7 research outputs found

    Lightweight Adaptation of Classifiers to Users and Contexts: Trends of the Emerging Domain

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    Intelligent computer applications need to adapt their behaviour to contexts and users, but conventional classifier adaptation methods require long data collection and/or training times. Therefore classifier adaptation is often performed as follows: at design time application developers define typical usage contexts and provide reasoning models for each of these contexts, and then at runtime an appropriate model is selected from available ones. Typically, definition of usage contexts and reasoning models heavily relies on domain knowledge. However, in practice many applications are used in so diverse situations that no developer can predict them all and collect for each situation adequate training and test databases. Such applications have to adapt to a new user or unknown context at runtime just from interaction with the user, preferably in fairly lightweight ways, that is, requiring limited user effort to collect training data and limited time of performing the adaptation. This paper analyses adaptation trends in several emerging domains and outlines promising ideas, proposed for making multimodal classifiers user-specific and context-specific without significant user efforts, detailed domain knowledge, and/or complete retraining of the classifiers. Based on this analysis, this paper identifies important application characteristics and presents guidelines to consider these characteristics in adaptation design

    Metric learning for sequences in relational LVQ

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    Mokbel B, PaaĂźen B, Schleif F-M, Hammer B. Metric learning for sequences in relational LVQ. Neurocomputing. 2015;169(SI):306-322.Metric learning constitutes a well-investigated field for vectorial data with successful applications, e.g. in computer vision, information retrieval, or bioinformatics. One particularly promising approach is offered by low-rank metric adaptation integrated into modern variants of learning vector quantization (LVQ). This technique is scalable with respect to both data dimensionality and the number of data points, and it can be accompanied by strong guarantees of learning theory. Recent extensions of LVQ to general (dis-)similarity data have paved the way towards LVQ classifiers for non-vectorial, possibly discrete, structured objects such as sequences, which are addressed by classical alignment in bioinformatics applications. In this context, the choice of metric parameters plays a crucial role for the result, just as it does in the vectorial setting. In this contribution, we propose a metric learning scheme which allows for an autonomous learning of parameters (such as the underlying scoring matrix in sequence alignments) according to a given discriminative task in relational LVQ. Besides facilitating the often crucial and problematic choice of the scoring parameters in applications, this extension offers an increased interpretability of the results by pointing out structural invariances for the given task