202 research outputs found

    Efficient Dynamic Group Signature Scheme with Verifier Local Revocation and Time-Bound Keys using Lattices

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    Revocation is an important feature of group signature schemes. Verifier Local Revocation (VLR) is a popular revocation mechanism which involves only verifiers in the revocation process. In VLR, a revocation list is maintained to store the information about revoked users. The verification cost of VLR based schemes islinearly proportional to the size of recvocation list. In many applications, the size of revocation list grows with time, which makes the verification process expensive. In this paper, we propose a lattice based dynamic group signature using VLR and time bound keys to reduce the size of revocation list to speed up the verification process. In the proposed scheme, an expiration date is fixed for signing key of each group member, and verifiers can find out (at constantcost) if a signature is generated using an expired key. Hence revocation information of members who are revoked before signing key expiry date (premature revocation) are kept in revocation list, and other members are part of natural revocation. This leads to a significant saving on the revocation check by assuming natural revocation accounts for large fraction of the total revocation. This scheme also takes care of non-forgeability of signing key expiry date

    Pinocchio: Nearly practical verifiable computation

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    Abstract To instill greater confidence in computations outsourced to the cloud, clients should be able to verify the correctness of the results returned. To this end, we introduce Pinocchio, a built system for efficiently verifying general computations while relying only on cryptographic assumptions. With Pinocchio, the client creates a public evaluation key to describe her computation; this setup is proportional to evaluating the computation once. The worker then evaluates the computation on a particular input and uses the evaluation key to produce a proof of correctness. The proof is only 288 bytes, regardless of the computation performed or the size of the inputs and outputs. Anyone can use a public verification key to check the proof. Crucially, our evaluation on seven applications demonstrates that Pinocchio is efficient in practice too. Pinocchio's verification time is typically 10ms: 5-7 orders of magnitude less than previous work; indeed Pinocchio is the first general-purpose system to demonstrate verification cheaper than native execution (for some apps). Pinocchio also reduces the worker's proof effort by an additional 19-60×. As an additional feature, Pinocchio generalizes to zero-knowledge proofs at a negligible cost over the base protocol. Finally, to aid development, Pinocchio provides an end-to-end toolchain that compiles a subset of C into programs that implement the verifiable computation protocol

    Towards Green Computing Oriented Security: A Lightweight Postquantum Signature for IoE

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    [EN] Postquantum cryptography for elevating security against attacks by quantum computers in the Internet of Everything (IoE) is still in its infancy. Most postquantum based cryptosystems have longer keys and signature sizes and require more computations that span several orders of magnitude in energy consumption and computation time, hence the sizes of the keys and signature are considered as another aspect of security by green design. To address these issues, the security solutions should migrate to the advanced and potent methods for protection against quantum attacks and offer energy efficient and faster cryptocomputations. In this context, a novel security framework Lightweight Postquantum ID-based Signature (LPQS) for secure communication in the IoE environment is presented. The proposed LPQS framework incorporates a supersingular isogeny curve to present a digital signature with small key sizes which is quantum-resistant. To reduce the size of the keys, compressed curves are used and the validation of the signature depends on the commutative property of the curves. The unforgeability of LPQS under an adaptively chosen message attack is proved. Security analysis and the experimental validation of LPQS are performed under a realistic software simulation environment to assess its lightweight performance considering embedded nodes. It is evident that the size of keys and the signature of LPQS is smaller than that of existing signature-based postquantum security techniques for IoE. It is robust in the postquantum environment and efficient in terms of energy and computations.This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University. Jeddah. under grant No. (DF-457-156-1441).Rani, R.; Kumar, S.; Kaiwartya, O.; Khasawneh, AM.; Lloret, J.; Al-Khasawneh, MA.; Mahmoud, M.... (2021). Towards Green Computing Oriented Security: A Lightweight Postquantum Signature for IoE. Sensors. 21(5):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/s2105188312021

    A Survey on Exotic Signatures for Post-quantum Blockchain: Challenges and Research Directions

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    Blockchain technology provides efficient and secure solutions to various online activities by utilizing a wide range of cryptographic tools. In this article, we survey the existing literature on post-quantum secure digital signatures that possess exotic advanced features and that are crucial cryptographic tools used in the blockchain ecosystem for (1) account management, (2) consensus efficiency, (3) empowering scriptless blockchain, and (4) privacy. The exotic signatures that we particularly focus on in this work are the following: multi-/aggregate, threshold, adaptor, blind, and ring signatures. Herein the term "exotic"refers to signatures with properties that are not just beyond the norm for signatures, e.g., unforgeability, but also imbue new forms of functionalities. Our treatment of such exotic signatures includes discussions on existing challenges and future research directions in the post-quantum space. We hope that this article will help to foster further research to make post-quantum cryptography more accessible so that blockchain systems can be made ready in advance of the approaching quantum threats


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    The rise of a digital economy has transformed how individuals do business and carry out daily tasks, including how data is maintained. Because of the vast amount of data that organizations own, cloud storage, a component of the cloud computing paradigm, has emerged as a feasible solution to many businesses\u27 data storage concerns. Despite this, organizations are still cautious about moving all of their data to the cloud due to security concerns, particularly since data management is outsourced to third parties. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of current challenges in the field of cloud storage privacy and security, with an emphasis on issues related to data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Using a comprehensive literature study, this research investigates innovative strategies for creating a secure cloud storage environment. The idea of maintaining privacy and data security through the very design of the services, or through the so-called "privacy by design" approach, is explained while avoiding getting into the technical details of how the algorithms and presented solutions work

    Security of IoT in 5G Cellular Networks: A Review of Current Status, Challenges and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a global network that integrates real life physical objects with the virtual world through the Internet for making intelligent decisions. In a pervasive computing environment, thousands of smart devices, that are constrained in storage, battery backup and computational capability, are connected with each other. In such an environment, cellular networks that are evolving from 4G to 5G, are set to play a crucial role. Distinctive features like high bandwidth, wider coverage, easy connectivity, in-built billing mechanism, interface for M2M communication, etc., makes 5G cellular network a perfect candidate to be adopted as a backbone network for the future IoT. However, due to resource constrained nature of the IoT devices, researchers have anticipated several security and privacy issues in IoT deployments over 5G cellular network. Off late, several schemes and protocols have been proposed to handle these issues. This paper performs a comprehensive review of such schemes and protocols proposed in recent times. Different open security issues, challenges and future research direction are also summarized in this review paper

    State of the Art Report: Verified Computation

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    This report describes the state of the art in verifiable computation. The problem being solved is the following: The Verifiable Computation Problem (Verifiable Computing Problem) Suppose we have two computing agents. The first agent is the verifier, and the second agent is the prover. The verifier wants the prover to perform a computation. The verifier sends a description of the computation to the prover. Once the prover has completed the task, the prover returns the output to the verifier. The output will contain proof. The verifier can use this proof to check if the prover computed the output correctly. The check is not required to verify the algorithm used in the computation. Instead, it is a check that the prover computed the output using the computation specified by the verifier. The effort required for the check should be much less than that required to perform the computation. This state-of-the-art report surveys 128 papers from the literature comprising more than 4,000 pages. Other papers and books were surveyed but were omitted. The papers surveyed were overwhelmingly mathematical. We have summarised the major concepts that form the foundations for verifiable computation. The report contains two main sections. The first, larger section covers the theoretical foundations for probabilistically checkable and zero-knowledge proofs. The second section contains a description of the current practice in verifiable computation. Two further reports will cover (i) military applications of verifiable computation and (ii) a collection of technical demonstrators. The first of these is intended to be read by those who want to know what applications are enabled by the current state of the art in verifiable computation. The second is for those who want to see practical tools and conduct experiments themselves.Comment: 54 page

    Hash First, Argue Later: Adaptive Verifiable Computations on Outsourced Data

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    Proof systems for verifiable computation (VC) have the potential to make cloud outsourcing more trustworthy. Recent schemes enable a verifier with limited resources to delegate large computations and verify their outcome based on succinct arguments: verification complexity is linear in the size of the inputs and outputs (not the size of the computation). However, cloud computing also often involves large amounts of data, which may exceed the local storage and I/O capabilities of the verifier, and thus limit the use of VC. In this paper, we investigate multi-relation hash & prove schemes for verifiable computations that operate on succinct data hashes. Hence, the verifier delegates both storage and computation to an untrusted worker. She uploads data and keeps hashes; exchanges hashes with other parties; verifies arguments that consume and produce hashes; and selectively downloads the actual data she needs to access. Existing instantiations that fit our definition either target restricted classes of computations or employ relatively inefficient techniques. Instead, we propose efficient constructions that lift classes of existing arguments schemes for fixed relations to multi-relation hash & prove schemes. Our schemes (1) rely on hash algorithms that run linearly in the size of the input; (2) enable constant-time verification of arguments on hashed inputs; (3) incur minimal overhead for the prover. Their main benefit is to amortize the linear cost for the verifier across all relations with shared I/O. Concretely, compared to solutions that can be obtained from prior work, our new hash & prove constructions yield a 1,400x speed-up for provers. We also explain how to further reduce the linear verification costs by partially outsourcing the hash computation itself, obtaining a 480x speed-up when applied to existing VC schemes, even on single-relation executions

    Research Philosophy of Modern Cryptography

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    Proposing novel cryptography schemes (e.g., encryption, signatures, and protocols) is one of the main research goals in modern cryptography. In this paper, based on more than 800 research papers since 1976 that we have surveyed, we introduce the research philosophy of cryptography behind these papers. We use ``benefits and ``novelty as the keywords to introduce the research philosophy of proposing new schemes, assuming that there is already one scheme proposed for a cryptography notion. Next, we introduce how benefits were explored in the literature and we have categorized the methodology into 3 ways for benefits, 6 types of benefits, and 17 benefit areas. As examples, we introduce 40 research strategies within these benefit areas that were invented in the literature. The introduced research strategies have covered most cryptography schemes published in top-tier cryptography conferences