5 research outputs found

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based Automatic Identification System signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellitebased Automatic Identification System (AIS) has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, that provide an impressive performance improvement with respect to the previous system. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and for this reason all algorithms have been realized keeping the complexity as low as possible. A prototype for the proposed receiver has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per 10 Spazio under the ESA project FENICE

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based automatic identification system signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellite-based automatic identification system has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, which provide an impressive performance improvement. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and a prototype has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio under the European Space Agency project FENICE (Flexible innovative AIS receiver prototype). A few modifications are also here described that could allow a further performance improvement in case of processing moved to ground-based stations, based on a priori information there available

    Estimación de la captura ilegal de Dosidicus gigas por la flota que opera fuera de la ZEE del Perú (2013-2016)

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio AmbienteEl presente estudio estima la captura ilegal de Dosidicus gigas de la flota industrial que operó fuera de la ZEE del Perú entre 2013 y 2016 usando tres bases de datos: i) Datos proporcionados por el satélite Suomi National Polar Partnership (SNPP) que registran diariamente las operaciones de pesca que usan potentes focos hasta 300 kW para atraer al calamar hacia la superficie. ii) Rutas de navegación de los barcos obtenidas del sistema de identificación automática (AIS). iii) Datos de las embarcaciones autorizadas y registradas en la Organización Regional de Ordenación Pesquera del Pacífico Sur (OROP-PS) y que realizaron la captura del calamar gigante en el área FAO-87. El análisis fue realizado para el periodo entre 2013 y 2016 y consistió en la cuantificación del número de embarcaciones usando imágenes satelitales, la cual fue validada con datos reales del sistema AIS obteniendo resultados robustos, un error cuadrático medio (ECM) de 1.98 barcos y un sesgo en la estimación de -0.43 barcos. Los puntos de luces de las embarcaciones pesqueras fueron comparados con los tracks de las embarcaciones pesqueras del sistema AIS. Para lo cual se estimó un valor de umbral de velocidad menor a 2.3 nudos, la cual determina una operación de pesca nocturna. Luego, se comparó con la lista de embarcaciones autorizadas de la OROPPS para así cuantificar el número de embarcaciones ilegales y utilizando un nuevo valor de CPUE mensual calcular la captura ilegal. Las estimaciones indicaron que la captura ilegal representó el 39.4 % (2013), 30.7 % (2014), 20.0 % (2015) y el 18.4% (2016) y para todo el periodo de estudio (2013-2016) el 27.2% de la captura total registrada oficialmente en la OROP-PS. Esto resultados evidencia la existencia de embarcaciones que operan ilegalmente fuera de la ZEE de Perú y Chile y que pueden ser detectados usando las imágenes nocturnas y los datos AIS. Este nuevo procedimiento plantea la posibilidad de conocer la dimensión real de la flota, así como reconstruir las capturas y estimar la magnitud de la pesca INDNR en pesquerías que usan lucesThe present study estimates the illegal catch of Dosidicus gigas by industrial fishing fleet that operated outside the Peruvian EEZ using three databases. First, daily imagery provided by The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite and used to detect fishing boats using powerful lamps of up 300 kW to attract the squid to the surface. Second, navigation track information of fishing boats obtained from Automatic Identification System (AIS). Third, registry of the vessels authorized to operate in the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) area and the catch data for capture of Jumbo flying squid in the South East Pacific (FAO-87). The analysis was performed for the period between 2013 and 2016 and consisted in the quantification of the number of vessels detected with satellite images and validation with AIS information showing robust results including a root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 1.98 ships and a BIAS in the estimate of -0.43 ships. The number of light points of fishing vessels was compared with the tracks of fishing vessels estimated from the AIS analyses. For this, a speed threshold value of fewer than 2.3 knots was estimated, which is consistent with a night fishing operation with lights. Then, it was compared with the list of authorized vessels in the SPRFMO registry to quantify the number of illegal vessels and using a new monthly CPUE value, the illegal catch was calculated. The estimations indicated that the illegal catch represented 39.4% (2013), 30.7% (2014), 20.0% (2015) and 18.4% (2016) and for the entire study period (2013-2016) 27.2% of the total catch officially registered in the SPRFMO. These results demonstrate that unauthorized and unidentified vessels operate outside the EEZ of Peru and Chile and can be detected using nighttime satellite images and AIS information. This new procedure makes it possible to estimate the real size of the fleet as well as reconstruct total catches and estimate the real magnitude of IUU fishing in fisheries where lights are used to attract catchTesi

    A highly efficient receiver for satellite-based automatic identification system signal detection

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    An innovative receiver architecture for the satellite-based automatic identification system has been recently proposed. In this paper, we describe a few modifications that can be introduced on the algorithms for synchronization and detection, which provide an impressive performance improvement. The receiver architecture has been designed for an on-board implementation, and a prototype has been implemented by the University of Parma and CGS S.p.A. Compagnia Generale per lo Spazio under the European Space Agency project FENICE (Flexible innovative AIS receiver prototype). A few modifications are also here described that could allow a further performance improvement in case of processing moved to ground-based stations, based on a priori information there available