15,508 research outputs found

    A study of the durability of beryllium rocket engines

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    For abstract, see N74-35204

    A study of the durability of beryllium rocket engines

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    An experimental test program was performed to demonstrate the durability of a beryllium INTEREGEN rocket engine when operating under conditions simulating the space shuttle reaction control system. A vibration simulator was exposed to the equivalent of 100 missions of X, Y, and Z axes random vibration to demonstrate the integrity of the recently developed injector-to-chamber braze joint. An off-limits engine was hot fired under extreme conditions of mixture ratio, chamber pressure, and orifice plugging. A durability engine was exposed to six environmental cycles interspersed with hot-fire tests without intermediate cleaning, service, or maintenance. Results from this program indicate the ability of the beryllium INTEREGEN engine concept to meet the operational requirements of the space shuttle reaction control system

    Surveyor landing radar test program review Final report

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    Test program evaluation and modifications for Surveyor radar altimeter and Doppler velocity sensor syste

    Space Shuttle 2 Advanced Space Transportation System. Volume 1: Executive Summary

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    An investigation into the feasibility of establishing a second generation space transportation system is summarized. Incorporating successful systems from the Space Shuttle and technological advances made since its conception, the second generation shuttle was designed to be a lower-cost, reliable system which would guarantee access to space well into the next century. A fully reusable, all-liquid propellant booster/orbiter combination using parallel burn was selected as the base configuration. Vehicle characteristics were determined from NASA ground rules and optimization evaluations. The launch profile was constructed from particulars of the vehicle design and known orbital requirements. A stability and control analysis was performed for the landing phase of the orbiter's flight. Finally, a preliminary safety analysis was performed to indicate possible failure modes and consequences

    Debris control design achievements of the booster separation motors

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    The stringent debris control requirements imposed on the design of the Space Shuttle booster separation motor are described along with the verification program implemented to ensure compliance with debris control objectives. The principal areas emphasized in the design and development of the Booster Separation Motor (BSM) relative to debris control were the propellant formulation and nozzle closures which protect the motors from aerodynamic heating and moisture. A description of the motor design requirements, the propellant formulation and verification program, and the nozzle closures design and verification are presented

    Sterilizable Liquid Propulsion System, Part 1 Final Report, 5 Oct. 1966 - 31 Mar. 1968

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    Exposure of assembled and fueled bipropellant liquid propulsion system to ethylene oxid

    Planetary explorer liquid propulsion study

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    An analytical evaluation of several candidate monopropellant hydrazine propulsion system approaches is conducted in order to define the most suitable configuration for the combined velocity and attitude control system for the Planetary Explorer spacecraft. Both orbiter and probe-type missions to the planet Venus are considered. The spacecraft concept is that of a Delta launched spin-stabilized vehicle. Velocity control is obtained through preprogrammed pulse-mode firing of the thrusters in synchronism with the spacecraft spin rate. Configuration selection is found to be strongly influenced by the possible error torques induced by uncertainties in thruster operation and installation. The propulsion systems defined are based on maximum use of existing, qualified components. Ground support equipment requirements are defined and system development testing outlined

    Preliminary performance and life evaluations of a 2-kW arcjet

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    The first results of a program to expand the operational envelope of low-power arcjets to higher specific impulse and power levels are presented. The performance of a kW-class laboratory model arcjet thruster was characterized at three mass flow rates of a 2:1 mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen at power levels ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 kW. This same thruster was then operated for a total of 300 h at a specific impulse and power level of 550 s and 2.0 kW, respectively, in three continuous 100-h sessions. Thruster operation during the three test segments was stable, and no measurable performance degradation was observed during the test series. Substantial cathode erosion was observed during an inspection following the second 100-h test segment. Most notable was the migration of material from the center of the cathode tip to a ring around a large crater. The anode sustained no significant damage during the endurance test segments. Some difficulty was encountered during start-up after disassembly and inspection following the second 100-h test segment, which caused constrictor erosion. This resulted in a reduced flow restriction and arc chamber pressure, which in turn caused a reduction in the arc impedance

    TOPEX satellite concept. TOPEX option study report

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    Candidate bus equipment from the Viking, Applications Explorer Mission, and Small Scientific Satellite programs for application to the TOPEX mission options is assessed. Propulsion module equipment and subsystem candidates from the Applications Explorer Mission satellites and the Small Scientific Satellite spacecraft are evaluated for those TOPEX options. Several subsystem concepts appropriate to the TOPEX options are described. These descriptions consider performance characteristics of the subsystems. Cost and availability information on the candidate equipment and subsystems are also provided