5 research outputs found

    TICAL - a web-tool for multivariate image clustering and data topology preserving visualization

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    In life science research bioimaging is often used to study two kinds of features in a sample simultaneously: morphology and co-location of molecular components. While bioimaging technology is rapidly proposing and improving new multidimensional imaging platforms, bioimage informatics has to keep pace in order to develop algorithmic approaches to support biology experts in the complex task of data analysis. One particular problem is the availability and applicability of sophisticated image analysis algorithms via the web so different users can apply the same algorithms to their data (sometimes even to the same data to get the same results) and independently from her/his whereabouts and from the technical features of her/his computer. In this paper we describe TICAL, a visual data mining approach to multivariate microscopy analysis which can be applied fully through the web.We describe the algorithmic approach, the software concept and present results obtained for different example images

    Micro-Net: A unified model for segmentation of various objects in microscopy images

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    Object segmentation and structure localization are important steps in automated image analysis pipelines for microscopy images. We present a convolution neural network (CNN) based deep learning architecture for segmentation of objects in microscopy images. The proposed network can be used to segment cells, nuclei and glands in fluorescence microscopy and histology images after slight tuning of input parameters. The network trains at multiple resolutions of the input image, connects the intermediate layers for better localization and context and generates the output using multi-resolution deconvolution filters. The extra convolutional layers which bypass the max-pooling operation allow the network to train for variable input intensities and object size and make it robust to noisy data. We compare our results on publicly available data sets and show that the proposed network outperforms recent deep learning algorithms

    Deep learning-enabled technologies for bioimage analysis.

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    Deep learning (DL) is a subfield of machine learning (ML), which has recently demonstrated its potency to significantly improve the quantification and classification workflows in biomedical and clinical applications. Among the end applications profoundly benefitting from DL, cellular morphology quantification is one of the pioneers. Here, we first briefly explain fundamental concepts in DL and then we review some of the emerging DL-enabled applications in cell morphology quantification in the fields of embryology, point-of-care ovulation testing, as a predictive tool for fetal heart pregnancy, cancer diagnostics via classification of cancer histology images, autosomal polycystic kidney disease, and chronic kidney diseases

    A machine learning based system for multichannel fluorescence analysis in pancreatic tissue bioimages

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    Fluorescence microscopy has regained much attention in the last years especially in the field of systems biology. It has been recognized as a rich source of information extending the existing sources since it allows simultaneous collection of spatial and temporal protein information. In order to enable a high-throughput and high-content image analysis, sophisticated image processing routines become essential. We present a machine learning based approach for semantic image annotation i.e. identifying biologically meaningful objects. A semantic annotation becomes necessary, if image variables have to be associated to single biological objects, for example cells. We apply our method to pancreatic tissue sample images to detect and annotate cells of the Islets of Langerhans and whole pancreas. Based on the annotation, aligned multichannel fluorescence images are evaluated for cell type classification allowing accurate and rapid determination of the cell number and mass. This high-throughput analytical technique, requiring only few parameters, should he of great value in diabetes studies and for screening of new anti-diabetes treatments

    The Largest Unethical Medical Experiment in Human History

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    This monograph describes the largest unethical medical experiment in human history: the implementation and operation of non-ionizing non-visible EMF radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) infrastructure for communications, surveillance, weaponry, and other applications. It is unethical because it violates the key ethical medical experiment requirement for “informed consent” by the overwhelming majority of the participants. The monograph provides background on unethical medical research/experimentation, and frames the implementation of wireless radiation within that context. The monograph then identifies a wide spectrum of adverse effects of wireless radiation as reported in the premier biomedical literature for over seven decades. Even though many of these reported adverse effects are extremely severe, the true extent of their severity has been grossly underestimated. Most of the reported laboratory experiments that produced these effects are not reflective of the real-life environment in which wireless radiation operates. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal, and most do not account for synergistic effects of other toxic stimuli acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These two additions greatly exacerbate the severity of the adverse effects from wireless radiation, and their neglect in current (and past) experimentation results in substantial under-estimation of the breadth and severity of adverse effects to be expected in a real-life situation. This lack of credible safety testing, combined with depriving the public of the opportunity to provide informed consent, contextualizes the wireless radiation infrastructure operation as an unethical medical experiment