2 research outputs found

    A Framework for paper submission recommendation system

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    Nowadays, recommendation systems play an indispensable role in many fields, including e-commerce, finance, economy, and gaming. There is emerging research on publication venue recommendation systems to support researchers when submitting their scientific work. Several publishers such as IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier have implemented their submission recommendation systems only to help researchers choose appropriate conferences or journals for submission. In this work, we present a demo framework to construct an effective recommendation system for paper submission. With the input data (the title, the abstract, and the list of possible keywords) of a given manuscript, the system recommends the list of top relevant journals or conferences to authors. By using state-of-the-art techniques in natural language understanding, we combine the features extracted with other useful handcrafted features. We utilize deep learning models to build an efficient recommendation engine for the proposed system. Finally, we present the User Interface (UI) and the architecture of our paper submission recommendation system for later usage by researchers

    Scientific mapping on Autism Spectrum Disorder in education through intellectual, social and conceptual analysis

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    En las sociedades actuales es cada vez mayor el n煤mero de alumnado con Necesidades Espec铆ficas de Apoyo Educativo existente en nuestras aulas. En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha detectado una presencia cada vez mayor de alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Por ello, se plantea como objetivo analizar la evoluci贸n de la producci贸n cient铆fica sobre el trastorno del espectro autista utilizando la aproximaci贸n bibliom茅trica del mapeado cient铆fico a partir del estudio de la estructura intelectual, social y conceptual durante el per铆odo 1969-2021. Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda mediante la base de datos Web of Science y se establecieron los t茅rminos de b煤squeda con ERIC y Thesaurus. De manera que tras aplicar los criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n se obtuvieron 951 documentos. Los resultados muestran que desde el punto de vista tem谩tico tanto la intervenci贸n temprana como la intervenci贸n con nuevas metodolog铆as como las TIC son los t贸picos actuales que se est谩n trabajando en el campo. Asimismo, las revistas se agrupan en funci贸n de tres l铆neas de publicaci贸n: psicolog铆a, educaci贸n especial, Educaci贸n y Tecnolog铆a. Finalmente, APA (2013) y APA (2000) junto con Horner et al., (2005) son los documentos en torno a los cuales se agrupan las redes de co-citaci贸n de documentos. Como futuras l铆neas de trabajo, se plantean la posibilidad de utilizar otros software de an谩lisis que complemente la informaci贸n obtenida.In today's societies there is an increasing number of students with Specific Educational Support Needs in our classrooms. In recent years, an increasing presence of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder has been detected. Therefore, the objective is to analyze the evolution of scientific production on autism spectrum disorder using the bibliometric approach of scientific mapping based on the study of the intellectual, social and conceptual structure during the period 1969-2021. A search was carried out using the Web of Science database and the search terms were established using ERIC and Thesaurus. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 951 documents were obtained. The results show that from a thematic point of view both early intervention and intervention with new methodologies such as ICT are the current topics being worked on in the field. Also, the journals are grouped according to three lines of publication: psychology, special education, Education and Technology. Finally, APA (2013) and APA (2000) together with Horner et al., (2005) are the documents around which the document co-citation networks are grouped. As future lines of work, the possibility of using other analysis software to complement the information obtained is proposed.Este trabajo fue apoyado por el Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n Espa帽ol [n煤mero de subvenci贸n PID2020-112611RB-I00]