14 research outputs found

    An Analytical Method for Assessing the Effectiveness of Human in the Loop Simulation Environments: A work in progress

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    This paper discusses the development of the Integrated Training Environment Assessment Methodology (ITEAM). ITEAM is proposed as a way to assess integrated human in the loop (HITL) simulation training environment effectiveness (i.e. to determine how well the simulation tools support the deliberate practice of specific skills) at the human ability level. A work in progress, ITEAM has been used to reassess two previously evaluated military simulation environments -- the game Full Spectrum Command (2004) and the Engagement Skills Trainer Heavy Weapons Variant (2008). ITEAM results from both studies closely resemble and often match those concluded in the original empirical training effectiveness analysis (TEA) studies. A third study is currently underway to solidify ITEAM validity

    Job Shop Scheduling Problem: an Overview

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    The Job-shop scheduling is one of the most important industrial activities, especially in manufacturing planning. The problem complexity has increased along with the increase in the complexity of operations and product-mix. To solve this problem, numerous approaches have been developed incorporating discrete event simulation methodology. The scope and the purpose of this paper is to present a survey which covers most of the solving techniques of Job Shop Scheduling (JSS) problem. A classification of these techniques has been proposed: Traditional Techniques and Advanced Techniques. The traditional techniques to solve JSS could not fully satisfy the global competition and rapidly changing in customer requirements. Simulation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have proven to be excellent strategic tool for scheduling problems in general and JSS in particular. The paper defined some AI techniques used by manufacturing systems. Finally, the future trends are proposed briefly

    Experiences on Evaluating Network Simulators: A Methodological Approach

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    International audienceThere exists a variety of network simulators, used to imitate the protocols, nodes, and connections in data networks. They differ in their design, goals, and characteristics. Thus, comparing simulators requires a clear and standardized methodology. In this paper, based on a set of measurable and comparable criteria, we propose an approach to evaluate them. We validate the suggested approach with two network simulators, namely Packet Tracer and GNS3. In that regard, a test scenario is put forward on the two simulators, both in Linux and Windows environments, and their performance is monitored based on the suggested approach. This paper does not propose a method for selecting the best simulator, but it rather supplies the researchers with an evaluation tool, that can be used to describe, compare, and select the most suitable network simulators for a given scenario

    Web-Mediated Education and Training Environments: A Review of Personalised Interactive Learning.

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    This chapter reviews the concept of personalised eLearning resources in relation to integrating interactivity into asynchronous learning. Personalised eLearning resources are learning resources which are selected to suit a specific student or trainee’s individual learning requirements. The affordance of personalised eLearning would provide educators with the opportunity to shift away from eLearning content that is retrieved and move towards the provision of personalised interactive content to provide a form of asynchronous learning to suit students at different degree levels. A basic introduction to the concept of ePedagogy in online learning environments is explored and the impacts these systems have on students learning experiences are considered. Issues, controversies, and problems associated with the creation of personalised interactive eLearning resources are examined, and suggested solutions and recommendations to the identified issues, controversies, and problems are reviewed. Personalised interactive asynchronous learning resources could potentially improve students’ learning experiences but more research on the human computer interface of these authoring tools is required before personalised eLearning resources are available for use by non-technical authors

    Selección de software, una revisión sistemática del estado del arte

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    La selección de software es un proceso en el que intervienen varios decisores, los cuales tienen diferentes preferencias que pueden llegar a ser mutuamente excluyentes, esto sumado a los diferentes criterios que se deben considerar al evaluar las alternativas, hace que este tipo de situación sea un problema de decisión, el cual puede abordarse desde el análisis multicriterio de decisiones. En este documento, se presenta una revisión sistemática del estado del arte de los procesos de selección de software, con el objetivo principal de establecer una base académica que permita dar soporte a dicho tipo de procesos. Para la elaboración del estado del arte, se definieron las preguntas de investigación, los criterios de inclusión de los documentos, el proceso de búsqueda y los datos a analizar para dar respuesta a las preguntas definidas. El aporte principal de este documento, es la determinación de las metodologías más usadas, así como el conjunto de criterios que se puede tomar como base para la evaluación de las alternativas, con el fin de elegir la más adecuada de acuerdo al contexto del proceso de decisión

    Test-Driven, Model-Based Systems Engineering.

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    Methodology to develop hybrid simulation/emulation model.

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    Trends towards reduced life-time of products and globalised competition has increased pressure on manufacturing industries to be more responsive to changing needs of product markets. Consequently, the use of simulation to describe short term future performance of manufacturing system has become more significant than ever. An application of simulation that has attracted attention is for testing of control logic before commissioning on site by using a detailed simulation model called emulation model. However, though the success of using emulation particularly in improving cost-effectiveness of automated material handling system delivery has been acknowledged by industries and simulation model developers, the uptake for this technology is still low. The major inhibitors are the high costs of its model building as well as simulation and emulation models are perceived to be non convertible.The main objective, of this research is to establish a methodology to develop simulation model that can be converted into emulation model with ease, thus making emulation technology more affordable. The product of this research called the methodology to build Hybrid Simulation Emulation Model (HSEM) is a new approach of building emulation model comprising of three phases namely (1) development of base simulation model, (2) development of detail emulation model, and (3) integration of controller with the emulation model. Important requirements for HSEM are flexibility of adding details to the simulation model and inter process communication between model and real control system. To facilitate implementation of the methodology, it is essential that the simulation software package provide functionalities for modular model development, access and adding of codes, integration with other application and real time (RT) modelling.The methodology developed offers a more affordable emulation modelling and an opening for further research into the comprehensive support for the implementation of real time control system testing using emulation

    An action research enquiry of third-level student employability competences through the implementation of a business strategy software simulation

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    This action research study investigates if using a business strategy software simulation in the teaching of an undergraduate strategic management module enhances business students' employability competences. Through a preparatory action research cycle, key employability competences are identified, and a suitable software simulation is selected following a structured selection process. In addition, through a process of programmatic review applying the concepts of both constructive alignment and assessment as learning, a module is created to integrate the simulation software. In two further implementation cycles of action research, data was gathered through structured researcher observation, student pre- and post-surveys and thematic analysis of student journals (second implementation cycle). Analysis of the data gathered identifies the improvement of students' employability competences through the use of strategy simulation software. Further discussion of findings identifies next steps and areas for further research. The employability of third-level graduates is much discussed and researched. The key stakeholders in this discussion are the student, the future employers and third-level institutions. Ensuring consistency of the various stakeholders’ expectations regarding the necessary competences and the best means of developing them is challenging. Graduate recruitment campaigns often expect more than discipline-specific technical knowledge, other more generic skills or soft skills known as employability competences are listed on graduate job requirements. This research identifies twelve key student employability competences. Students and third-level institutions are aware of the importance of these competences in securing first positions post-graduation and subsequent career development. In seeking to develop these employability competences third-level institutions have two approaches, one option is to create specific modules for this purpose. A more common solution is to build these competences into modules across degree programmes. This research follows this second approach and investigates if implementing a business strategy software simulation in a strategic management module helps enhance student employability competences