1,074 research outputs found

    Grasp and stress analysis of an underactuated finger for proprioceptive tactile sensing

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    This paper presents the design and evaluation of a new sensorized underactuated self-adaptive finger. The design incorporates a two-degrees-of-freedom link-driven underactuated mechanism with an embedded load cell for contact force measurement and a trimmer potentiometer for acquiring joint variables. The utilization of proprioceptive (internal) sensors results in tactile-like sensations in the finger without compromising the size and complexity of the proposed design. To obtain an optimum finger design, the placement of the load cell is analyzed using finite element method. The design of the finger features a particular rounded shape of the distal phalanx and specific size ratio between the phalanxes to enable both precision and power grasps. A quantitative evaluation of the grasp efficiency by constructing a grasp wrench space is provided. The effectiveness of the proposed design is verified through experimental results that demonstrate the grasp external wrench tolerance, shape adaptability, and tactile capability. All CAD files and ROS package for the proposed underactuated design can be found on https://github.com/mahyaret

    Design and development of robust hands for humanoid robots

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    Design and development of robust hands for humanoid robot

    Robotic manipulator inspired by human fingers based on tendon-driven soft grasping

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    Die menschliche Hand ist in der Lage, verschiedene Greif- und Manipulationsaufgaben auszuführen und kann als einer der geschicktesten und vielseitigsten Effektoren angesehen werden. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Soft Robotic-Greifer entwickelt, der auf den Erkenntnissen aus der Literatur zur Taxonomie der menschlichen Greiffähigkeiten und den biomechanischen Synergien der menschlichen Hand basiert. Im Bereich der Roboterhände sind sehnengetriebene, unteraktuierte Strukturen weit verbreitet. Inspiriert von der Anatomie der menschlichen Hand, bieten sie durch ihre Flexibilität passive Adaptivität und Robustheit. Es wurde ein Sensorsystem implementiert, bestehend aus Force Sensing Resistors (FSRs), Biegungssensoren und einem Stromsensor, wodurch das System charakterisiert werden kann. Die Kraftsensoren wurden in die Fingerkuppen integriert. In Anlehnung an die menschliche Haut wurden Abgüsse aus Silikonkautschuk an den Fingerballen verwendet. Diese versprechen eine erhöhte Reibung und bessere Adaptivität zum gegriffenen Objekt. Um den entwickelten Greifer zu evaluieren, wurden erste Tests durchgeführt. Zunächst wurde die Funktionalität der Sensoren, wie z.B. der als FSRs ausgewählten Kraftsensoren, getestet. Im weiteren Verlauf wurden die Greiffähigkeiten des Greifers durch Manipulation verschiedener Objekte getestet. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen aus den praktischen Versuchen kann festgestellt werden, dass der entwickelte Greifer ein hohes Maß an Geschicklichkeit aufweist. Auch die Adaptivität ist dank der verwendeten mechanischen Komponenten gewährleistet. Mittels der Sensorik ist es möglich, den Greifprozess zu kontrollieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen aber auch, dass z. B. die interne Systemreibung die Verlustleistung des Systems stark beeinflusst.The human hand is able to perform various grasping and manipulation tasks, and can be seen as one of the most dexterous and versatile effectors known. The prehensile capabilities of the hand have already been analyzed, categorized and summarized in a taxonomy in numerous studies. In addition to the taxonomies, research on the biomechanical synergies of the human hand led to the following conceptions: The adduction/abduction movement is independent of the flexion/extension movement. Furthermore, the thumb is rather independent in its mobility from the other fingers, while those move synchronously within their corresponding joints. Lastly, the consideration of the synergies provides that the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints of a human finger are more intensely coordinated than those of the metacarpal joints. In this work, a soft robotic gripper was developed based on the knowledge from the literature on the taxonomy of human gripping abilities and the biomechanical synergies of the human hand. In the domain of robotic hands, tendon-driven underactuated structures are widely used. Inspired by the tensegrity structure of the human hand, they offer passive adaptivity and robustness through their flexibility. A sensor system was implemented, consisting of FSRs, flex sensors and a current sensor, thus the system parameters can be characterized continously. The force sensors were integrated into the fingertips. Molds of silicone rubber were used as finger pads to provide higher friction and better adaptivity to the grasped object on the contact areas of the finger, to mimic human skin. Initial tests were carried out to evaluate the gripper. First, the functionality of the sensors, such as the force sensors selected as FSRs, was tested. In the further course, the gripping capabilities of the gripper were tested by manipulation of various different objects. Based on the findings from the practical experiments, it may be stated that the gripper has a high degree of dexterity. Thanks to the mechanical components used, adaptivity is guaranteed as well. By means of the sensor system it is possible to control the gripping processes. However, the results also showed that, for example, the internal system friction dominates the system’s power dissipation

    Adaptive Underactuated Finger with Active Rolling Surface

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    This paper presents the design, prototype and kinematic model of a new adaptive underactuated finger with an articulated skin/surface that is able to bend and, at the same time, provides active rolling motion along its central axis while keeping the finger configuration. The design is based on a planar chain of overlapping spherical phalanxes that are tendon-driven. The finger has an articulated surface made of an external chain of hollow universal joints that can rotate via its central axis on the surface of the internal structure. The outer surface provides a second active Degree of Freedom (DoF). The two actuators, driving the bending and/or rolling motion, can be used independently. A set of experiments have been included to validate and measure the performance of the prototype for the grasping and rolling actions. The proposed finger can be built with a different number of phalanxes and sizes. A number of these fingers can be arranged along a palm structure resulting in a multi-finger robotic grasper for applications that require adaptation and in-hand manipulation capabilities such as pHRI

    Innovative robot hand designs of reduced complexity for dexterous manipulation

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    This thesis investigates the mechanical design of robot hands to sensibly reduce the system complexity in terms of the number of actuators and sensors, and control needs for performing grasping and in-hand manipulations of unknown objects. Human hands are known to be the most complex, versatile, dexterous manipulators in nature, from being able to operate sophisticated surgery to carry out a wide variety of daily activity tasks (e.g. preparing food, changing cloths, playing instruments, to name some). However, the understanding of why human hands can perform such fascinating tasks still eludes complete comprehension. Since at least the end of the sixteenth century, scientists and engineers have tried to match the sensory and motor functions of the human hand. As a result, many contemporary humanoid and anthropomorphic robot hands have been developed to closely replicate the appearance and dexterity of human hands, in many cases using sophisticated designs that integrate multiple sensors and actuators---which make them prone to error and difficult to operate and control, particularly under uncertainty. In recent years, several simplification approaches and solutions have been proposed to develop more effective and reliable dexterous robot hands. These techniques, which have been based on using underactuated mechanical designs, kinematic synergies, or compliant materials, to name some, have opened up new ways to integrate hardware enhancements to facilitate grasping and dexterous manipulation control and improve reliability and robustness. Following this line of thought, this thesis studies four robot hand hardware aspects for enhancing grasping and manipulation, with a particular focus on dexterous in-hand manipulation. Namely: i) the use of passive soft fingertips; ii) the use of rigid and soft active surfaces in robot fingers; iii) the use of robot hand topologies to create particular in-hand manipulation trajectories; and iv) the decoupling of grasping and in-hand manipulation by introducing a reconfigurable palm. In summary, the findings from this thesis provide important notions for understanding the significance of mechanical and hardware elements in the performance and control of human manipulation. These findings show great potential in developing robust, easily programmable, and economically viable robot hands capable of performing dexterous manipulations under uncertainty, while exhibiting a valuable subset of functions of the human hand.Open Acces
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