3 research outputs found

    A many-objective evolutionary algorithm based on rotated grid

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    Evolutionary optimization algorithms, a meta-heuristic approach, often encounter considerable challenges in many-objective optimization problems (MaOPs). The Pareto-based dominance loses its effectiveness in MaOPs, which are defined as having more than three objectives. Therefore, a more valid selection method is proposed to balance convergence and distribution. This paper proposes an algorithm using rotary grid technology to solve MaOPs (denoted by RGridEA). The algorithm uses the rotating grid to partition the objective space. Instead of using the Pareto non-dominated sorting strategy to layer the population a novel stratified method is used to enhance convergence effectively and make use of the grid to improve distribution and uniformity. Finally, with the other seven algorithm was tested on the test function DTLZ series analysis, confirming RGridEA is effective in resolving MaOPs

    Robust graph neural networks via ensemble learning

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have demonstrated a remarkable ability in the task of semi-supervised node classification. However, most existing GNNs suffer from the nonrobustness issues, which poses a great challenge for applying GNNs into sensitive scenarios. Some researchers concentrate on constructing an ensemble model to mitigate the nonrobustness issues. Nevertheless, these methods ignore the interaction among base models, leading to similar graph representations. Moreover, due to the deterministic propagation applied in most existing GNNs, each node highly relies on its neighbors, leaving the nodes to be sensitive to perturbations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel framework of graph ensemble learning based on knowledge passing (called GEL) to address the above issues. In order to achieve interaction, we consider the predictions of prior models as knowledge to obtain more reliable predictions. Moreover, we design a multilayer DropNode propagation strategy to reduce each node’s dependence on particular neighbors. This strategy also empowers each node to aggregate information from diverse neighbors, alleviating oversmoothing issues. We conduct experiments on three benchmark datasets, including Cora, Citeseer, and Pubmed. GEL outperforms GCN by more than 5% in terms of accuracy across all three datasets and also performs better than other state-of-the-art baselines. Extensive experimental results also show that the GEL alleviates the nonrobustness and oversmoothing issues. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland