380 research outputs found

    Randomized approximation algorithms : facility location, phylogenetic networks, Nash equilibria

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    Despite a great effort, researchers are unable to find efficient algorithms for a number of natural computational problems. Typically, it is possible to emphasize the hardness of such problems by proving that they are at least as hard as a number of other problems. In the language of computational complexity it means proving that the problem is complete for a certain class of problems. For optimization problems, we may consider to relax the requirement of the outcome to be optimal and accept an approximate (i.e., close to optimal) solution. For many of the problems that are hard to solve optimally, it is actually possible to efficiently find close to optimal solutions. In this thesis, we study algorithms for computing such approximate solutions

    Non-Convex and Geometric Methods for Tomography and Label Learning

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    Data labeling is a fundamental problem of mathematical data analysis in which each data point is assigned exactly one single label (prototype) from a finite predefined set. In this thesis we study two challenging extensions, where either the input data cannot be observed directly or prototypes are not available beforehand. The main application of the first setting is discrete tomography. We propose several non-convex variational as well as smooth geometric approaches to joint image label assignment and reconstruction from indirect measurements with known prototypes. In particular, we consider spatial regularization of assignments, based on the KL-divergence, which takes into account the smooth geometry of discrete probability distributions endowed with the Fisher-Rao (information) metric, i.e. the assignment manifold. Finally, the geometric point of view leads to a smooth flow evolving on a Riemannian submanifold including the tomographic projection constraints directly into the geometry of assignments. Furthermore we investigate corresponding implicit numerical schemes which amount to solving a sequence of convex problems. Likewise, for the second setting, when the prototypes are absent, we introduce and study a smooth dynamical system for unsupervised data labeling which evolves by geometric integration on the assignment manifold. Rigorously abstracting from ``data-label'' to ``data-data'' decisions leads to interpretable low-rank data representations, which themselves are parameterized by label assignments. The resulting self-assignment flow simultaneously performs learning of latent prototypes in the very same framework while they are used for inference. Moreover, a single parameter, the scale of regularization in terms of spatial context, drives the entire process. By smooth geodesic interpolation between different normalizations of self-assignment matrices on the positive definite matrix manifold, a one-parameter family of self-assignment flows is defined. Accordingly, the proposed approach can be characterized from different viewpoints such as discrete optimal transport, normalized spectral cuts and combinatorial optimization by completely positive factorizations, each with additional built-in spatial regularization

    Local Search Approximation Algorithms for Clustering Problems

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    In this research we study the use of local search in the design of approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems. For our study we have selected several well-known clustering problems: k-facility location problem, minimum mutliway cut problem, and constrained maximum k-cut problem. We show that by careful use of the local optimality property of the solutions produced by local search algorithms it is possible to bound the ratio between solutions produced by local search approximation algorithms and optimum solutions. This ratio is known as the locality gap. The locality gap of our algorithm for the k-uncapacitated facility location problem is 2+sqrt(3) +epsilon for any constant epsilon \u3e0. This matches the approximation ratio of the best known algorithm for the problem, proposed by Zhang but our algorithm is simpler. For the minimum multiway cut problem our algorithm has locality gap 2-2/k, which matches the approximation ratio of the isolation heuristic of Dahlhaus et al; however, our experimental results show that in practice our local search algorithm greatly outperforms the isolation heuristic, and furthermore it has comparable performance as that of the three currently best algorithms for the minimum multiway cut problem. For the constrained maximum k-cut problem on hypergraphs we proposed a local search based approximation algorithm with locality gap 1-1/k for a variety of constraints imposed on the k-cuts. The locality gap of our algorithm matches the approximation ratio of the best known algorithm for the max k-cut problem on graphs designed by Vazirani, but our algorithm is more general

    Adaptive modulation, coding and power allocation in cognitive radio networks

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    Nonsmooth Convex Variational Approaches to Image Analysis

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    Variational models constitute a foundation for the formulation and understanding of models in many areas of image processing and analysis. In this work, we consider a generic variational framework for convex relaxations of multiclass labeling problems, formulated on continuous domains. We propose several relaxations for length-based regularizers, with varying expressiveness and computational cost. In contrast to graph-based, combinatorial approaches, we rely on a geometric measure theory-based formulation, which avoids artifacts caused by an early discretization in theory as well as in practice. We investigate and compare numerical first-order approaches for solving the associated nonsmooth discretized problem, based on controlled smoothing and operator splitting. In order to obtain integral solutions, we propose a randomized rounding technique formulated in the spatially continuous setting, and prove that it allows to obtain solutions with an a priori optimality bound. Furthermore, we present a method for introducing more advanced prior shape knowledge into labeling problems, based on the sparse representation framework

    Image Partitioning based on Semidefinite Programming

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    Many tasks in computer vision lead to combinatorial optimization problems. Automatic image partitioning is one of the most important examples in this context: whether based on some prior knowledge or completely unsupervised, we wish to find coherent parts of the image. However, the inherent combinatorial complexity of such problems often prevents to find the global optimum in polynomial time. For this reason, various approaches have been proposed to find good approximative solutions for image partitioning problems. As an important example, we will first consider different spectral relaxation techniques: based on straightforward eigenvector calculations, these methods compute suboptimal solutions in short time. However, the main contribution of this thesis is to introduce a novel optimization technique for discrete image partitioning problems which is based on a semidefinite programming relaxation. In contrast to approximation methods employing annealing algorithms, this approach involves solving a convex optimization problem, which does not suffer from possible local minima. Using interior point techniques, the solution of the relaxation can be found in polynomial time, and without elaborate parameter tuning. High quality solutions to the original combinatorial problem are then obtained with a randomized rounding technique. The only potential drawback of the semidefinite relaxation approach is that the number of variables of the optimization problem is squared. Nevertheless, it can still be applied to problems with up to a few thousand variables, as is demonstrated for various computer vision tasks including unsupervised segmentation, perceptual grouping and image restoration. Concerning problems of higher dimensionality, we study two different approaches to effectively reduce the number of variables. The first one is based on probabilistic sampling: by considering only a small random fraction of the pixels in the image, our semidefinite relaxation method can be applied in an efficient way while maintaining a reliable quality of the resulting segmentations. The second approach reduces the problem size by computing an over-segmentation of the image in a preprocessing step. After that, the image is partitioned based on the resulting "superpixels" instead of the original pixels. Since the real world does not consist of pixels, it can even be argued that this is the more natural image representation. Initially, our semidefinite relaxation method is defined only for binary partitioning problems. To derive image segmentations into multiple parts, one possibility is to apply the binary approach in a hierarchical way. Besides this natural extension, we also discuss how multiclass partitioning problems can be solved in a direct way based on semidefinite relaxation techniques

    Robust inversion and detection techniques for improved imaging performance

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn this thesis we aim to improve the performance of information extraction from imaging systems through three thrusts. First, we develop improved image formation methods for physics-based, complex-valued sensing problems. We propose a regularized inversion method that incorporates prior information about the underlying field into the inversion framework for ultrasound imaging. We use experimental ultrasound data to compute inversion results with the proposed formulation and compare it with conventional inversion techniques to show the robustness of the proposed technique to loss of data. Second, we propose methods that combine inversion and detection in a unified framework to improve imaging performance. This framework is applicable for cases where the underlying field is label-based such that each pixel of the underlying field can only assume values from a discrete, limited set. We consider this unified framework in the context of combinatorial optimization and propose graph-cut based methods that would result in label-based images, thereby eliminating the need for a separate detection step. Finally, we propose a robust method of object detection from microscopic nanoparticle images. In particular, we focus on a portable, low cost interferometric imaging platform and propose robust detection algorithms using tools from computer vision. We model the electromagnetic image formation process and use this model to create an enhanced detection technique. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated using manually labeled ground-truth data. In addition, we extend these tools to develop a detection based autofocusing algorithm tailored for the high numerical aperture interferometric microscope
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