378 research outputs found

    Pilot-aided estimation and equalisation of a Radio-over-Fibre system in Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

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    In this study, the impact of a Radio-over-Fibre (RoF) subsystem on the capacity performance of wideband code division multiple access is evaluated. This study investigates the use of pilot-aided channel estimation to compensate for the optical subsystem non-linearities for different channel conditions, estimation intervals and coding schemes. The results show that pilot-aided channel estimation is an effective method for compensating the composite impairments of the optical subsystem and the radio frequency (RF) channel. It is found that there is always a suitable pilot power level which maximises the system capacity performance regardless of coding scheme and channel condition. Also, the peak capacity is only slightly affected by a decrease in the estimation interval

    Spatial filtering for pilot-aided WCDMA systems: a semi-blind subspace approach

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    This paper proposes a spatial filtering technique for the reception of pilot-aided multirate multicode direct-sequence code division multiple access (DS/CDMA) systems such as wideband CDMA (WCDMA). These systems introduce a code-multiplexed pilot sequence that can be used for the estimation of the filter weights, but the presence of the traffic signal (transmitted at the same time as the pilot sequence) corrupts that estimation and degrades the performance of the filter significantly. This is caused by the fact that although the traffic and pilot signals are usually designed to be orthogonal, the frequency selectivity of the channel degrades this orthogonality at hte receiving end. Here, we propose a semi-blind technique that eliminates the self-noise caused by the code-multiplexing of the pilot. We derive analytically the asymptotic performance of both the training-only and the semi-blind techniques and compare them with the actual simulated performance. It is shown, both analytically and via simulation, that high gains can be achieved with respect to training-onlybased techniques.Peer Reviewe

    Receiver algorithms that enable multi-mode baseband terminals

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    Advanced receivers for high data rate mobile communications

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    Improving the spectral efficiency is a key issue in the future wireless communication systems since the spectrum is a scarce resource. Both the number of users as well the demanded data rates are increasing all the time. Furthermore, in mobile communications the wireless link is required to be reliable even when the mobile is in a fast moving vehicle. Using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas is a well known technique to provide higher spectral efficiency as well as better link reliability. Additionally, higher order modulation methods can be used to provide higher data rates. In order to benefit from these enhancements in practise, sophisticated signal processing methods as well as accurate estimates of time-varying wireless channel parameters are needed. This thesis addresses the problem of designing multi-antenna receivers in high data rate systems. The case of multiple transmit antennas is also considered. System specific features of High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which is part of 3rd generation (3G) Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) evolution are exploited in channel estimation methods and in MIMO receiver design. Additionally, complexity reduction methods for Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalization are addressed. Blind channel estimation methods are spectrally efficient, since no extra resources are needed for pilot signals. However, in mobile communications accurate estimates are needed also in fast fading channels. Consequently, semi-blind channel estimation methods where the receiver combines blind and pilot based channel estimation are an appealing alternative. In this thesis blind and semi-blind channel estimation methods based on knowledge of multiple spreading codes are derived. A novel semi-blind combining scheme for code multiplexed pilot signal and blind estimation is proposed. Another important factor in receiver design criteria is the structure of interference in the received signals. Interference mitigation techniques in MIMO systems have been shown to be potential methods for providing improved performance. A chip level inter-antenna interference cancellation method has been developed in this thesis for HSDPA. Furthermore, this multi-stage ordered interference canceler is combined with the semi-blind channel estimation scheme to enhance the system performance further.Langattomassa tiedonsiirrossa radiospektrin tehokas käyttö on tulevaisuuden suuria haasteita. Taajuuksia on käytössä vain rajoitetusti, kun taas käyttäjien määrä sekä vaaditut siirtonopeudet kasvavat jatkuvasti. Lisäksi langattomien yhteyksien on toimittava luotettavasti myös nopeasti liikkuvissa kulkuneuvoissa. Moniantennijärjestelmät, joissa on useita antenneita sekä tukiasemissa että päätelaitteissa mahdollistavat radiospektrin tehokkaamman käytön sekä parantavat yhteyksien laatua. Tiedonsiirtonopeutta voidaan myös kasvattaa erilaisilla modulaatiotekniikoilla. Hyötyjen saavutamiseksi käytännössä tarvitaan sekä kehittyneitä vastaanotinrakenteita että tarkkoja estimaatteja aikamuuttuvasta radiokanavasta. Tässä työssä on kehitetty vastaanotinrakenteita ja kanavan estimointimenetelmiä kolmannen sukupolven (3G) nopeiden datayhteyksien (HSPA) järjestelmissä. Työssä on johdettu menetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät HSPA järjestelmien erikoispiirteitä tehokkaasti. Lisäksi on kehitetty laskennallisesti tehokkaita menetelmiä vastaanottimien signaalinkäsittelyyn. Ns. sokeat menetelmät mahdollistavat taajuuskaistan tehokkaan käytön, koska ne eivät vaadi tunnettuja harjoitussignaaleja. Mobiileissa tietolikennejärjestelmissä radiokanava saattaa kuitenkin muuttua hyvin nopeasti, jonka vuoksi kanavan estimoinnissa on tyypillisesti hyödynnetty tunnettua pilottisignaalia. Yhdistämällä pilottipohjainen ja sokea kanavaestimointimenetelmä, voidaan saavuttaa molempien menetelmien edut. Tässä työssä kehitettiin sokeita kanavaestimointimenetelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät useita tunnettuja hajoituskoodeja. Sokean ja koodijakoiseen pilottisignaaliin pohjautuvien kanavan estimaattien yhdistämiseksi kehitettiin uusi menetelmä. Signaalin laatua ja siten vastaanottimen suorituskykyä voidaan langattomissa järjestelmissä parantaa vaimentamalla interferenssiä eli häiriöitä. Vastaanottimen toimintaa voidaan tehostaa oleellisesti, jos häiriösignaalin rakenne tunnetaan. Käytettäessä useampaa lähetysantennia HSPA järjestelmissä vastaanotetussa signaalissa olevia häiriötä voidaan kumota usealla eri tasolla. Tässä työssä on kehitetty chippitasolla häiriöitä kumoava vastaanotinrakenne, joka hyödyntää HSPA järjestelmän ominaisuuksia. Vastaanottimen suorituskykyä on edelleen parannettu yhdistämällä se aiemmin esitettyyn puolisokeaan kanavan estimointimenetelmään.reviewe

    EVEREST IST - 2002 - 00185 : D23 : final report

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    Deliverable públic del projecte europeu EVERESTThis deliverable constitutes the final report of the project IST-2002-001858 EVEREST. After its successful completion, the project presents this document that firstly summarizes the context, goal and the approach objective of the project. Then it presents a concise summary of the major goals and results, as well as highlights the most valuable lessons derived form the project work. A list of deliverables and publications is included in the annex.Postprint (published version

    Improved decoder metrics for DS-CDMA in practical 3G systems

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    While 4G mobile networks have been deployed since 2008. In several of the more developed markets, 3G mobile networks are still growing with 3G having the largest market -in terms of number of users- by 2019. 3G networks are based on Direct- Sequence Code-Division Multiple-Access (DS-CDMA). DS-CDMA suffers mainly from the Multiple Access Interference (MAI) and fading. Multi-User Detectors (MUDs) and Error Correcting Codes (ECCs) are the primary means to combat MAI and fading. MUDs, however, suffer from high complexity, including most of sub-optimal algorithms. Hence, most commercial implementations still use conventional single-user matched filter detectors. This thesis proposes improved channel decoder metrics for enhancing uplink performance in 3G systems. The basic idea is to model the MAI as conditionally Gaussian, instead of Gaussian, conditioned on the users’ cross-correlations and/or the channel fading coefficients. The conditioning implies a time-dependent variance that provides enhanced reliability estimates at the decoder inputs. We derive improved log-likelihood ratios (ILLRs) for bit- and chip- asynchronous multipath fading channels. We show that while utilizing knowledge of all users’ code sequences for the ILLR metric is very complicated in chip-asynchronous reception, a simplified expression relying on truncated group delay results in negligible performance loss. We also derive an expression for the error probability using the standard Gaussian approximation for asynchronous channels for the widely used raised cosine pule shaping. Our study framework considers practical 3G systems, with finite interleaving, correlated multipath fading channel models, practical pulse shaping, and system parameters obtained from CDMA2000 standard. Our results show that for the fully practical cellular uplink channel, the performance advantage due to ILLRs is significant and approaches 3 dB

    Blind user detection in doubly-dispersive DS/CDMA channels

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    In this work, we consider the problem of detecting the presence of a new user in a direct-sequence/code-division-multiple-access (DS/CDMA) system with a doubly-dispersive fading channel, and we propose a novel blind detection strategy which only requires knowledge of the spreading code of the user to be detected, but no prior information as to the time-varying channel impulse response and the structure of the multiaccess interference. The proposed detector has a bounded constant false alarm rate (CFAR) under the design assumptions, while providing satisfactory detection performance even in the presence of strong cochannel interference and high user mobility.Comment: Accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Advanced mobile network monitoring and automated optimization methods

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    The operation of mobile networks is a complex task with the networks serving a large amount of subscribers with both voice and data services, containing extensive sets of elements, generating extensive amounts of measurement data and being controlled by a large amount of parameters. The objective of this thesis was to ease the operation of mobile networks by introducing advanced monitoring and automated optimization methods. In the monitoring domain the thesis introduced visualization and anomaly detection methods that were applied to detect intrusions, mal-functioning network elements and cluster network elements to do parameter optimization on network-element-cluster level. A key component in the monitoring methods was the Self-Organizing Map. In the automated optimization domain several rule-based Wideband CDMA radio access parameter optimization methods were introduced. The methods tackled automated optimization in areas such as admission control, handover control and mobile base station cell size setting. The results from test usage of the monitoring methods indicated good performance and simulations indicated that the automated optimization methods enable significant improvements in mobile network performance. The presented methods constitute promising feature candidates for the mobile network management system.reviewe