131 research outputs found

    An efficient interpolation filter VLSI architecture for HEVC standard

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    High-Level Synthesis Based VLSI Architectures for Video Coding

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is state-of-the-art video coding standard. Emerging applications like free-viewpoint video, 360degree video, augmented reality, 3D movies etc. require standardized extensions of HEVC. The standardized extensions of HEVC include HEVC Scalable Video Coding (SHVC), HEVC Multiview Video Coding (MV-HEVC), MV-HEVC+ Depth (3D-HEVC) and HEVC Screen Content Coding. 3D-HEVC is used for applications like view synthesis generation, free-viewpoint video. Coding and transmission of depth maps in 3D-HEVC is used for the virtual view synthesis by the algorithms like Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). As first step, we performed the profiling of the 3D-HEVC standard. Computational intensive parts of the standard are identified for the efficient hardware implementation. One of the computational intensive part of the 3D-HEVC, HEVC and H.264/AVC is the Interpolation Filtering used for Fractional Motion Estimation (FME). The hardware implementation of the interpolation filtering is carried out using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is used for the HLS implementation of the interpolation filters of HEVC and H.264/AVC. The complexity of the digital systems is greatly increased. High-Level Synthesis is the methodology which offers great benefits such as late architectural or functional changes without time consuming in rewriting of RTL-code, algorithms can be tested and evaluated early in the design cycle and development of accurate models against which the final hardware can be verified

    Optimization of the motion estimation for parallel embedded systems in the context of new video standards

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    15 pagesInternational audienceThe effciency of video compression methods mainly depends on the motion compensation stage, and the design of effcient motion estimation techniques is still an important issue. An highly accurate motion estimation can significantly reduce the bit-rate, but involves a high computational complexity. This is particularly true for new generations of video compression standards, MPEG AVC and HEVC, which involves techniques such as different reference frames, sub-pixel estimation, variable block sizes. In this context, the design of fast motion estimation solutions is necessary, and can concerned two linked aspects: a high quality algorithm and its effcient implementation. This paper summarizes our main contributions in this domain. In particular, we first present the HME (Hierarchical Motion Estimation) technique. It is based on a multi-level refinement process where the motion estimation vectors are first estimated on a sub-sampled image. The multi-levels decomposition provides robust predictions and is particularly suited for variable block sizes motion estimations. The HME method has been integrated in a AVC encoder, and we propose a parallel implementation of this technique, with the motion estimation at pixel level performed by a DSP processor, and the sub-pixel refinement realized in an FPGA. The second technique that we present is called HDS for Hierarchical Diamond Search. It combines the multi-level refinement of HME, with a fast search at pixel-accuracy inspired by the EPZS method. This paper also presents its parallel implementation onto a multi-DSP platform and the its use in the HEVC context

    VLSI architectures design for encoders of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard

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    The growing popularity of high resolution video and the continuously increasing demands for high quality video on mobile devices are producing stronger needs for more efficient video encoder. Concerning these desires, HEVC, a newest video coding standard, has been developed by a joint team formed by ISO/IEO MPEG and ITU/T VCEG. Its design goal is to achieve a 50% compression gain over its predecessor H.264 with an equal or even higher perceptual video quality. Motion Estimation (ME) being as one of the most critical module in video coding contributes almost 50%-70% of computational complexity in the video encoder. This high consumption of the computational resources puts a limit on the performance of encoders, especially for full HD or ultra HD videos, in terms of coding speed, bit-rate and video quality. Thus the major part of this work concentrates on the computational complexity reduction and improvement of timing performance of motion estimation algorithms for HEVC standard. First, a new strategy to calculate the SAD (Sum of Absolute Difference) for motion estimation is designed based on the statistics on property of pixel data of video sequences. This statistics demonstrates the size relationship between the sum of two sets of pixels has a determined connection with the distribution of the size relationship between individual pixels from the two sets. Taking the advantage of this observation, only a small proportion of pixels is necessary to be involved in the SAD calculation. Simulations show that the amount of computations required in the full search algorithm is reduced by about 58% on average and up to 70% in the best case. Secondly, from the scope of parallelization an enhanced TZ search for HEVC is proposed using novel schemes of multiple MVPs (motion vector predictor) and shared MVP. Specifically, resorting to multiple MVPs the initial search process is performed in parallel at multiple search centers, and the ME processing engine for PUs within one CU are parallelized based on the MVP sharing scheme on CU (coding unit) level. Moreover, the SAD module for ME engine is also parallelly implemented for PU size of 32×32. Experiments indicate it achieves an appreciable improvement on the throughput and coding efficiency of the HEVC video encoder. In addition, the other part of this thesis is contributed to the VLSI architecture design for finding the first W maximum/minimum values targeting towards high speed and low hardware cost. The architecture based on the novel bit-wise AND scheme has only half of the area of the best reference solution and its critical path delay is comparable with other implementations. While the FPCG (full parallel comparison grid) architecture, which utilizes the optimized comparator-based structure, achieves 3.6 times faster on average on the speed and even 5.2 times faster at best comparing with the reference architectures. Finally the architecture using the partial sorting strategy reaches a good balance on the timing performance and area, which has a slightly lower or comparable speed with FPCG architecture and a acceptable hardware cost

    Approximate and timing-speculative hardware design for high-performance and energy-efficient video processing

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    Since the end of transistor scaling in 2-D appeared on the horizon, innovative circuit design paradigms have been on the rise to go beyond the well-established and ultraconservative exact computing. Many compute-intensive applications – such as video processing – exhibit an intrinsic error resilience and do not necessarily require perfect accuracy in their numerical operations. Approximate computing (AxC) is emerging as a design alternative to improve the performance and energy-efficiency requirements for many applications by trading its intrinsic error tolerance with algorithm and circuit efficiency. Exact computing also imposes a worst-case timing to the conventional design of hardware accelerators to ensure reliability, leading to an efficiency loss. Conversely, the timing-speculative (TS) hardware design paradigm allows increasing the frequency or decreasing the voltage beyond the limits determined by static timing analysis (STA), thereby narrowing pessimistic safety margins that conventional design methods implement to prevent hardware timing errors. Timing errors should be evaluated by an accurate gate-level simulation, but a significant gap remains: How these timing errors propagate from the underlying hardware all the way up to the entire algorithm behavior, where they just may degrade the performance and quality of service of the application at stake? This thesis tackles this issue by developing and demonstrating a cross-layer framework capable of performing investigations of both AxC (i.e., from approximate arithmetic operators, approximate synthesis, gate-level pruning) and TS hardware design (i.e., from voltage over-scaling, frequency over-clocking, temperature rising, and device aging). The cross-layer framework can simulate both timing errors and logic errors at the gate-level by crossing them dynamically, linking the hardware result with the algorithm-level, and vice versa during the evolution of the application’s runtime. Existing frameworks perform investigations of AxC and TS techniques at circuit-level (i.e., at the output of the accelerator) agnostic to the ultimate impact at the application level (i.e., where the impact is truly manifested), leading to less optimization. Unlike state of the art, the framework proposed offers a holistic approach to assessing the tradeoff of AxC and TS techniques at the application-level. This framework maximizes energy efficiency and performance by identifying the maximum approximation levels at the application level to fulfill the required good enough quality. This thesis evaluates the framework with an 8-way SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences) hardware accelerator operating into an HEVC encoder as a case study. Application-level results showed that the SAD based on the approximate adders achieve savings of up to 45% of energy/operation with an increase of only 1.9% in BD-BR. On the other hand, VOS (Voltage Over-Scaling) applied to the SAD generates savings of up to 16.5% in energy/operation with around 6% of increase in BD-BR. The framework also reveals that the boost of about 6.96% (at 50°) to 17.41% (at 75° with 10- Y aging) in the maximum clock frequency achieved with TS hardware design is totally lost by the processing overhead from 8.06% to 46.96% when choosing an unreliable algorithm to the blocking match algorithm (BMA). We also show that the overhead can be avoided by adopting a reliable BMA. This thesis also shows approximate DTT (Discrete Tchebichef Transform) hardware proposals by exploring a transform matrix approximation, truncation and pruning. The results show that the approximate DTT hardware proposal increases the maximum frequency up to 64%, minimizes the circuit area in up to 43.6%, and saves up to 65.4% in power dissipation. The DTT proposal mapped for FPGA shows an increase of up to 58.9% on the maximum frequency and savings of about 28.7% and 32.2% on slices and dynamic power, respectively compared with stat

    Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder

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    High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) was developed to improve its predecessor standard, H264/AVC, by doubling its compression efficiency. As in previous standards, Motion Estimation (ME) is one of the encoder critical blocks to achieve significant compression gains. However, it demands an overwhelming complexity cost to accurately remove video temporal redundancy, especially when encoding very high-resolution video sequences. To reduce the overall video encoding time, we propose the implementation of the HEVC ME block in hardware. The proposed architecture is based on (a) a new memory scan order, and (b) a new adder tree structure, which supports asymmetric partitioning modes in a fast and efficient way. The proposed system has been designed in VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language), synthesized and implemented by means of the Xilinx FPGA, Virtex-7 XC7VX550T-3FFG1158. Our design achieves encoding frame rates up to 116 and 30 fps at 2 and 4K video formats, respectively

    Low energy HEVC and VVC video compression hardware

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    Video compression standards compress a digital video by reducing and removing redundancy in the digital video using computationally complex algorithms. As spatial and temporal resolutions of videos increase, compression efficiencies of video compression algorithms are also increasing. However, increased compression efficiency comes with increased computational complexity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce computational complexities of video compression algorithms without reducing their visual quality in order to reduce area and energy consumption of their hardware implementations. In this thesis, we propose a novel technique for reducing amount of computations performed by HEVC intra prediction algorithm. We designed low energy, reconfigurable HEVC intra prediction hardware using the proposed technique. We also designed a low energy FPGA implementation of HEVC intra prediction algorithm using the proposed technique and DSP blocks. We propose a reconfigurable VVC intra prediction hardware architecture. We also propose an efficient VVC intra prediction hardware architecture using DSP blocks. We designed low energy VVC fractional interpolation hardware. We propose a novel approximate absolute difference technique. We designed low energy approximate absolute difference hardware using the proposed technique. We propose a novel approximate constant multiplication technique. We designed approximate constant multiplication hardware using the proposed technique. We quantified computation reductions achieved by the proposed techniques and video quality loss caused by the proposed approximation techniques. The proposed approximate absolute difference technique and approximate constant multiplication technique cause very small PSNR loss. The other proposed techniques cause no PSNR loss. We implemented the proposed hardware architectures in Verilog HDL. We mapped the Verilog RTL codes to Xilinx Virtex 6 or Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGAs and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. The proposed techniques significantly reduced power and energy consumptions of these FPGA implementation

    Algoritmo de estimação de movimento e sua arquitetura de hardware para HEVC

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaVideo coding has been used in applications like video surveillance, video conferencing, video streaming, video broadcasting and video storage. In a typical video coding standard, many algorithms are combined to compress a video. However, one of those algorithms, the motion estimation is the most complex task. Hence, it is necessary to implement this task in real time by using appropriate VLSI architectures. This thesis proposes a new fast motion estimation algorithm and its implementation in real time. The results show that the proposed algorithm and its motion estimation hardware architecture out performs the state of the art. The proposed architecture operates at a maximum operating frequency of 241.6 MHz and is able to process 1080p@60Hz with all possible variables block sizes specified in HEVC standard as well as with motion vector search range of up to ±64 pixels.A codificação de vídeo tem sido usada em aplicações tais como, vídeovigilância, vídeo-conferência, video streaming e armazenamento de vídeo. Numa norma de codificação de vídeo, diversos algoritmos são combinados para comprimir o vídeo. Contudo, um desses algoritmos, a estimação de movimento é a tarefa mais complexa. Por isso, é necessário implementar esta tarefa em tempo real usando arquiteturas de hardware apropriadas. Esta tese propõe um algoritmo de estimação de movimento rápido bem como a sua implementação em tempo real. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo e a arquitetura de hardware propostos têm melhor desempenho que os existentes. A arquitetura proposta opera a uma frequência máxima de 241.6 MHz e é capaz de processar imagens de resolução 1080p@60Hz, com todos os tamanhos de blocos especificados na norma HEVC, bem como um domínio de pesquisa de vetores de movimento até ±64 pixels