A Framework for paper submission recommendation system


Nowadays, recommendation systems play an indispensable role in many fields, including e-commerce, finance, economy, and gaming. There is emerging research on publication venue recommendation systems to support researchers when submitting their scientific work. Several publishers such as IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier have implemented their submission recommendation systems only to help researchers choose appropriate conferences or journals for submission. In this work, we present a demo framework to construct an effective recommendation system for paper submission. With the input data (the title, the abstract, and the list of possible keywords) of a given manuscript, the system recommends the list of top relevant journals or conferences to authors. By using state-of-the-art techniques in natural language understanding, we combine the features extracted with other useful handcrafted features. We utilize deep learning models to build an efficient recommendation engine for the proposed system. Finally, we present the User Interface (UI) and the architecture of our paper submission recommendation system for later usage by researchers

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