gaĀ­niĀ­zaĀ­tions' inĀ­noĀ­vaĀ­tion adopĀ­tion deĀ­ciĀ­sions in a meĀ­diĀ­ated-modĀ­erĀ­ated frameĀ­work. Our findĀ­ings ofĀ­fer evĀ­iĀ­dence that atĀ­tribĀ­utes of inĀ­noĀ­vaĀ­tions inĀ­fluĀ­ence manĀ­agers' beĀ­havĀ­ioral prefĀ­erĀ­ences and, conĀ­seĀ­quently, adopĀ­tion deĀ­ciĀ­sions in orĀ­gaĀ­niĀ­zaĀ­tions. We also obĀ­serve the sigĀ­nifĀ­iĀ­cance of the conĀ­text in which the adopĀ­tion deĀ­ciĀ­sion ocĀ­curs as well as the reĀ­search setĀ­tings emĀ­ployed by scholĀ­ars. FiĀ­nally, we disĀ­cuss the theĀ­oĀ­retĀ­iĀ­cal conĀ­triĀ­buĀ­tion and pracĀ­tiĀ­cal imĀ­pliĀ­caĀ­tions of our meta-anĀ­aĀ­lytĀ­iĀ­cal reĀ­sults

    PuLSE-I: Deriving instances from a product line infrastructure

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    Reusing assets during application engineering promises to improve the efficiency of systems development. However, in order to benefit from reusable assets, application engineering processes must incorporate when and how to use the reusable assets during single system development. However, when and how to use a reusable asset depends on what types of reusable assets have been created.Product line engineering approaches produce a reusable infrastructure for a set of products. In this paper, we present the application engineering process associated with the PuLSE product line software engineering method - PuLSE-I. PuLSE-I details how single systems can be built efficiently from the reusable product line infrastructure built during the other PuLSE activities

    Ontology of core data mining entities

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    In this article, we present OntoDM-core, an ontology of core data mining entities. OntoDM-core defines themost essential datamining entities in a three-layered ontological structure comprising of a specification, an implementation and an application layer. It provides a representational framework for the description of mining structured data, and in addition provides taxonomies of datasets, data mining tasks, generalizations, data mining algorithms and constraints, based on the type of data. OntoDM-core is designed to support a wide range of applications/use cases, such as semantic annotation of data mining algorithms, datasets and results; annotation of QSAR studies in the context of drug discovery investigations; and disambiguation of terms in text mining. The ontology has been thoroughly assessed following the practices in ontology engineering, is fully interoperable with many domain resources and is easy to extend

    Deferred Action: Theoretical model of process architecture design for emergent business processes

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    E-Business modelling and ebusiness systems development assumes fixed company resources, structures, and business processes. Empirical and theoretical evidence suggests that company resources and structures are emergent rather than fixed. Planning business activity in emergent contexts requires flexible ebusiness models based on better management theories and models . This paper builds and proposes a theoretical model of ebusiness systems capable of catering for emergent factors that affect business processes. Drawing on development of theories of the ā€˜action and designā€™class the Theory of Deferred Action is invoked as the base theory for the theoretical model. A theoretical model of flexible process architecture is presented by identifying its core components and their relationships, and then illustrated with exemplar flexible process architectures capable of responding to emergent factors. Managerial implications of the model are considered and the modelā€™s generic applicability is discussed

    An artefact repository to support distributed software engineering

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    The Open Source Component Artefact Repository (OSCAR) system is a component of the GENESIS platform designed to non-invasively inter-operate with work-flow management systems, development tools and existing repository systems to support a distributed software engineering team working collaboratively. Every artefact possesses a collection of associated meta-data, both standard and domain-specific presented as an XML document. Within OSCAR, artefacts are made aware of changes to related artefacts using notifications, allowing them to modify their own meta-data actively in contrast to other software repositories where users must perform all and any modifications, however trivial. This recording of events, including user interactions provides a complete picture of an artefact's life from creation to (eventual) retirement with the intention of supporting collaboration both amongst the members of the software engineering team and agents acting on their behalf

    Towards a Holistic Approach to Designing Theory-based Mobile Health Interventions

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    Increasing evidence has shown that theory-based health behavior change interventions are more effective than non-theory-based ones. However, only a few segments of relevant studies were theory-based, especially the studies conducted by non-psychology researchers. On the other hand, many mobile health interventions, even those based on the behavioral theories, may still fail in the absence of a user-centered design process. The gap between behavioral theories and user-centered design increases the difficulty of designing and implementing mobile health interventions. To bridge this gap, we propose a holistic approach to designing theory-based mobile health interventions built on the existing theories and frameworks of three categories: (1) behavioral theories (e.g., the Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Health Action Process Approach), (2) the technological models and frameworks (e.g., the Behavior Change Techniques, the Persuasive System Design and Behavior Change Support System, and the Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions), and (3) the user-centered systematic approaches (e.g., the CeHRes Roadmap, the Wendel's Approach, and the IDEAS Model). This holistic approach provides researchers a lens to see the whole picture for developing mobile health interventions
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