5 research outputs found

    Implementação da integração do barramento de serviços da UnB com ferramentas de monitoramento

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2020.A implementação de serviços e microsserviços para aplicações de sistemas distribuí- dos com a utilização de uma Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA) permite utilizar padrões de desenvolvimento, facilitar a manutenção, flexibilizar o desenvolvimento de serviços e permitir a interoperabilidade de serviços e sistemas. O Centro de Informática (CPD) da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) trabalha com vários processos de automação de softwares, desde a manutenção de sistemas legados, passando pelo desenvolvimento de novas aplicações até a implantação de softwares adquiridos, com várias frentes tec- nológicas relacionadas à sistemas. Acompanhar e monitorar o funcionamento de serviços, microsserviços e sistemas é imprescindível. Este trabalho tem caráter exploratório e busca investigar sobre soluções e ferramentas para implementação e implantação de monitora- mento de serviços e sistemas distribuídos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB), por meio de um mapeamento sistemático. Com embasamento teórico obteve-se um modelo que foi im- plementado como módulo de monitoramento do barramento de serviços da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Neste trabalho foram executadas simulações na solução que permi- tiu analisar a integração do barramento de serviços com a ferramenta de monitoramento através da solução proposta.The Implementation services and microservices for distributed system applications us- ing a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) allows to use development standards facilitate maintenance flexibly develop services and enable interoperability of services and systems. Computer Center (CPD) of the University of Brasilia (UnB) works with several softwares automation processes, from the maintenance of legacy systems, through the development of new applications to the deployment of purchased softwares, with several systems related technological fronts. Mark and monitor the functioning of services, microservices and sys- tems is essential. This work is exploratory and seeks to investigate solutions and tools for the implementation of monitoring of distributed services and systems of the University of Brasilia (UnB), through systematic mapping. With a theoretical basis, a model was obtained, which was implemented as a service bus monitoring module at the University of Brasilia (UnB). In this work, simulations were performed on the solution that allowed to analyze the integration of the service bus with the monitoring tool through the proposed solution

    GOV TEXT Analytics System - Sistema Gubernamental para el Análisis de Textos

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    [EN] The proposal has been developed in this thesis is about creating a product that allows users from the different Agencies to capture, store, process and analyze unstructured textual contents collected from both the Social Media space as well as their service contact points (CRM systems). The objective of this proposal is to provide users of the different government agencies in Singapore government a system that allows them to discover patterns, trends, detect deviations and monitor discussions. The project environment is presented, as well as methodology and other factors of interest. Subsequently, a comprehensive study of the platform is presented, detailing its architecture, strengths, opportunities and weaknesses. The project includes programming a real solution, which has been developed over several months using the scrum methodology.[ES] La propuesta que se ha desarrollado en esta tesis trata sobre la creación de un producto que permite capturar, almacenar, procesar y analizar contenidos no estructurados procedentes de diferentes canales, tales como redes sociales, foros de debate, webs corporativas o correos electrónico. El objetivo de esta propuesta es dotar a los usuarios de las diferentes agencias gubernamentales del gobierno de Singapur de un sistema que les permita descubrir patrones de comportamiento, tendencias, detectar desviaciones y monitorizar discusiones. Se presenta el entorno del proyecto, la metodología empleada además de otros factores de interés de la misma. Posteriormente se presenta un amplio estudio de la plataforma, detallando su arquitectura, virtudes, posibilidades y carencias. El proyecto incluye la programación de una solución real, la cual ha sido desarrollada durante varios meses, utilizando la metodología scrum. Se presenta la planificación en iteraciones, artefactos generados y manual de usuario que ilustra su uso.Delgado Lázaro, H. (2015). GOV TEXT Analytics System - Sistema Gubernamental para el Análisis de Textos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/61702Archivo delegad

    Herramienta para la generación y despliegue de composiciones de servicios Web mediante modelos BPMN

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    [ES] En esta tesis se presenta una herramienta para la generación y depliegue de composiciones de servicios Web a partir de modelos BPMN. Para ello, se ha utilizado el proyecto BABEL, el cual proporciona una solución para la genración de código WS-BPEL parcial a partir de un modelo BPMN. No obstante, como el código generado por BABEL está incompleto, se ha implementado una herramienta gráfica basada en FMF que permite completar el código generado por BABEL mediante la utiliación de formularios. Por último se ha implementado un mecanismo para el despliegue en caliente en el servidor y versionado de las diferentes composiciones generadas por la herramienta.[EN] This thesis presents a tool to generate and deploy Web service compositions using BPMN models. For this end, we have used the BABEL project that implement a solution to generate partial WS-BPEL code from BPMN models. However, since the generated code is incomplete, we have implemented a graphical tool based in FMF that can be used to complete the BABEL code using forms. Finally, we have implemented a mechanism to hot deploy the WS-BPEL code in the server and a versioning mechanisms to manage the different service composition versions.Fuente Sales, JDL. (2012). Herramienta para la generación y despliegue de composiciones de servicios Web mediante modelos BPMN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1802

    Information technologies for pain management

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    Millions of people around the world suffer from pain, acute or chronic and this raises the importance of its screening, assessment and treatment. The importance of pain is attested by the fact that it is considered the fifth vital sign for indicating basic bodily functions, health and quality of life, together with the four other vital signs: blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate. However, while these four signals represent an objective physical parameter, the occurrence of pain expresses an emotional status that happens inside the mind of each individual and therefore, is highly subjective that makes difficult its management and evaluation. For this reason, the self-report of pain is considered the most accurate pain assessment method wherein patients should be asked to periodically rate their pain severity and related symptoms. Thus, in the last years computerised systems based on mobile and web technologies are becoming increasingly used to enable patients to report their pain which lead to the development of electronic pain diaries (ED). This approach may provide to health care professionals (HCP) and patients the ability to interact with the system anywhere and at anytime thoroughly changes the coordinates of time and place and offers invaluable opportunities to the healthcare delivery. However, most of these systems were designed to interact directly to patients without presence of a healthcare professional or without evidence of reliability and accuracy. In fact, the observation of the existing systems revealed lack of integration with mobile devices, limited use of web-based interfaces and reduced interaction with patients in terms of obtaining and viewing information. In addition, the reliability and accuracy of computerised systems for pain management are rarely proved or their effects on HCP and patients outcomes remain understudied. This thesis is focused on technology for pain management and aims to propose a monitoring system which includes ubiquitous interfaces specifically oriented to either patients or HCP using mobile devices and Internet so as to allow decisions based on the knowledge obtained from the analysis of the collected data. With the interoperability and cloud computing technologies in mind this system uses web services (WS) to manage data which are stored in a Personal Health Record (PHR). A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) was implemented so as to determine the effectiveness of the proposed computerised monitoring system. The six weeks RCT evidenced the advantages provided by the ubiquitous access to HCP and patients so as to they were able to interact with the system anywhere and at anytime using WS to send and receive data. In addition, the collected data were stored in a PHR which offers integrity and security as well as permanent on line accessibility to both patients and HCP. The study evidenced not only that the majority of participants recommend the system, but also that they recognize it suitability for pain management without the requirement of advanced skills or experienced users. Furthermore, the system enabled the definition and management of patient-oriented treatments with reduced therapist time. The study also revealed that the guidance of HCP at the beginning of the monitoring is crucial to patients' satisfaction and experience stemming from the usage of the system as evidenced by the high correlation between the recommendation of the application, and it suitability to improve pain management and to provide medical information. There were no significant differences regarding to improvements in the quality of pain treatment between intervention group and control group. Based on the data collected during the RCT a clinical decision support system (CDSS) was developed so as to offer capabilities of tailored alarms, reports, and clinical guidance. This CDSS, called Patient Oriented Method of Pain Evaluation System (POMPES), is based on the combination of several statistical models (one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey-Kramer) with an imputation model based on linear regression. This system resulted in fully accuracy related to decisions suggested by the system compared with the medical diagnosis, and therefore, revealed it suitability to manage the pain. At last, based on the aerospace systems capability to deal with different complex data sources with varied complexities and accuracies, an innovative model was proposed. This model is characterized by a qualitative analysis stemming from the data fusion method combined with a quantitative model based on the comparison of the standard deviation together with the values of mathematical expectations. This model aimed to compare the effects of technological and pen-and-paper systems when applied to different dimension of pain, such as: pain intensity, anxiety, catastrophizing, depression, disability and interference. It was observed that pen-and-paper and technology produced equivalent effects in anxiety, depression, interference and pain intensity. On the contrary, technology evidenced favourable effects in terms of catastrophizing and disability. The proposed method revealed to be suitable, intelligible, easy to implement and low time and resources consuming. Further work is needed to evaluate the proposed system to follow up participants for longer periods of time which includes a complementary RCT encompassing patients with chronic pain symptoms. Finally, additional studies should be addressed to determine the economic effects not only to patients but also to the healthcare system