4 research outputs found

    Data analytics enhanced component volatility model

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    Volatility modelling and forecasting have attracted many attentions in both finance and computation areas. Recent advances in machine learning allow us to construct complex models on volatility forecasting. However, the machine learning algorithms have been used merely as additional tools to the existing econometrics models. The hybrid models that specifically capture the characteristics of the volatility data have not been developed yet. We propose a new hybrid model, which is constructed by a low-pass filter, the autoregressive neural network and an autoregressive model. The volatility data is decomposed by the low-pass filter into long and short term components, which are then modelled by the autoregressive neural network and an autoregressive model respectively. The total forecasting result is aggregated by the outputs of two models. The experimental evaluations using one-hour and one-day realized volatility across four major foreign exchanges showed that the proposed model significantly outperforms the component GARCH, EGARCH and neural network only models in all forecasting horizons

    A hybrid forecasting approach using ARIMA models and self-organising fuzzy neural networks for capital markets

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    Linear time series models, such as the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, are among the most popular statistical models used to forecast time series. In recent years non-linear computational models, such as artificial neural networks (ANN), have been shown to outperform traditional linear models when dealing with complex data, like financial time series. This paper proposes a novel hybrid forecasting model which exploits the linear modelling strengths of the ARIMA model, and the flexibility of a self-organising fuzzy neural network (SOFNN). The system's performance is evaluated using several datasets, and our results indicate that a hybrid system is an effective tool for time series forecasting