4 research outputs found

    Extending Scojo-PECT by migration based on system-level checkpointing

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    In recent years, a significant amount of research has been done on job scheduling in high performance computing area. Parallel jobs have different running time and require a different number of processors, thus jobs need to be scheduled and packed to improve system utilization. Scojo-PECT is a job scheduler which provides service guarantees by using coarse-grain time sharing. However, Scojo-PECT does not provide process migration. We extend the Scojo-PECT by migrating parallel jobs based on system-level checkpointing. We investigate different cases in the Scojo-PECT scheduling algorithm where migration based on system-level checkpointing can be used to improve resource utilization and reduce job response time. Our experimental results show reduction of relative response times on medium jobs over the results of the original Scojo-PECT scheduler and the long jobs do not suffer any disadvantage

    G-LOMARC-TS: Lookahead group matchmaking for time/space sharing on multi-core parallel machines

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    Parallel machines with multi-core nodes are becoming increasingly popular. The performances of applications running on these machines are improved gradually due to the resource competition in each node. Researches have found that coscheduling different applications with complementary resource characteristics on the same set of nodes (semi time sharing) may improve the performance. We propose a scheduling algorithm G-LOMARC-TS which incorporates both space and semi time sharing scheduling methods and matches groups of jobs if possible for coscheduling. Since matchmaking may select jobs further down the waiting queue and the jobs in front of the queue may be delayed subsequently, fairness for each individual job will be watched and the delay will be kept within a limited bound. Several heuristics are used to solve the NP-complete problem of forming groups. Our experiment results show both utilization gain and average relative response time improvements of G-LOMARC-TS over other several scheduling policies

    A Hierarchical Processor Scheduling Policy for Distributed-Memory Multicomputer Systems

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    Processor scheduling policies for distributedmemory systems can be divided into space-sharing or timesharing policies. In space sharing, the set of processors in the system is partitioned and each partition is assigned for the exclusive use of a job. In time sharing policies, on the other hand, none of the processors is given exclusively to jobs; instead, several jobs share the processors (for example, in a round robin fashion). There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of policies. Typically, space-sharing polices are good at low to moderate system loads and when jobs parallelism do not vary much. However, at high system loads and widely varying job parallelism, time sharing policies provide a better performance. In this paper we propose a new policy that is based on a hierarchical organization that incorporates the merits of these two types of policies. The new policy is a hybrid policy that uses both space-sharing as well as time-sharing to achieve better perf..

    A Hierarchical Processor Scheduling Policy for Distributed-Memory Multicomputer Systems

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    Processor scheduling policies for distributedmemory systems can be divided into space-sharing or timesharing policies. In space sharing, the set of processors in the system is partitioned and each partition is assigned for the exclusive use of a job. In time sharing policies, on the other hand, none of the processors is given exclusively to jobs; instead, several jobs share the processors (for example, in a round robin fashion). There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of policies. Typically, space-sharing polices are good at low to moderate system loads and when jobs parallelism do not vary much. However, at high system loads and widely varying job parallelism, time sharing policies provide a better performance. In this paper we propose a new policy that is based on a hierarchical organization that incorporates the merits of these two types of policies. The new policy is a hybrid policy that uses both space-sharing as well as time-sharing to achieve better perf..