126 research outputs found

    소형동물의 뇌신경 자극을 위한 완전 이식형 신경자극기

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 전기·정보공학부,2020. 2. 김성준.In this study, a fully implantable neural stimulator that is designed to stimulate the brain in the small animal is described. Electrical stimulation of the small animal is applicable to pre-clinical study, and behavior study for neuroscience research, etc. Especially, behavior study of the freely moving animal is useful to observe the modulation of sensory and motor functions by the stimulation. It involves conditioning animal's movement response through directional neural stimulation on the region of interest. The main technique that enables such applications is the development of an implantable neural stimulator. Implantable neural stimulator is used to modulate the behavior of the animal, while it ensures the free movement of the animals. Therefore, stable operation in vivo and device size are important issues in the design of implantable neural stimulators. Conventional neural stimulators for brain stimulation of small animal are comprised of electrodes implanted in the brain and a pulse generation circuit mounted on the back of the animal. The electrical stimulation generated from the circuit is conveyed to the target region by the electrodes wire-connected with the circuit. The devices are powered by a large battery, and controlled by a microcontroller unit. While it represents a simple approach, it is subject to various potential risks including short operation time, infection at the wound, mechanical failure of the device, and animals being hindered to move naturally, etc. A neural stimulator that is miniaturized, fully implantable, low-powered, and capable of wireless communication is required. In this dissertation, a fully implantable stimulator with remote controllability, compact size, and minimal power consumption is suggested for freely moving animal application. The stimulator consists of modular units of surface-type and depth-type arrays for accessing target brain area, package for accommodating the stimulating electronics all of which are assembled after independent fabrication and implantation using customized flat cables and connectors. The electronics in the package contains ZigBee telemetry for low-power wireless communication, inductive link for recharging lithium battery, and an ASIC that generates biphasic pulse for neural stimulation. A dual-mode power-saving scheme with a duty cycling was applied to minimize the power consumption. All modules were packaged using liquid crystal polymer (LCP) to avoid any chemical reaction after implantation. To evaluate the fabricated stimulator, wireless operation test was conducted. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the ZigBee telemetry were measured, and its communication range and data streaming capacity were tested. The amount of power delivered during the charging session depending on the coil distance was measured. After the evaluation of the device functionality, the stimulator was implanted into rats to train the animals to turn to the left (or right) following a directional cue applied to the barrel cortex. Functionality of the device was also demonstrated in a three-dimensional maze structure, by guiding the rats to navigate better in the maze. Finally, several aspects of the fabricated device were discussed further.본 연구에서는 소형 동물의 두뇌를 자극하기 위한 완전 이식형 신경자극기가 개발되었다. 소형 동물의 전기자극은 전임상 연구, 신경과학 연구를 위한 행동연구 등에 활용된다. 특히, 자유롭게 움직이는 동물을 대상으로 한 행동 연구는 자극에 의한 감각 및 운동 기능의 조절을 관찰하는 데 유용하게 활용된다. 행동 연구는 두뇌의 특정 관심 영역을 직접적으로 자극하여 동물의 행동반응을 조건화하는 방식으로 수행된다. 이러한 적용을 가능케 하는 핵심기술은 이식형 신경자극기의 개발이다. 이식형 신경자극기는 동물의 움직임을 방해하지 않으면서도 그 행동을 조절하기 위해 사용된다. 따라서 동물 내에서의 안정적인 동작과 장치의 크기가 이식형 신경자극기를 설계함에 있어 중요한 문제이다. 기존의 신경자극기는 두뇌에 이식되는 전극 부분과, 동물의 등 부분에 위치한 회로부분으로 구성된다. 회로에서 생산된 전기자극은 회로와 전선으로 연결된 전극을 통해 목표 지점으로 전달된다. 장치는 배터리에 의해 구동되며, 내장된 마이크로 컨트롤러에 의해 제어된다. 이는 쉽고 간단한 접근방식이지만, 짧은 동작시간, 이식부위의 감염이나 장치의 기계적 결함, 그리고 동물의 자연스러운 움직임 방해 등 여러 문제점을 야기할 수 있다. 이러한 문제의 개선을 위해 무선통신이 가능하고, 저전력, 소형화된 완전 이식형 신경자극기의 설계가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 자유롭게 움직이는 동물에 적용하기 위하여 원격 제어가 가능하며, 크기가 작고, 소모전력이 최소화된 완전이식형 자극기를 제시한다. 설계된 신경자극기는 목표로 하는 두뇌 영역에 접근할 수 있는 표면형 전극과 탐침형 전극, 그리고 자극 펄스 생성 회로를 포함하는 패키지 등의 모듈들로 구성되며, 각각의 모듈은 독립적으로 제작되어 동물에 이식된 뒤 케이블과 커넥터로 연결된다. 패키지 내부의 회로는 저전력 무선통신을 위한 지그비 트랜시버, 리튬 배터리의 재충전을 위한 인덕티브 링크, 그리고 신경자극을 위한 이상성 자극파형을 생성하는 ASIC으로 구성된다. 전력 절감을 위해 두 개의 모드를 통해 사용률을 조절하는 방식이 장치에 적용된다. 모든 모듈들은 이식 후의 생물학적, 화학적 안정성을 위해 액정 폴리머로 패키징되었다. 제작된 신경자극기를 평가하기 위해 무선 동작 테스트가 수행되었다. 지그비 통신의 신호 대 잡음비가 측정되었으며, 해당 통신의 동작거리 및 데이터 스트리밍 성능이 검사되었고, 장치의 충전이 수행될 때 코일간의 거리에 따라 전송되는 전력의 크기가 측정되었다. 장치의 평가 이후, 신경자극기는 쥐에 이식되었으며, 해당 동물은 이식된 장치를 이용해 방향 신호에 따라 좌우로 이동하도록 훈련되었다. 또한, 3차원 미로 구조에서 쥐의 이동방향을 유도하는 실험을 통하여 장치의 기능성을 추가적으로 검증하였다. 마지막으로, 제작된 장치의 특징이 여러 측면에서 심층적으로 논의되었다.Chapter 1 : Introduction 1 1.1. Neural Interface 2 1.1.1. Concept 2 1.1.2. Major Approaches 3 1.2. Neural Stimulator for Animal Brain Stimulation 5 1.2.1. Concept 5 1.2.2. Neural Stimulator for Freely Moving Small Animal 7 1.3. Suggested Approaches 8 1.3.1. Wireless Communication 8 1.3.2. Power Management 9 Wireless Power Transmission 10 Energy Harvesting 11 1.3.3. Full implantation 14 Polymer Packaging 14 Modular Configuration 16 1.4. Objectives of This Dissertation 16 Chapter 2 : Methods 18 2.1. Overview 19 2.1.1. Circuit Description 20 Pulse Generator ASIC 21 ZigBee Transceiver 23 Inductive Link 24 Energy Harvester 25 Surrounding Circuitries 26 2.1.2. Software Description 27 2.2. Antenna Design 29 2.2.1. RF Antenna 30 Design of Monopole Antenna 31 FEM Simulation 31 2.2.2. Inductive Link 36 Design of Coil Antenna 36 FEM Simulation 38 2.3. Device Fabrication 41 2.3.1. Circuit Assembly 41 2.3.2. Packaging 42 2.3.3. Electrode, Feedthrough, Cable, and Connector 43 2.4. Evaluations 45 2.4.1. Wireless Operation Test 46 Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) Measurement 46 Communication Range Test 47 Device Operation Monitoring Test 48 2.4.2. Wireless Power Transmission 49 2.4.3. Electrochemical Measurements In Vitro 50 2.4.4. Animal Testing In Vivo 52 Chapter 3 : Results 57 3.1. Fabricated System 58 3.2. Wireless Operation Test 59 3.2.1. Signal-to-Noise Ratio Measurement 59 3.2.2. Communication Range Test 61 3.2.3. Device Operation Monitoring Test 62 3.3. Wireless Power Transmission 64 3.4. Electrochemical Measurements In Vitro 65 3.5. Animal Testing In Vivo 67 Chapter 4 : Discussion 73 4.1. Comparison with Conventional Devices 74 4.2. Safety of Device Operation 76 4.2.1. Safe Electrical Stimulation 76 4.2.2. Safe Wireless Power Transmission 80 4.3. Potential Applications 84 4.4. Opportunities for Further Improvements 86 4.4.1. Weight and Size 86 4.4.2. Long-Term Reliability 93 Chapter 5 : Conclusion 96 Reference 98 Appendix - Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP) -Based Spinal Cord Stimulator 107 국문 초록 138 감사의 글 140Docto

    Miniaturised Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Neurostimulation: A Review

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    In neurostimulation, wireless power transfer is an efficient technology to overcome several limitations affecting medical devices currently used in clinical practice. Several methods were developed over the years for wireless power transfer. In this review article, we report and discuss the three most relevant methodologies for extremely miniaturised implantable neurostimulator: ultrasound coupling, inductive coupling and capacitive coupling. For each powering method, the discussion starts describing the physical working principle. In particular, we focus on the challenges given by the miniaturisation of the implanted integrated circuits and the related ad-hoc solutions for wireless power transfer. Then, we present recent developments and progresses in wireless power transfer for biomedical applications. Last, we compare each technique based on key performance indicators to highlight the most relevant and innovative solutions suitable for neurostimulation, with the gaze turned towards miniaturisation

    High-performance wireless power and data transfer interface for implantable medical devices

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    D’importants progès ont été réalisés dans le développement des systèmes biomédicaux implantables grâce aux dernières avancées de la microélectronique et des technologies sans fil. Néanmoins, ces appareils restent difficiles à commercialier. Cette situation est due particulièrement à un manque de stratégies de design capable supporter les fonctionnalités exigées, aux limites de miniaturisation, ainsi qu’au manque d’interface sans fil à haut débit fiable et faible puissance capable de connecter les implants et les périphériques externes. Le nombre de sites de stimulation et/ou d’électrodes d’enregistrement retrouvés dans les dernières interfaces cerveau-ordinateur (IMC) ne cesse de croître afin d’augmenter la précision de contrôle, et d’améliorer notre compréhension des fonctions cérébrales. Ce nombre est appelé à atteindre un millier de site à court terme, ce qui exige des débits de données atteingnant facilement les 500 Mbps. Ceci étant dit, ces travaux visent à élaborer de nouvelles stratégies innovantes de conception de dispositifs biomédicaux implantables afin de repousser les limites mentionnées ci-dessus. On présente de nouvelles techniques faible puissance beaucoup plus performantes pour le transfert d’énergie et de données sans fil à haut débit ainsi que l’analyse et la réalisation de ces dernières grâce à des prototypes microélectroniques CMOS. Dans un premier temps, ces travaux exposent notre nouvelle structure multibobine inductive à résonance présentant une puissance sans fil distribuée uniformément pour alimenter des systèmes miniatures d’étude du cerveaux avec des models animaux en ilberté ainsi que des dispositifs médicaux implantbles sans fil qui se caractérisent par une capacité de positionnement libre. La structure propose un lien de résonance multibobines inductive, dont le résonateur principal est constitué d’une multitude de résonateurs identiques disposés dans une matrice de bobines carrées. Ces dernières sont connectées en parallèle afin de réaliser des surfaces de puissance (2D) ainsi qu’une chambre d’alimentation (3D). La chambre proposée utilise deux matrices de résonateurs de base, mises face à face et connectés en parallèle afin d’obtenir une distribution d’énergie uniforme en 3D. Chaque surface comprend neuf bobines superposées, connectées en parallèle et réailsées sur une carte de circuit imprimé deux couches FR4. La chambre dispose d’un mécanisme naturel de localisation de puissance qui facilite sa mise en oeuvre et son fonctionnement. En procédant ainsi, nous évitons la nécessité d’une détection active de l’emplacement de la charge et le contrôle d’alimentation. Notre approche permet à cette surface d’alimentation unique de fournir une efficacité de transfert de puissance (PTE) de 69% et une puissance délivrée à la charge (PDL) de 120 mW, pour une distance de séparation de 4 cm, tandis que le prototype de chambre complet fournit un PTE uniforme de 59% et un PDL de 100 mW en 3D, partout à l’intérieur de la chambre avec un volume de chambre de 27 × 27 × 16 cm3. Une étape critique avant d’utiliser un dispositif implantable chez les humains consiste à vérifier ses fonctionnalités sur des sujets animaux. Par conséquent, la chambre d’énergie sans fil conçue sera utilisée afin de caractériser les performances d’ une interface sans fil de transmisison de données dans un environnement réaliste in vivo avec positionement libre. Un émetteur-récepteur full-duplex (FDT) entièrement intégré qui se caractérise par sa faible puissance est conçu pour réaliser une interfaces bi-directionnelles (stimulation et enregistrement) avec des débits asymétriques: des taux de tramnsmission plus élevés sont nécessaires pour l’enregistrement électrophysiologique multicanal (signaux de liaison montante) alors que les taux moins élevés sont utilisés pour la stimulation (les signaux de liaison descendante). L’émetteur (TX) et le récepteur (RX) se partagent une seule antenne afin de réduire la taille de l’implant. L’émetteur utilise la radio ultra-large bande par impulsions (IR-UWB) basée sur l’approche edge combining et le RX utilise la bande ISM (Industrielle, Scientifique et Médicale) de fréquence central 2.4 GHz et la modulation on-off-keying (OOK). Une bonne isolation (> 20 dB) est obtenue entre le TX et le RX grâce à 1) la mise en forme les impulsions émises dans le spectre UWB non réglementée (3.1-7 GHz), et 2) le filtrage espace-efficace (évitant l’utilisation d’un circulateur ou d’un diplexeur) du spectre du lien de communication descendant directement au niveau de l’ amplificateur à faible bruit (LNA). L’émetteur UWB 3.1-7 GHz utilise un e modultion OOK ainsi qu’une modulation par déplacement de phase (BPSK) à seulement 10.8 pJ / bits. Le FDT proposé permet d’atteindre 500 Mbps de débit de données en lien montant et 100 Mbps de débit de données de lien descendant. Il est entièrement intégré dans un procédé TSMC CMOS 0.18 um standard et possède une taille totale de 0.8 mm2. La consommation totale d’énergie mesurée est de 10.4 mW (5 mW pour RX et 5.4 mW pour TX au taux de 500 Mbps).In recent years, there has been major progress on implantable biomedical systems that support most of the functionalities of wireless implantable devices. Nevertheless, these devices remain mostly restricted to be commercialized, in part due to weakness of a straightforward design to support the required functionalities, limitation on miniaturization, and lack of a reliable low-power high data rate interface between implants and external devices. This research provides novel strategies on the design of implantable biomedical devices that addresses these limitations by presenting analysis and techniques for wireless power transfer and efficient data transfer. The first part of this research includes our proposed novel resonance-based multicoil inductive power link structure with uniform power distribution to wirelessly power up smart animal research systems and implanted medical devices with high power efficiency and free positioning capability. The proposed structure consists of a multicoil resonance inductive link, which primary resonator array is made of several identical resonators enclosed in a scalable array of overlapping square coils that are connected in parallel and arranged in power surface (2D) and power chamber (3D) configurations. The proposed chamber uses two arrays of primary resonators, facing each other, and connected in parallel to achieve uniform power distribution in 3D. Each surface includes 9 overlapped coils connected in parallel and implemented into two layers of FR4 printed circuit board. The chamber features a natural power localization mechanism, which simplifies its implementation and eases its operation by avoiding the need for active detection of the load location and power control mechanisms. A single power surface based on the proposed approach can provide a power transfer efficiency (PTE) of 69% and a power delivered to the load (PDL) of 120 mW, for a separation distance of 4 cm, whereas the complete chamber prototype provides a uniform PTE of 59% and a PDL of 100 mW in 3D, everywhere inside the chamber with a chamber size of 27×27×16 cm3. The second part of this research includes our proposed novel, fully-integrated, low-power fullduplex transceiver (FDT) to support bi-directional neural interfacing applications (stimulating and recording) with asymmetric data rates: higher rates are required for recording (uplink signals) than stimulation (downlink signals). The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) share a single antenna to reduce implant size. The TX uses impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) based on an edge combining approach, and the RX uses a novel 2.4-GHz on-off keying (OOK) receiver. Proper isolation (> 20 dB) between the TX and RX path is implemented 1) by shaping the transmitted pulses to fall within the unregulated UWB spectrum (3.1-7 GHz), and 2) by space-efficient filtering (avoiding a circulator or diplexer) of the downlink OOK spectrum in the RX low-noise amplifier (LNA). The UWB 3.1-7 GHz transmitter using OOK and binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulations at only 10.8 pJ/bit. The proposed FDT provides dual band 500 Mbps TX uplink data rate and 100 Mbps RX downlink data rate. It is fully integrated on standard TSMC 0.18 nm CMOS within a total size of 0.8 mm2. The total power consumption measured 10.4 mW (5 mW for RX and 5.4 mW for TX at the rate of 500 Mbps)

    System level design of a full-duplex wireless transceiver for brain-machine interfaces

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    We propose a new wireless communication architecture for implanted systems that simultaneously stimulates neurons and record neural responses. This architecture can support large numbers of electrodes (>500), providing 100 Mb/s for the downlink of stimulation signals, and gigabits per second for the uplink of neural recordings. We propose a full-duplex transceiver architecture that shares one antenna for both the ultrawideband (UWB) and the 2.45-GHz industrial, scientific, and medical band. A new pulse shaper is used for the gigabits per second uplink to simplify the transceiver design, while supporting several modulation formats with high data rates. To validate our system-level design for brain-machine interfaces, we present an ex-vivo experimental demonstration of the architecture. While the system design is for an integrated solution, the proof-of-concept demonstration uses discrete components. Good bit error rate performance over a biological channel at 0.5-, 1-, and 2-Gb/s data rates for uplink telemetry (UWB) and 100 Mb/s for downlink telemetry (2.45-GHz band) are achieved

    Design of Wireless Power Transfer and Data Telemetry System for Biomedical Applications

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    With the advancement of biomedical instrumentation technologies sensor based remote healthcare monitoring system is gaining more attention day by day. In this system wearable and implantable sensors are placed outside or inside of the human body. Certain sensors are needed to be placed inside the human body to acquire the information on the vital physiological phenomena such as glucose, lactate, pH, oxygen, etc. These implantable sensors have associated circuits for sensor signal processing and data transmission. Powering the circuit is always a crucial design issue. Batteries cannot be used in implantable sensors which can come in contact with the blood resulting in serious health risks. An alternate approach is to supply power wirelessly for tether-less and battery- less operation of the circuits.Inductive power transfer is the most common method of wireless power transfer to the implantable sensors. For good inductive coupling, the inductors should have high inductance and high quality factor. But the physical dimensions of the implanted inductors cannot be large due to a number of biomedical constraints. Therefore, there is a need for small sized and high inductance, high quality factor inductors for implantable sensor applications. In this work, design of a multi-spiral solenoidal printed circuit board (PCB) inductor for biomedical application is presented. The targeted frequency for power transfer is 13.56 MHz which is within the license-free industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) band. A figure of merit based optimization technique has been utilized to optimize the PCB inductors. Similar principal is applied to design on-chip inductor which could be a potential solution for further miniaturization of the implantable system. For layered human tissue the optimum frequency of power transfer is 1 GHz for smaller coil size. For this reason, design and optimization of multi-spiral solenoidal integrated inductors for 1 GHz frequency is proposed. Finally, it is demonstrated that the proposed inductors exhibit a better overall performance in comparison with the conventional inductors for biomedical applications

    High-performance wireless interface for implant-to-air communications

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    Nous élaborons une interface cerveau-machine (ICM) entièrement sans fil afin de fournir un système de liaison directe entre le cerveau et les périphériques externes, permettant l’enregistrement et la stimulation du cerveau pour une utilisation permanente. Au cours de cette thèse, nous explorons la modélisation de canal, les antennes implantées et portables en tant que propagateurs appropriés pour cette application, la conception du nouveau système d’un émetteur-récepteur UWB implantable, la conception niveau système du circuit et sa mise en oeuvre par un procédé CMOS TSMC 0.18 um. En plus, en collaboration avec Université McGill, nous avons conçu un réseau de seize antennes pour une détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences. Notre première contribution calcule la caractérisation de canal de liaison sans fil UWB d’implant à l’air, l’absorption spécifique moyennée (ASAR), et les lignes directrices de la FCC sur la densité spectrale de puissance UWB transmis. La connaissance du comportement du canal est nécessaire pour déterminer la puissance maximale permise à 1) respecter les lignes directrices ANSI pour éviter des dommages aux tissus et 2) respecter les lignes directrices de la FCC sur les transmissions non autorisées. Nous avons recours à un modèle réaliste du canal biologique afin de concevoir les antennes pour l’émetteur implanté et le récepteur externe. Le placement des antennes est examiné avec deux scénarios contrastés ayant des contraintés de puissance. La performance du système au sein des tissus biologiques est examinée par l’intermédiaire des simulations et des expériences. Notre deuxième contribution est dédiée à la conception des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes d’enregistrement neural sans fil à bande ultra-large en utilisant un modèle multicouches inhomogène de la tête humaine. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à l’implantation ; nous étudions des matériaux à la fois flexibles et rigides et examinons des compromis de performance. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une plage de fréquence de 2-11 GHz (ayant S11-dessous de -10 dB) couvrant à la fois la bande 2.45 GHz (ISM) et la bande UWB 3.1-10.6 GHz. Des mesures confirment les résultats de simulation et montrent que les antennes flexibles ont peu de dégradation des performances en raison des effets de flexion (en termes de correspondance d’impédance). Finalement, une comparaison est réalisée entre quatre antennes implantables, couvrant la gamme 2-11 GHz : 1) une rigide, à la polarisation simple, 2) une rigide, à double polarisation, 3) une flexible, à simple polarisation et 4) une flexible, à double polarisation. Dans tous les cas une antenne rigide est utilisée à l’extérieur du corps, avec une polarisation appropriée. Plusieurs avantages ont été confirmés pour les antennes à la polarisation double : 1) une taille plus petite, 2) la sensibilité plus faible aux désalignements angulaires, et 3) une plus grande fidélité. Notre troisième contribution fournit la conception niveau système de l’architecture de communication sans fil pour les systèmes implantés qui stimulent simultanément les neurones et enregistrent les réponses de neurones. Cette architecture prend en charge un grand nombre d’électrodes (> 500), fournissant 100 Mb/s pour des signaux de stimulation de liaison descendante, et Gb/s pour les enregistrements de neurones de liaison montante. Nous proposons une architecture d’émetteur-récepteur qui partage une antenne ultra large bande, un émetteur-récepteur simplifié, travaillant en duplex intégral sur les deux bandes, et un nouveau formeur d’impulsions pour la liaison montante du Gb/s soutenant plusieurs formats de modulation. Nous présentons une démonstration expérimentale d’ex vivo de l’architecture en utilisant des composants discrets pour la réalisation les taux Gb/s en liaison montante. Une bonne performance de taux d’erreur de bit sur un canal biologique à 0,5, 1 et 2 Gb/s des débits de données pour la télémétrie de liaison montante (UWB) et 100 Mb/s pour la télémétrie en liaison descendante (bande 2.45 GHz) est atteinte. Notre quatrième contribution présente la conception au niveau du circuit d’un dispositif d’émission en duplex total qui est présentée dans notre troisième contribution. Ce dispositif d’émission en duplex total soutient les applications d’interfaçage neural multimodal et en haute densité (les canaux de stimulant et d’enregistrement) avec des débits de données asymétriques. L’émetteur (TX) et le récepteur (RX) partagent une seule antenne pour réduire la taille de l’implant. Le TX utilise impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) basé sur une approche alliant des bords, et le RX utilise un nouveau 2.4 GHz récepteur on-off keying (OOK).Une bonne isolation (> 20 dB) entre le trajet TX et RX est mis en oeuvre 1) par mise en forme des impulsions transmises pour tomber dans le spectre UWB non réglementé (3.1-7 GHz), et 2) par un filtrage espace-efficace du spectre de liaison descendante OOK dans un amplificateur à faible bruit RX. L’émetteur UWB 3.1-7 GHz peut utiliser soit OOK soit la modulation numérique binaire à déplacement de phase (BPSK). Le FDT proposé offre une double bande avec un taux de données de liaison montante de 500 Mbps TX et un taux de données de liaison descendante de 100 Mb/s RX, et il est entièrement en conformité avec les standards TSMC 0.18 um CMOS dans un volume total de 0,8 mm2. Ainsi, la mesure de consommation d’énergie totale en mode full duplex est de 10,4 mW (5 mW à 100 Mb/s pour RX, et de 5,4 mW à 500 Mb/s ou 10,8 PJ / bits pour TX). Notre cinquième contribution est une collaboration avec l’Université McGill dans laquelle nous concevons des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes de détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences sans fil en utilisant un modèle multi-couche et inhomogène du sein humain. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à des applications portables. Les antennes flexibles miniaturisées monopôles et spirales sur un 50 um Kapton polyimide sont conçus, en utilisant high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), à être en contact avec des tissus biologiques du sein. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une gamme de fréquences de 2 à 4 GHz. Les mesures montrent que les antennes flexibles ont une bonne adaptation d’impédance dans les différentes positions sur le sein. De Plus, deux antennes à bande ultralarge flexibles 4 × 4 (simple et à double polarisation), dans un format similaire à celui d’un soutien-gorge, ont été développés pour un système de détection du cancer du sein basé sur le radar.We are working on a fully wireless brain-machine-interface to provide a communication link between the brain and external devices, enabling recording and stimulating the brain for permanent usage. In this thesis we explore channel modeling, implanted and wearable antennas as suitable propagators for this application, system level design of an implantable UWB transceiver, and circuit level design and implementing it by TSMC 0.18 um CMOS process. Also, in a collaboration project with McGill University, we designed a flexible sixteen antenna array for microwave breast cancer detection. Our first contribution calculates channel characteristics of implant-to-air UWB wireless link, average specific absorption rate (ASAR), and FCC guidelines on transmitted UWB power spectral density. Knowledge of channel behavior is required to determine the maximum allowable power to 1) respect ANSI guidelines for avoiding tissue damage and 2) respect FCC guidelines on unlicensed transmissions. We utilize a realistic model of the biological channel to inform the design of antennas for the implanted transmitter and the external receiver. Antennas placement is examined under two scenarios having contrasting power constraints. Performance of the system within the biological tissues is examined via simulations and experiments. Our second contribution deals with designing single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband neural recording systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human head. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to implantation; we investigate both flexible and rigid materials and examine performance trade-offs. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–11 GHz (having S11 below -10 dB) covering both the 2.45 GHz (ISM) band and the 3.1–10.6 GHz UWB band. Measurements confirm simulation results showing flexible antennas have little performance degradation due to bending effects (in terms of impedance matching). Finally, a comparison is made of four implantable antennas covering the 2-11 GHz range: 1) rigid, single polarization, 2) rigid, dual polarization, 3) flexible, single polarization and 4) flexible, dual polarization. In all cases a rigid antenna is used outside the body, with an appropriate polarization. Several advantages were confirmed for dual polarization antennas: 1) smaller size, 2) lower sensitivity to angular misalignments, and 3) higher fidelity. Our third contribution provides system level design of wireless communication architecture for implanted systems that simultaneously stimulate neurons and record neural responses. This architecture supports large numbers of electrodes (> 500), providing 100 Mb/s for the downlink of stimulation signals, and Gb/s for the uplink neural recordings. We propose a transceiver architecture that shares one ultra-wideband antenna, a streamlined transceiver working at full-duplex on both bands, and a novel pulse shaper for the Gb/s uplink supporting several modulation formats. We present an ex-vivo experimental demonstration of the architecture using discrete components achieving Gb/s uplink rates. Good bit error rate performance over a biological channel at 0.5, 1, and 2 Gbps data rates for uplink telemetry (UWB) and 100 Mbps for downlink telemetry (2.45 GHz band) is achieved. Our fourth contribution presents circuit level design of the novel full-duplex transceiver (FDT) which is presented in our third contribution. This full-duplex transceiver supports high-density and multimodal neural interfacing applications (high-channel count stimulating and recording) with asymmetric data rates. The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) share a single antenna to reduce implant size. The TX uses impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) based on an edge combining approach, and the RX uses a novel 2.4-GHz on-off keying (OOK) receiver. Proper isolation (> 20 dB) between the TX and RX path is implemented 1) by shaping the transmitted pulses to fall within the unregulated UWB spectrum (3.1-7 GHz), and 2) by spaceefficient filtering (avoiding a circulator or diplexer) of the downlink OOK spectrum in the RX low-noise amplifier. The UWB 3.1-7 GHz transmitter can use either OOK or binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation schemes. The proposed FDT provides dual band 500-Mbps TX uplink data rate and 100 Mbps RX downlink data rate, and it is fully integrated into standard TSMC 0.18 um CMOS within a total size of 0.8 mm2. The total measured power consumption is 10.4 mW in full duplex mode (5 mW at 100 Mbps for RX, and 5.4 mW at 500 Mbps or 10.8 pJ/bit for TX). Our fifth contribution is a collaboration project with McGill University which we design single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband breast cancer detection systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human breast. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to wearable applications. Miniaturized flexible monopole and spiral antennas on a 50 um Kapton polyimide are designed, using a high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), to be in contact with biological breast tissues. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–4 GHz (with reflection coefficient (S11) below -10 dB). Measurements show that the flexible antennas have good impedance matching while in different positions with different curvature around the breast. Furthermore, two flexible conformal 4×4 ultra-wideband antenna arrays (single and dual polarization), in a format similar to that of a bra, were developed for a radar-based breast cancer detection system

    A Fully Implantable Opto-Electro Closed-Loop Neural Interface for Motor Neuron Disease Studies

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    This paper presents a fully implantable closed-loop device for use in freely moving rodents to investigate new treatments for motor neuron disease. The 0.18 µm CMOS integrated circuit comprises 4 stimulators, each featuring 16 channels for optical and electrical stimulation using arbitrary current waveforms at frequencies from 1.5 Hz to 50 kHz, and a bandwidth programmable front-end for neural recording. The implant uses a Qi wireless inductive link which can deliver >100 mW power at a maximum distance of 2 cm for a freely moving rodent. A backup rechargeable battery can support 10 mA continuous stimulation currents for 2.5 hours in the absence of an inductive power link. The implant is controlled by a graphic user interface with broad programmable parameters via a Bluetooth low energy bidirectional data telemetry link. The encapsulated implant is 40 mm × 20 mm × 10 mm. Measured results are presented showing the electrical performance of the electronics and the packaging method

    An efficient telemetry system for restoring sight

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    PhD ThesisThe human nervous system can be damaged as a result of disease or trauma, causing conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Most people try pharmaceuticals as a primary method of treatment. However, drugs cannot restore some cases, such as visual disorder. Alternatively, this impairment can be treated with electronic neural prostheses. A retinal prosthesis is an example of that for restoring sight, but it is not efficient and only people with retinal pigmentosa benefit from it. In such treatments, stimulation of the nervous system can be achieved by electrical or optical means. In the latter case, the nerves need to be rendered light sensitive via genetic means (optogenetics). High radiance photonic devices are then required to deliver light to the target tissue. Such optical approaches hold the potential to be more effective while causing less harm to the brain tissue. As these devices are implanted in tissue, wireless means need to be used to communicate with them. For this, IEEE 802.15.6 or Bluetooth protocols at 2.4GHz are potentially compatible with most advanced electronic devices, and are also safe and secure. Also, wireless power delivery can operate the implanted device. In this thesis, a fully wireless and efficient visual cortical stimulator was designed to restore the sight of the blind. This system is likely to address 40% of the causes of blindness. In general, the system can be divided into two parts, hardware and software. Hardware parts include a wireless power transfer design, the communication device, power management, a processor and the control unit, and the 3D design for assembly. The software part contains the image simplification, image compression, data encoding, pulse modulation, and the control system. Real-time video streaming is processed and sent over Bluetooth, and data are received by the LPC4330 six layer implanted board. After retrieving the compressed data, the processed data are again sent to the implanted electrode/optrode to stimulate the brain’s nerve cells