6,257 research outputs found

    Application of pattern search method to power system valve-point economic load dispatch

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    Direct search (DS) methods are evolutionary algorithms used to solve constrained optimization problems. DS methods do not require any information about the gradient of the objective function at hand, while searching for an optimum solution. One of such methods is pattern search (PS) algorithm. This study presents a new approach based on a constrained pattern search algorithm to solve well-known power system economic load dispatch problem (ELD) with valve-point effect. For illustrative purposes, the proposed PS technique has been applied to various test systems to validate its effectiveness. Furthermore, convergence characteristics and robustness of the proposed method has been assessed and investigated through comparison with results reported in literature. The outcome is very encouraging and proves that pattern search (PS) is very applicable for solving power system economic load dispatch problem

    A hybrid GA–PS–SQP method to solve power system valve-point economic dispatch problems

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    This study presents a new approach based on a hybrid algorithm consisting of Genetic Algorithm (GA), Pattern Search (PS) and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) techniques to solve the well-known power system Economic dispatch problem (ED). GA is the main optimizer of the algorithm, whereas PS and SQP are used to fine tune the results of GA to increase confidence in the solution. For illustrative purposes, the algorithm has been applied to various test systems to assess its effectiveness. Furthermore, convergence characteristics and robustness of the proposed method have been explored through comparison with results reported in literature. The outcome is very encouraging and suggests that the hybrid GA–PS–SQP algorithm is very efficient in solving power system economic dispatch problem

    The Kalai-Smorodinski solution for many-objective Bayesian optimization

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    An ongoing aim of research in multiobjective Bayesian optimization is to extend its applicability to a large number of objectives. While coping with a limited budget of evaluations, recovering the set of optimal compromise solutions generally requires numerous observations and is less interpretable since this set tends to grow larger with the number of objectives. We thus propose to focus on a specific solution originating from game theory, the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, which possesses attractive properties. In particular, it ensures equal marginal gains over all objectives. We further make it insensitive to a monotonic transformation of the objectives by considering the objectives in the copula space. A novel tailored algorithm is proposed to search for the solution, in the form of a Bayesian optimization algorithm: sequential sampling decisions are made based on acquisition functions that derive from an instrumental Gaussian process prior. Our approach is tested on four problems with respectively four, six, eight, and nine objectives. The method is available in the Rpackage GPGame available on CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/package=GPGame

    Time-Constrained Temporal Logic Control of Multi-Affine Systems

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of controlling a dynamical system such that its trajectories satisfy a temporal logic property in a given amount of time. We focus on multi-affine systems and specifications given as syntactically co-safe linear temporal logic formulas over rectangular regions in the state space. The proposed algorithm is based on the estimation of time bounds for facet reachability problems and solving a time optimal reachability problem on the product between a weighted transition system and an automaton that enforces the satisfaction of the specification. A random optimization algorithm is used to iteratively improve the solution


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    ABSTRACT PID controller of servo control system maintains the gap between Electrode and workpiece in Electrical Dis- charge Machining (EDM). Capability of the controller is significant since machining process is a stochastic phenomenon and physical behaviour of the discharge is unpredictable. Therefore, a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller using Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is designed and applied to an EDM servo actuator system in order to find suitable gain parameters. Simulation results verify the capabilities and effectiveness of the DE algorithm to search the best configuration of PID gain to maintain the electrode position. Keywords: servo control system; electrical discharge machining; proportional integral derivative; con- troller tuning; differential evolution

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing
