7 research outputs found

    Online Communities and Dynamic Capabilities: A Cross-Case Examination of Sensing, Seizing, and Reconfiguration

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    Strategy researchers have long been concerned with the sources of competitive advantage, i.e., why some firms’ performance is superior over others. One argument to answer this question is provided by the dynamic capability view which posits that some firms are better at adapting to a changing business environment than others. This study scrutinizes online communities and their interplay with dynamic capabilities. We present evidence which shows that organizations may use online communities to sense and shape opportunities and threats, to seize opportunities, and to reconfigure the enterprise’s intangible and tangible assets, thus helping their host organizations adapt to a changing business environment. In doing so, the paper bridges the strategy and the information systems literature and provides novel empirical insights into the strategic use of information technology


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    Pemilihan proyek sistem informasi sulit dilakukan dikarenakan banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi. Pemilihan proyek system informasi antara Negara satu dengan Negara yang lain akan berbeda, begitu juga factor yang mempengaruhi akan berbeda. Proyek yang dijalankan tidak sedikit yang gagal. Kegagalan yang dimaksud misalnya tidak berfungsi projek itu atau tidak sesuai dengan lingkungan sehingga tidak boleh dijalankan. Didalam makalah ini akan membahas pengaruh lingkungan dan pengguna terhadap pemilihan proyek sistem informasi, sehingga pemilihan projek lebih tepat. Dimana terdapat variabel independen ( lingkungan), variabel dependent (kesuksesan pemilihan proyek), kemampuan organisasi sebagai mediator. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah pengambilan sampel, menentukan instrumen, sekrining data, analisis yang menggunakan Model Persamaan Struktural. Hasilnya adalah lingkungan tidak berpengaruh langsung kepada pemilihan proyek sistem informasi, dan lingkungan berpengaruh tidak langsung ke pemilihan proyek sistem informasi melalui pengguna/ user. Sehingga pengguna disebut sebagai mediator


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    Pemilihan proyek sistem informasi sulit dilakukan dikarenakan banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi. Pemilihan proyek system informasi antara Negara satu dengan Negara yang lain akan berbeda, begitu juga factor yang mempengaruhi akan berbeda. Proyek yang dijalankan tidak sedikit yang gagal. Kegagalan yang dimaksud misalnya tidak berfungsi projek itu atau tidak sesuai dengan lingkungan sehingga tidak boleh dijalankan. Didalam makalah ini akan membahas pengaruh lingkungan dan pengguna terhadap pemilihan proyek sistem informasi, sehingga pemilihan projek lebih tepat. Dimana terdapat variabel independen ( lingkungan), variabel dependent (kesuksesan pemilihan proyek), kemampuan organisasi sebagai mediator. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah pengambilan sampel, menentukan instrumen, sekrining data, analisis yang menggunakan Model Persamaan Struktural. Hasilnya adalah lingkungan tidak berpengaruh langsung kepada pemilihan proyek sistem informasi, dan lingkungan berpengaruh tidak langsung ke pemilihan proyek sistem informasi melalui pengguna/ user. Sehingga pengguna disebut sebagai mediator

    Análisis y estudio sobre el gobierno y gestión de los servicios de TI en el mercado español

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    Este proyecto es un informe completo sobre la investigación realizada con el objeto de conocer cuál es la situación en la investigación, difusión del conocimiento, e implantación en las organizaciones que operan en España, con respecto a diferentes protocolos, buenas prácticas y normativas relacionadas con Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI (GyGS TI). Para la mejor visualización y comprensión de este documento se ha dejado en el mismo formato en el que se entregará a los participantes en los cuestionarios, a los socios de itSMF, y a otro amplio grupo de personas que han mostrado interés en este Observatorio. De manera que, en el anexo, encontrarán el documento “An{lisis y Estudio sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios TI en el Mercado Español” en su formato original. Este Observatorio ha sido realizado durante los años 2008 y 2010, el cual analiza la situación pasada sobre el Gobierno y Gestión de los Servicios de TI (GyGSTI) entre las empresas que operan en España, este análisis se realiza a través de los resultados del cuestionario realizado en 2008, y prepara un segundo cuestionario para la conocer la situación en el 2010. Al mismo tiempo, realiza un estudio sobre el conocimiento existente en torno al Gobierno y Gestión de Servicios TI, a través de estudiar los libros más representativos sobre GyGS TI, las publicaciones académicas de investigación de GyGS, las principales empresas de análisis TI, y la situación sobre la difusión en el mercado español sobre GyGS TI a través de las revistas especializadas. Igualmente, el estudio ofrecerá una visión de la implantación de GyGS TI para que las empresas de cualquier tamaño puedan tener acceso, y realizar una comparativa (benchmarking) sobre su estado frente a sus iguales. Para finalmente ofrecer una visión de la evolución temporal del 2008 al 2010 y unas tendencias futuras. El objetivo es, entonces, analizar el estado y la implantación del GyGS TI entre las empresas que operan en España, e igualmente analizar la creación y difusión del conocimiento sobre esta misma área. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This project is a comprehensive report on the investigation in order to know what the situation in the research, knowledge dissemination, and implementation in organizations operating in Spain, with respect to different protocols, best practices and regulations related to IT Governance and Service Management (IT G&SM). For best viewing and understanding the final document is left in the same format as that given to participants in the questionnaires, itSMF members, and another large group of people who have shown interest in this Observatory. So, in the Annex, will find the “Analysis and Study on the IT Government and Service Management in the Spanish Market” in its original format. This final document is the result of the Observatory carried out during the years 2008 and 2010, which analyzes the past situation on the Governance and Service Management of IT Services (IT G&SM) between companies operating in Spain, this analysis is performed through the results the survey conducted in 2008, and prepares a second questionnaire to ascertain the situation in 2010. At the same time, it is also carried out a study on the existing knowledge about IT Government and IT Service Management, by studying the most representative books on these fields, publications academic research, major IT analyst firms, and the situation on the IT GSM Spanish market through specialized magazines. As well as, the study will provide for companies of any size an overview of the implementation of IT GSM Spanish implantation, thus these companies will be able to benchmark theirselves with their peers. Finally, this document gives an overview of the temporal evolution from 2008 to 2010 and some future trends. The aim is, then, to analyze the status and implementation of IT GSM among companies operating in Spain, and also to discuss about the creation and dissemination of knowledge on this same area.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Strategic information systems planning (SISP) in Australia : assessment and measurement

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    Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) is an important activity for helping Chief Information Executives (CIOs) and top management identify strategic applications and align Information Technology (IT) with business needs. Like all strategic planning, SISP requires measuring how well SISP is done and how planning is improving over time. The measurement of these intangibles is a complex exercise. There have been few efforts undertaken in the Information Systems (IS) literature to formally develop a model for assessing and measuring SISP efforts. In this study, two models were proposed: a five-stage SISP maturity model for defining SISP maturity and another one for assessing the degree of SISP maturity. The five SISP maturity levels were defined as: Rudimentary Planning, Ineffectual Planning, Attainable Planning, Sustainable Planning, and Adaptable Planning. The assessment model was structured as a third-order system, where eight first-order dimensions were termed as Form and Content, Collaboration, Policies, Stakeholders' Designation, Knowledge Bank, Technology, Time Dimension, and Viability. The first-order dimensions were grouped into three second-order constructs, namely Effectiveness, Efficiency and Manoeuvrability, which ultimately characterise the level of SISP success. This model was used to establish a theoretical benchmark for each SISP maturity level. To model the level of SISP maturity, an 'Integral Engineering' approach was established and the Analytic Network Process (ANP) theory was used. The study is a novel approach in using ANP to synthesize the measures of the various SISP constructs into a single overall measure of SISP maturity level. A survey was performed and data collected from 260 Australian organisations to examine the degree of SISP maturity and the relationships among SISP constructs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the fit between the hypothesized model and the survey data The models were applied to the data collected and the findings suggested that the models fit the data well. While Effectiveness and Efficiency are well recognised planning constructs, Manoeuvrability as a measure of planning dynamics is not acknowledged in the literature as an equally important construct. This study confirmed a strong correlation between Manoeuvrability and SISP success and found it to be more important than the Efficiency construct. The empirical data did not confirm the existence of Rudimentary and Ineffectual planning levels of SISP maturity Australia-wide. SISP maturity in the majority of Australian organisations is at Sustainable and Attainable planning levels. A small percentage of the surveyed organisations have actually reached the highest planning level (Adaptable planning). The empirical data showed that current SISP is lacking strategic dimension and that the recently popularised one-year planning horizon may not be the best choice. Australian organisations did not consider the strategic relevance of IT as the key objective. IT/IS was seen as a business enabler, thus the strategic advan tage associated with IT came as a secondary objective