4 research outputs found

    A Largest Empty Hypersphere Metaheuristic for Robust Optimisation with Implementation Uncertainty

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    We consider box-constrained robust optimisation problems with implementation uncertainty. In this setting, the solution that a decision maker wants to implement may become perturbed. The aim is to find a solution that optimises the worst possible performance over all possible perturbances. Previously, only few generic search methods have been developed for this setting. We introduce a new approach for a global search, based on placing a largest empty hypersphere. We do not assume any knowledge of the structure of the original objective function, making this approach also viable for simulation-optimisation settings. In computational experiments we demonstrate a strong performance of our approach in comparison with state-of-the-art methods, which makes it possible to solve even high-dimensional problems

    Grand Tour Algorithm: Novel Swarm-Based Optimization for High-Dimensional Problems

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    [EN] Agent-based algorithms, based on the collective behavior of natural social groups, exploit innate swarm intelligence to produce metaheuristic methodologies to explore optimal solutions for diverse processes in systems engineering and other sciences. Especially for complex problems, the processing time, and the chance to achieve a local optimal solution, are drawbacks of these algorithms, and to date, none has proved its superiority. In this paper, an improved swarm optimization technique, named Grand Tour Algorithm (GTA), based on the behavior of a peloton of cyclists, which embodies relevant physical concepts, is introduced and applied to fourteen benchmarking optimization problems to evaluate its performance in comparison to four other popular classical optimization metaheuristic algorithms. These problems are tackled initially, for comparison purposes, with 1000 variables. Then, they are confronted with up to 20,000 variables, a really large number, inspired in the human genome. The obtained results show that GTA clearly outperforms the other algorithms. To strengthen GTA's value, various sensitivity analyses are performed to verify the minimal influence of the initial parameters on efficiency. It is demonstrated that the GTA fulfils the fundamental requirements of an optimization algorithm such as ease of implementation, speed of convergence, and reliability. Since optimization permeates modeling and simulation, we finally propose that GTA will be appealing for the agent-based community, and of great help for a wide variety of agent-based applications.Meirelles, G.; Brentan, B.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Luvizotto, EJ. (2020). Grand Tour Algorithm: Novel Swarm-Based Optimization for High-Dimensional Problems. Processes. 8(8):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8080980S11988Mohamed, A. W., Hadi, A. A., & Mohamed, A. K. (2019). Gaining-sharing knowledge based algorithm for solving optimization problems: a novel nature-inspired algorithm. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 11(7), 1501-1529. doi:10.1007/s13042-019-01053-xMirjalili, S., & Lewis, A. (2016). The Whale Optimization Algorithm. Advances in Engineering Software, 95, 51-67. doi:10.1016/j.advengsoft.2016.01.008Chatterjee, A., & Siarry, P. (2006). Nonlinear inertia weight variation for dynamic adaptation in particle swarm optimization. Computers & Operations Research, 33(3), 859-871. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2004.08.012Dorigo, M., & Blum, C. (2005). Ant colony optimization theory: A survey. Theoretical Computer Science, 344(2-3), 243-278. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.05.020Karaboga, D., & Basturk, B. (2007). A powerful and efficient algorithm for numerical function optimization: artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm. Journal of Global Optimization, 39(3), 459-471. doi:10.1007/s10898-007-9149-xGandomi, A. H., Yang, X.-S., & Alavi, A. H. 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Comparative Study of Krill Herd, Firefly and Cuckoo Search Algorithms for Unimodal and Multimodal Optimization. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2(3), 26. doi:10.18201/ijisae.31981Taheri, S. M., & Hesamian, G. (2012). A generalization of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and its applications. Statistical Papers, 54(2), 457-470. doi:10.1007/s00362-012-0443-

    Considering stakeholders’ preferences for scheduling slots in capacity constrained airports

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    Airport slot scheduling has attracted the attention of researchers as a capacity management tool at congested airports. Recent research work has employed multi-objective approaches for scheduling slots at coordinated airports. However, the central question on how to select a commonly accepted airport schedule remains. The various participating stakeholders may have multiple and sometimes conflicting objectives stemming from their decision-making needs. This complex decision environment renders the identification of a commonly accepted solution rather difficult. In this presentation, we propose a multi-criteria decision-making technique that incorporates the priorities and preferences of the stakeholders in order to determine the best compromise solution