75,036 research outputs found

    Augmented reality mobile app development for all

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    Lack of programming skills is a barrier to the engagement of teachers in the development and customisation of their own applications. Visual Environment for Designing Interactive Learning Scenarios (VEDILS), a visual tool for designing, customising and deploying learning technologies, provides teachers with a development environment with a low entry threshold. Current mobile devices are equipped with sensors and have sufficient processing power to use augmented reality technologies. Despite the heavy use of mobile devices in students’ lives, the use of augmented reality mobile applications as learning tools is not widespread among teachers. The current work presents a framework comprising the development tool and a method for designing and deploying learning activities. It focuses on the augmented reality components of the authoring tools, which allow users to create their own mobile augmented reality learning apps. It also present the results of the evaluation of the framework with 47 third-level educators, and two case studies of classroom implementations of mobile augmented reality apps developed by these educators. The results illustrate the suitability of the framework and authoring tool for supporting users without programming skills in developing their own apps

    Implementation of mobile augmented reality on physics learning in junior high school students

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    Technology has an essential role in the educational field. Technology-based mobile has the potential to improve education through Augmented Reality (AR). This study investigates the effect of mobile augmented reality on physics learning achievement and students' opinions on using this technology. The study used a convergent parallel pattern from mixed-method models in which quantitative and qualitative data are collected simultaneously and analyzed independently. The study participants are 64 (7th-grade students) who are learning solar system concepts at one of the junior high schools in West Java Province, Indonesia. This study collects pre- and post-test data as quantitative data to analyze students' learning achievement using the normalized gain score. The result showed that the students using mobile augmented reality have higher criteria for learning achievement than those using textbooks. The qualitative data was collected from interviewed students after using mobile augmented reality and analyzing using descriptive analysis. The results of the student opinion state that augmented reality is a new learning environment that effectively helps them understand physics concepts, enhances students' learning achievement and helps concretize abstract concepts through visual 3D simulations. Moreover, according to the study, students find it easier to understand physics concepts after using mobile augmented reality

    Using metacognitive monitoring feedback to improve student learning in augmented reality environments

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    This research aims to use metacognitive monitoring feedback to improve student learning performance in an augmented reality environment. In this study, Microsoft HoloLens, a prominent augmented reality device and independent mobile computer, provided a more realistic augmented reality environment to engineering students. The near field electromagnetic ranging system collected students' real-time location data when they experienced the augmented reality learning modules. In Phase 1, the study utilized one of the topics in the Ergonomic class, called manual material handling. The Phase 1 experiment results showed that retrospective confidence judgments in augmented reality modules could significantly influence the way students learn when the contents require a high level of spatial awareness during content learning. Therefore, Phase 2 research considered specific engineering education related to spatial recognition. For Phase 2, the location-based augmented reality system was developed to improve user interaction. The augmented reality learning module was biomechanics: one of the Ergonomic class problematic concepts to engineering students. This new location-based augmented reality system allowed students to immerse themselves in the studying process and improved student engagement of hands-on training in an augmented reality environment. Metacognitive monitoring feedback was another tool applied to improve students' learning performance. Student test scores, confidence level, answering time, and reviewing time were collected as metrics for performance assessment during the experiment. Overall, Phases 1 and 2 study outcomes advanced our understanding of students' interactions and the learning content in an augmented reality learning environment. This study also provided a guideline for how engineers need to develop valuable learning content in augmented reality 'environments. Furthermore, using a metacognitive monitoring feedback tool in an augmented reality learning environment is an effective strategy to improve students' academic performance and calibration.Includes bibliographical references (pages 93-108)

    Mobile Augmented Reality Elements for Museum Hearing Impaired Visitors’ Engagement

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    There is an increase attention on the provision of the ideal learning environment for museum visitors. This has made researchers to employ the concept of engagement in designing Mobile Augmented Reality application in order to attract museum visitors’ interest and ensure a more effective learning environment. However, most of the Mobile Augmented Reality applications for museum visitors are largely tailored to normal hearing visitors while the hearing-impaired visitors are not supported. This makes hearing-impaired visitors to go through unpalatable experiences and eventually dissatisfy with their visit to the museum. This experience is making learning impossible for hearing-impaired visitors at the museum sites. Therefore, this study explored engagement Mobile Augmented Reality elements that are needed for the design of an efficient museum Mobile Augmented Reality application for hearing impaired visitors’. The study employed both systematic literature review and expert opinion methods. The findings revealed that there are eleven major elements of engagement Mobile Augmented Reality needed for the design of an efficient museum Mobile Augmented Reality app for hearing impaired visitors’. These eleven elements include Aesthetics, Curiosity, Usability, Interaction, Motivation, Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, Perceived Control, Enjoyment, Focused Attention and Interest. This paper argues that for an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community most especially hearing-impaired visitors to museum sites these eleven elements are critical. This finding will help Mobile Augmented Reality designers and developers on how to design an efficient and engaged Mobile Augmented Reality app for the hearing-impaired community at large and museum hearing-impaired visitors’ specifically

    AR-based Technoself Enhanced Learning Approach to Improving Student Engagement

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    The emerging technologies have expanded a new dimension of self – ‘technoself’ driven by socio-technical innovations and taken an important step forward in pervasive learning. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research has increasingly focused on emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) for augmented learning, mobile learning, and game-based learning in order to improve self-motivation and self-engagement of the learners in enriched multimodal learning environments. These researches take advantage of technological innovations in hardware and software across different platforms and devices including tablets, phoneblets and even game consoles and their increasing popularity for pervasive learning with the significant development of personalization processes which place the student at the center of the learning process. In particular, augmented reality (AR) research has matured to a level to facilitate augmented learning, which is defined as an on-demand learning technique where the learning environment adapts to the needs and inputs from learners. In this paper we firstly study the role of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is one of the most influential theories applied in TEL on how learners come to accept and use a new technology. Then we present the design methodology of the technoself approach for pervasive learning and introduce technoself enhanced learning as a novel pedagogical model to improve student engagement by shaping personal learning focus and setting. Furthermore we describe the design and development of an AR-based interactive digital interpretation system for augmented learning and discuss key features. By incorporating mobiles, game simulation, voice recognition, and multimodal interaction through Augmented Reality, the learning contents can be geared toward learner's needs and learners can stimulate discovery and gain greater understanding. The system demonstrates that Augmented Reality can provide rich contextual learning environment and contents tailored for individuals. Augment learning via AR can bridge this gap between the theoretical learning and practical learning, and focus on how the real and virtual can be combined together to fulfill different learning objectives, requirements, and even environments. Finally, we validate and evaluate the AR-based technoself enhanced learning approach to enhancing the student motivation and engagement in the learning process through experimental learning practices. It shows that Augmented Reality is well aligned with constructive learning strategies, as learners can control their own learning and manipulate objects that are not real in augmented environment to derive and acquire understanding and knowledge in a broad diversity of learning practices including constructive activities and analytical activities

    Teaching Cultural Heritage using Mobile Augmented Reality

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    open2noThe relationship between augmented reality, mobile learning, gamification and non-formal education methods provide a great potential. The AR-CIMUVE Augmented Reality for the Walled Cities of the Veneto is an original project in collaboration with Italia Nostra and other associations which deal with transmitting our cultural heritage and which teach primary and middle school children the cultural and historical importance of the Veneto’s and the surrounding territories’ walled cities. In this learning experience students will explore how our environment has developed across the ages using the mobile devices with the technical back-up of the AR App. This will allow them to see maps, examine data, 3D models and will enable them to judge and improve their skills. From a pedagogical and educational point of view the emphasis is on a constructivist social-cultural approach which helps students to become active citizens more aware of their historical identity.openPetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, DanielePetrucco, Corrado; Agostini, Daniel

    Developing students learning motivation in science experiments using mobile augmented reality

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    With the advent of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) technology, it has the potential to be widely used in learning because of its ability to deliver the learning materials from multiple perspectives. This paper aims to propose a combination of concepts derived from the theory of animate vision, multimedia learning principles, constructivism learning theory and Attention, Relevant, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS)motivation theory. This paper recommends the combination of these concepts for an exclusive mobile learning experience through the use of three-dimensional (3D) animated visualization. The literature review method is exploited to construct a state of the art theories and models. The combination of these concepts into the Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) learning environment is expected to improve students’ learning motivation in science experiment. The results of this study are valuable for students, teachers, instructors and researchers interested in applying Mobile Augmented Reality in learning

    FYP AR Book: Let’s Recycle

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    Learning on how to recycle is to be considering as one of the basic knowledge that children should have. Plus, with rapid evolve of technology nowadays mobile applications and augmented reality are merged together that it could be used as one of learning tools for children age of 7 to 9 years old to learn recycling. This document outlines the introduction of the project, literature review study of recycling and augmented reality, methodology and project activities, result and discussion and conclusion of this project. Various methods have been used to introduce the concept of recycling to young children which includes advertisements on different types of media such as television, billboard on highway, newspapers, seminar and talks. Despite these efforts, level of awareness among them is still considerably low. Thus, the habit of recycling, i.e. the transformation of awareness into action among them is almost virtually none. Children still do not know the correct way (how) and the purpose they need to recycle (why). Moreover, interesting tools for the children to learn about recycling is very much lacking. Learning through practical experience is an effective approach to learning. Thus, the main objective of this project is to create awareness among children on the importance of recycling. Furthermore, it is also to evaluate the learning of recycling using an augmented reality and traditional storybook and to introduce the augmented reality to the children. Additionally, this project aims to create recycling awareness through the development of an Augmented Reality (AR) book on Recycling. A mobile AR application and an AR book on recycling were developed using combination of a few different software and open source websites for the project. When both of the mobile application and AR book are used simultaneously, together they creates a fun and interactive environment for learning the concept of recycling which includes “practical experience” through games


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    Мета дослідження: висвітлення особливостей використання технології доповненої реальності у мобільно орієнтованому середовищі навчання ВНЗ.Завдання дослідження: визначити роль та місце технології доповненої реальності у мобільно орієнтованому середовищі навчання, а також можливості використання технології доповненої реальності у навчанні фізики.Об’єкт дослідження: мобільно орієнтоване середовище навчання ВНЗ.Предмет дослідження: технологія доповненої реальності у мобільно орієнтованому середовищі навчання ВНЗ.Використані методи дослідження: теоретичні – аналіз науково-методичної літератури; емпіричні – навчання, спостереження за навчальним процесом.Результати дослідження. На основі аналізу наукових публікацій визначено поняття доповненої реальності. Відмічено, що онлайн-експерименти засобами доповненої реальності надають студентам можливість спостерігати й описувати роботу реальних систем при зміні їхніх параметрів, а також частково замінити експериментальні установки об’єктами доповненої реальності. Розглянуто схему реалізації доповненої реальності. Окремо виділено можливості роботи з об’єктами доповненої реальності у навчанні фізики. Показано, що застосування засобів доповненої реальності надає можливість підвищити реалістичність дослідження; забезпечує емоційний та пізнавальний досвід, що сприяє залученню студентів до систематичного навчання; надає коректні відомості про установку в процесі експериментування; створює нові способи подання реальних об’єктів у процесі навчання.  Research goal: to discuss the specifics of using the augmented reality technology in a mobile-based learning environment of the higher educational institution.Research objectives: to determine the role and place of the technology of augmented reality in a mobile learning environment; to determine the possibilities of using the technology of augmented reality in teaching physics.Object of research: a mobile-based learning environment of the higher educational institution.Subject of research: augmented reality technology as a component of the mobile-based learning environment of the higher educational institution.Research methods used: theoretical – analysis of scientific and methodological literature; empirical – learning and observation of the learning process.Results of the research. The definition of the augmented reality concept is based on the analysis of scientific publications. It is noted that online experiments with augmented reality provide students with the opportunity to observe and describe the operation with real systems by changing their parameters, and also partially replace experimental installations with objects of augmented reality. The scheme for realizing the augmented reality is considered. The possibilities of working with augmented reality objects in teaching physics is highlighted. It is indicated that the use of the augmented reality tools allows to increase the realness of the research; provides emotional and cognitive experience, helps attract students to systematic training; provides correct information about the installation in the process of experimentation; creates new ways of representing real objects in the learning process