49 research outputs found

    Research on high performance LDPC decoder

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3272号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2011/3/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新557

    Boosting Learning for LDPC Codes to Improve the Error-Floor Performance

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    Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have been successfully commercialized in communication systems due to their strong error correction capabilities and simple decoding process. However, the error-floor phenomenon of LDPC codes, in which the error rate stops decreasing rapidly at a certain level, presents challenges for achieving extremely low error rates and deploying LDPC codes in scenarios demanding ultra-high reliability. In this work, we propose training methods for neural min-sum (NMS) decoders to eliminate the error-floor effect. First, by leveraging the boosting learning technique of ensemble networks, we divide the decoding network into two neural decoders and train the post decoder to be specialized for uncorrected words that the first decoder fails to correct. Secondly, to address the vanishing gradient issue in training, we introduce a block-wise training schedule that locally trains a block of weights while retraining the preceding block. Lastly, we show that assigning different weights to unsatisfied check nodes effectively lowers the error-floor with a minimal number of weights. By applying these training methods to standard LDPC codes, we achieve the best error-floor performance compared to other decoding methods. The proposed NMS decoder, optimized solely through novel training methods without additional modules, can be integrated into existing LDPC decoders without incurring extra hardware costs. The source code is available at https://github.com/ghy1228/LDPC_Error_Floor .Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Flexible LDPC Decoder Architectures

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    Flexible channel decoding is getting significance with the increase in number of wireless standards and modes within a standard. A flexible channel decoder is a solution providing interstandard and intrastandard support without change in hardware. However, the design of efficient implementation of flexible low-density parity-check (LDPC) code decoders satisfying area, speed, and power constraints is a challenging task and still requires considerable research effort. This paper provides an overview of state-of-the-art in the design of flexible LDPC decoders. The published solutions are evaluated at two levels of architectural design: the processing element (PE) and the interconnection structure. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of different design choices is carried out, and comparison is provided in terms of achieved flexibility, throughput, decoding efficiency, and area (power) consumption


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    This paper presents a high throughput, parallel, scalable and irregular LDPC coding and decoding system hardware implementation that supports twelve combinations of block lengths 648, 1296, 1944 bits and code rates 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 based on IEEE 802.11n standard. Based on architecture-aware LDPC codes, we propose an efficient joint LDPC coding and decoding hardware architecture. The prototype architecture is being implemented on FPGA and tested over the air on our wireless OFDM testbed, which is a highly capable, scalable and extensible platform for advanced wireless research. The ASIC resource requirements of the decoder are reported and a trade-off between pipelined and non-pipelined implementation is describe

    Modified Forced Convergence Decoding of LDPC Codes with Optimized Decoder Parameters

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    Reducing the complexity of decoding algorithms for LDPC codes is an important prerequisite for their practical implementation. In this work we propose a reduction of computational complexity targeting the highly reliable codeword bits and show that this approach can be seamlessly merged with the forced convergence scheme. We also show how the minimum achievable complexity of the resulting scheme for given performance constraints can be found by solving a constrained optimization problem, and successfully apply a gradient-descent based stochastic approximation (SA) method for solving this problem. The proposed methods are tested on LDPC codes from the IEEE 802.11n standard. Computational complexity reduction of 55% and a 75% reduction of memory access have been observed

    Evaluation of flexible SPA based LPDC decoder using hardware friendly approximation methods

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    Due to computation-intensive nature of LDPC decoders, a lot of research is going towards efficient implementation of their original algorithm (SPA). As "Min-Sum" approximation is basically an overestimation of SPA, this thesis investigates more accurate, yet area efficient, approximations of SPA, to select an optimum one. In a general comparison between main approximation methods (e.g. LUT, PWL, CRI), PWL showed the most area-efficiency. Studying different mathematical formats of SPA, Soft-XOR based format with forward-backward scheme was chosen for hard- ware implementation. Its core function (Soft-XOR) was implemented with CRI approximation, which achieved the highest efficiency, compare to other approxi- mations. Using this core function, a flexible, pipe-lined, Soft-XOR based CNU (the computational unit of LDPC decoders) with forward-backward architecture was developed in 18nm CMOS. The implemented CNU’s area and speed can eas- ily be changed in instantiation. A SPA decoder based on the developed CNU was estimated to have an area of 1.6M as equivalent gate count and a throughput of 10Gb/s, with a frequency of 1.25GHz and for 10 iterations. The decoder uses IEEE 802.11n Wi-Fi standard with flooding schedule. The BER/SNR loss, com- pare to floating-point SPA, is 0.3dB for 10 iterations and less than 0.1dB for 20 iterations.You have to get lost before you can be found, a quote by Jeff Rasley goes very well for Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. First invented by Gallager in 1962 but kind of lost during the journey of evolution of telecommunication networks because of their high complexity and demanding computations, which technology was not so advanced to handle, at that time. However, during late 1990s, success of turbo codes invoked the re-discovery of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes. Recently it has attracted tremendous research interest among the scientific com- munity, as today’s technology is advanced enough and to make LDPC decoders completely commercial. In a wireless network, the information is not just sim- ply sent, but first encoded. In a sense, all the transmitted bits are tied together, according to some mathematical rules. Therefore, if noise destructs parts of the information while traveling, the LDPC decoder at the receiver side, can automat- ically detect and retrieve those parts, based on the other parts. Here, our main focus is on the decoder. For actual hardware implementation of the decoder, some level of approximation of the ideal algorithm is always necessary, which reduces the accuracy depending on the approximation. Ericsson is developing the next-generation wireless network for 5G, and already possesses the "Min-Sum" approximation of the LDPC decoder. As the current requirements demand more accurate decoders, the goal of this thesis is to evalu- ate a more accurate but more costly version of the LDPC decoder, as well as its flexibility. Thus, several candidates were selected and evaluated based on their complexity, cost, and their accuracy towards error correction. After performing several trade-offs, an approximation method is chosen and the corresponding cost is derived. With this acquired data, a trade-off between accuracy and cost can be made, depending on the application

    Fast Link Adaptation for 802.11n

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    Feasibility study of multiantenna transmitter baseband processing on customized processor core in wireless local area devices

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    The world of wireless communications is governed by a wide variety of the standards, each tailored to its specific applications and targets. The IEEE802.11 family is one of those standards which is specifically created and maintained by IEEE committee to im-plement the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) communication. By notably rapid growth of devices which exploit the WLAN technology and increasing demand for rich multimedia functionalities and broad Internet access, the WLAN technology should be necessarily enhanced to support the required specifications. In this regard, IEEE802.11ac, the latest amendment of the WLAN technology, was released which is taking advantage of the previous draft versions while benefiting from certain changes especially to the PHY layer to satisfy the promised requirements. This thesis evaluates the feasibility of software-based implementation for the MIMO transmitter baseband processing conforming to the IEEE802.11ac standard on a DSP core with vector extensions. The transmitter is implemented in four different transmis-sion scenarios which include 2x2 and 4x4 MIMO configurations, yielding beyond 1Gbps transmit bit rate. The implementation is done for the frequency-domain pro-cessing and real-time operation has been achieved when running at a clock fre-quency of 500MHz. The developed software solution is evaluated by profiling and analysing the imple-mentation using the tools provided by the vendor. We have presented the results with regards to number of clock cycles, power and energy consumption, and memory usage. The performance analysis shows that the SDR based implementation provides improved flexibility and reduced design effort compared to conventional approaches while main-taining power consumption close to fixed-function hardware solutions