6 research outputs found

    Agility and lean in the supply chain in manufacturing SMEs: a review of the literature

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    In a competitive world with constant changes, it is crucial that manufacturing companies look for new strategies to apply in their supply chain in order to generate a competitive advantage and be sustainable over time. The application of the agile methodology together with lean in the supply chain, seek to provide a solution to this problem. The purpose of this study is to perform a systematic review of the last 5 years on agility and lean in the supply chain in manufacturing SMEs. Also, to analyze and identify the main factors to increase agility along with the application of lean methodology. Consequently, it was important to review a considerable number of articles and authors specialized in these topics, as well as to be updated of the changes that are due to the course of time. Therefore, through the PRISMA method, 122 articles were obtained from the Scopus database, between the years 2017 and 2021, for subsequent analysis and to achieve the objective of the research. With this study, it is sought that manufacturing companies around the world begin to investigate more about this strategy and seek its application, to become highly competitive companies

    Modelo multicriterio para el dise帽o de cadenas de suministro considerando opciones reales para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre: Multi-Criteria Model for the Design of Supply Chains Considering Real Options for the Treatment of Uncertainty

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    The problems related to the configuration of supply chains include quantitative and qualitative variables. Among the quantitative attributes, the most common is the money, and many attributes such as machine utilization, labor power and quality can be translated into monetary terms. Some examples of qualitative variables are people's mood, customer satisfaction, reputation in the community, appearance, aesthetics, etc. Multiple-attribute decision models integrate quantitative and qualitative attributes to produce an aggregate performance measure. This paper proposes a multi-criteria decision model using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for the configuration of supply chains by integrating elements of financial flexibility through the analysis of real options. The model developed considers elements of financial risk based on the consideration of variables such as demand, exchange rates and interest rates, and allows assessing the operational flexibility of the project in the face of changes in said risk elements.Los problemas relacionados con la configuraci贸n de cadenas de suministros incluyen variables cuantitativas y cualitativas.  Entre los atributos cuantitativos el m谩s com煤n es el dinero, y muchos atributos como la utilizaci贸n de las m谩quinas, la fuerza de trabajo y la calidad pueden traducirse en t茅rminos monetarios. Algunos ejemplos de variables cualitativas son el estado de 谩nimo de las personas, la satisfacci贸n del cliente, la reputaci贸n en la comunidad, la apariencia, la est茅tica, etc. Los modelos de decisi贸n de atributos m煤ltiples integran los atributos cuantitativos y cualitativos para producir una medida de desempe帽o agregada En este art铆culo se propone un modelo de decisi贸n multicriterio utilizando basado en el Analytical Hierarchy Procces (AHP) para la configuraci贸n de cadenas de abastecimiento integrando elementos de flexibilidad financiera a trav茅s del an谩lisis de opciones reales. El modelo desarrollado contempla elementos de riesgo financiero a partir de la consideraci贸n de variables como demanda, tasas de cambio y tasas de inter茅s, y permite valorar la flexibilidad operativa del proyecto ante cambios en dichos elementos de riesgo

    Modelo multicriterio para el dise帽o de cadenas de suministro considerando opciones reales para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre: Multi-Criteria Model for the Design of Supply Chains Considering Real Options for the Treatment of Uncertainty

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    The problems related to the configuration of supply chains include quantitative and qualitative variables. Among the quantitative attributes, the most common is the money, and many attributes such as machine utilization, labor power and quality can be translated into monetary terms. Some examples of qualitative variables are people's mood, customer satisfaction, reputation in the community, appearance, aesthetics, etc. Multiple-attribute decision models integrate quantitative and qualitative attributes to produce an aggregate performance measure. This paper proposes a multi-criteria decision model using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for the configuration of supply chains by integrating elements of financial flexibility through the analysis of real options. The model developed considers elements of financial risk based on the consideration of variables such as demand, exchange rates and interest rates, and allows assessing the operational flexibility of the project in the face of changes in said risk elements.Los problemas relacionados con la configuraci贸n de cadenas de suministros incluyen variables cuantitativas y cualitativas.  Entre los atributos cuantitativos el m谩s com煤n es el dinero, y muchos atributos como la utilizaci贸n de las m谩quinas, la fuerza de trabajo y la calidad pueden traducirse en t茅rminos monetarios. Algunos ejemplos de variables cualitativas son el estado de 谩nimo de las personas, la satisfacci贸n del cliente, la reputaci贸n en la comunidad, la apariencia, la est茅tica, etc. Los modelos de decisi贸n de atributos m煤ltiples integran los atributos cuantitativos y cualitativos para producir una medida de desempe帽o agregada En este art铆culo se propone un modelo de decisi贸n multicriterio utilizando basado en el Analytical Hierarchy Procces (AHP) para la configuraci贸n de cadenas de abastecimiento integrando elementos de flexibilidad financiera a trav茅s del an谩lisis de opciones reales. El modelo desarrollado contempla elementos de riesgo financiero a partir de la consideraci贸n de variables como demanda, tasas de cambio y tasas de inter茅s, y permite valorar la flexibilidad operativa del proyecto ante cambios en dichos elementos de riesgo