16,794 research outputs found

    Constructions of new matroids and designs over GF(q)

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    A perfect matroid design (PMD) is a matroid whose flats of the same rank all have the same size. In this paper we introduce the q-analogue of a PMD and its properties. In order to do that, we first establish a new cryptomorphic definition for q-matroids. We show that q-Steiner systems are examples of q-PMD's and we use this q-matroid structure to construct subspace designs from q-Steiner systems. We apply this construction to S(2, 3, 13; q) q-Steiner systems and hence establish the existence of subspace designs with previously unknown parameters

    Chromatic Numbers of Simplicial Manifolds

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    Higher chromatic numbers χs\chi_s of simplicial complexes naturally generalize the chromatic number χ1\chi_1 of a graph. In any fixed dimension dd, the ss-chromatic number χs\chi_s of dd-complexes can become arbitrarily large for sd/2s\leq\lceil d/2\rceil [6,18]. In contrast, χd+1=1\chi_{d+1}=1, and only little is known on χs\chi_s for d/2<sd\lceil d/2\rceil<s\leq d. A particular class of dd-complexes are triangulations of dd-manifolds. As a consequence of the Map Color Theorem for surfaces [29], the 2-chromatic number of any fixed surface is finite. However, by combining results from the literature, we will see that χ2\chi_2 for surfaces becomes arbitrarily large with growing genus. The proof for this is via Steiner triple systems and is non-constructive. In particular, up to now, no explicit triangulations of surfaces with high χ2\chi_2 were known. We show that orientable surfaces of genus at least 20 and non-orientable surfaces of genus at least 26 have a 2-chromatic number of at least 4. Via a projective Steiner triple systems, we construct an explicit triangulation of a non-orientable surface of genus 2542 and with face vector f=(127,8001,5334)f=(127,8001,5334) that has 2-chromatic number 5 or 6. We also give orientable examples with 2-chromatic numbers 5 and 6. For 3-dimensional manifolds, an iterated moment curve construction [18] along with embedding results [6] can be used to produce triangulations with arbitrarily large 2-chromatic number, but of tremendous size. Via a topological version of the geometric construction of [18], we obtain a rather small triangulation of the 3-dimensional sphere S3S^3 with face vector f=(167,1579,2824,1412)f=(167,1579,2824,1412) and 2-chromatic number 5.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, revised presentatio

    Sparse geometric graphs with small dilation

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    Given a set S of n points in R^D, and an integer k such that 0 <= k < n, we show that a geometric graph with vertex set S, at most n - 1 + k edges, maximum degree five, and dilation O(n / (k+1)) can be computed in time O(n log n). For any k, we also construct planar n-point sets for which any geometric graph with n-1+k edges has dilation Omega(n/(k+1)); a slightly weaker statement holds if the points of S are required to be in convex position