3,600 research outputs found

    Significant Feature Selection Method for Health Domain using Computational Intelligence- A Case Study for Heart Disease

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    In the medical field, the diagnosing of cardiovascular disease is that the most troublesome task. The diagnosis of heart disease is difficult as a decision relied on grouping of large clinical and pathological data. Due to this complication, the interest increased in a very vital quantity between the researchers and clinical professionals regarding the economical and correct heart disease prediction. In case of heart disease, the correct diagnosis in early stage is important as time is the very important factor. Heart disease is the principal supply of deaths widespread, and the prediction of Heart Disease is significant at an untimely phase. Machine learning in recent years has been the evolving, reliable and supporting tools in medical domain and has provided the best support for predicting disease with correct case of training and testing. The main idea behind this work is to find relevant heart disease feature among the large number of feature using rough computational Intelligence approach. The proposed feature selection approach performance is better than traditional feature selection approaches. The performances of the rough computation approach is tested with different heart disease data sets and validated with real-time data sets

    Clinical Big Data and Deep Learning: Applications, Challenges, and Future Outlooks

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    The explosion of digital healthcare data has led to a surge of data-driven medical research based on machine learning. In recent years, as a powerful technique for big data, deep learning has gained a central position in machine learning circles for its great advantages in feature representation and pattern recognition. This article presents a comprehensive overview of studies that employ deep learning methods to deal with clinical data. Firstly, based on the analysis of the characteristics of clinical data, various types of clinical data (e.g., medical images, clinical notes, lab results, vital signs and demographic informatics) are discussed and details provided of some public clinical datasets. Secondly, a brief review of common deep learning models and their characteristics is conducted. Then, considering the wide range of clinical research and the diversity of data types, several deep learning applications for clinical data are illustrated: auxiliary diagnosis, prognosis, early warning, and other tasks. Although there are challenges involved in applying deep learning techniques to clinical data, it is still worthwhile to look forward to a promising future for deep learning applications in clinical big data in the direction of precision medicine

    Normal Versus Abnormal ECG Classification by the Aid of Deep Learning

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    With the development of telemedicine systems, collected ECG records are accumulated on a large scale. Aiming to lessen domain experts’ workload, we propose a new method based on lead convolutional neural network (LCNN) and rule inference for classification of normal and abnormal ECG records with short duration. First, two different LCNN models are obtained through different filtering methods and different training methods, and then the multipoint-prediction technology and the Bayesian fusion method are successively applied to them. As beneficial complements, four newly developed disease rules are also involved. Finally, we utilize the bias-average method to output the predictive value. On the Chinese Cardiovascular Disease Database with more than 150,000 ECG records, our proposed method yields an accuracy of 86.22% and 0.9322 AUC (Area under ROC curve), comparable to the state-of-the-art results for this subject

    Natural Language Processing of Clinical Notes on Chronic Diseases: Systematic Review

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    Novel approaches that complement and go beyond evidence-based medicine are required in the domain of chronic diseases, given the growing incidence of such conditions on the worldwide population. A promising avenue is the secondary use of electronic health records (EHRs), where patient data are analyzed to conduct clinical and translational research. Methods based on machine learning to process EHRs are resulting in improved understanding of patient clinical trajectories and chronic disease risk prediction, creating a unique opportunity to derive previously unknown clinical insights. However, a wealth of clinical histories remains locked behind clinical narratives in free-form text. Consequently, unlocking the full potential of EHR data is contingent on the development of natural language processing (NLP) methods to automatically transform clinical text into structured clinical data that can guide clinical decisions and potentially delay or prevent disease onset

    ALEC: Active learning with ensemble of classifiers for clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease

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    Invasive angiography is the reference standard for coronary artery disease (CAD) diagnosis but is expensive and associated with certain risks. Machine learning (ML) using clinical and noninvasive imaging parameters can be used for CAD diagnosis to avoid the side effects and cost of angiography. However, ML methods require labeled samples for efficient training. The labeled data scarcity and high labeling costs can be mitigated by active learning. This is achieved through selective query of challenging samples for labeling. To the best of our knowledge, active learning has not been used for CAD diagnosis yet. An Active Learning with Ensemble of Classifiers (ALEC) method is proposed for CAD diagnosis, consisting of four classifiers. Three of these classifiers determine whether a patient’s three main coronary arteries are stenotic or not. The fourth classifier predicts whether the patient has CAD or not. ALEC is first trained using labeled samples. For each unlabeled sample, if the outputs of the classifiers are consistent, the sample along with its predicted label is added to the pool of labeled samples. Inconsistent samples are manually labeled by medical experts before being added to the pool. The training is performed once more using the samples labeled so far. The interleaved phases of labeling and training are repeated until all samples are labeled. Compared with 19 other active learning algorithms, ALEC combined with a support vector machine classifier attained superior performance with 97.01% accuracy. Our method is justified mathematically as well. We also comprehensively analyze the CAD dataset used in this paper. As part of dataset analysis, features pairwise correlation is computed. The top 15 features contributing to CAD and stenosis of the three main coronary arteries are determined. The relationship between stenosis of the main arteries is presented using conditional probabilities. The effect of considering the number of stenotic arteries on sample discrimination is investigated. The discrimination power over dataset samples is visualized, assuming each of the three main coronary arteries as a sample label and considering the two remaining arteries as sample features

    Herb-Drug Interactions: A Holistic Decision Support System in Healthcare

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    Complementary and alternative medicine are commonly used concomitantly with conventional medications leading to adverse drug reactions and even fatality in some cases. Furthermore, the vast possibility of herb-drug interactions prevents health professionals from remembering or manually searching them in a database. Decision support systems are a powerful tool that can be used to assist clinicians in making diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in patient care. Therefore, an original and hybrid decision support system was designed to identify herb-drug interactions, applying artificial intelligence techniques to identify new possible interactions. Different machine learning models will be used to strengthen the typical rules engine used in these cases. Thus, using the proposed system, the pharmacy community, people's first line of contact within the Healthcare System, will be able to make better and more accurate therapeutic decisions and mitigate possible adverse events
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