9 research outputs found

    Cloud for Gaming

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    Cloud for Gaming refers to the use of cloud computing technologies to build large-scale gaming infrastructures, with the goal of improving scalability and responsiveness, improve the user's experience and enable new business models.Comment: Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Newton Lee (Editor). Springer International Publishing, 2015, ISBN 978-3-319-08234-

    Efficient Client-to-Server Assignments for Distributed Virtual Environments

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    Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs) are distributed systems that allow multiple geographically distributed clients (users) to interact simultaneously in a computer-generated, shared virtual world. Applications of DVEs can be seen in many areas nowadays, such as online games, military simulations, collaborative designs, etc. To support large-scale DVEs with real-time interactions among thousands or more distributed clients, a geographically distributed server architecture (GDSA) is generally needed, and the virtual world can be partitioned into many distinct zones to distribute the load among the servers. Due to the geographic distributions of clients and servers in such architectures, it is essential to efficiently assign the participating clients to servers to enhance users ’ experience in interacting within the DVE. This problem is termed the client assignment problem. In this paper, we propose a two-phase approach, consisting of an initial assignment phase and a refined assignment phase to address this problem. Both phases are shown to be NP-hard, and several heuristic assignment algorithms are then devised based on this two-phase approach. Via extensive simulation studies with realistic settings, we evaluate these algorithms in terms of their performances in enhancing interactivity of the DVE. 1

    Applicability of group communication for increased scalability in MMOGs

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    Massive multiplayer online games (MMOGs) are today the driving factor for the development of distributed interactive applications, and they are increasing in size and complex-ity. Even a small MMOG supports thousands of players, the biggest support hundreds of thousands of concurrent players. Since they are typically built as strict client-server systems, they suffer from the inherent scalability problem of the architecture. Computing power and bandwidth limita-tions close to the server limit the possible number of players. Also, the latency of communication between players through the server will be higher than using direct communication. In the paper, we address these issues and investigate im-provement options. A typical MMOG consists of a virtual world with a con-cept of time and space that is similar to the real world. In it, players are represented by avatars. Only subsets of these avatars interact with each other at any given time. This allows us to divide them into groups, and communication among group members becomes a multi-party communica-tion problem. Thus, to reduce resource consumption, we compare the performance of several algorithms for group communication with the current central server approach. We use overlay multicast as the means of providing group communication, and research algorithms for creating short-est path trees, spanning trees, delay-bounded spanning trees and, more specific, applying Steiner tree heuristics. Our experimental results indicate that different approaches are useful to reduce resource consumption while achieving a good perceived quality under varying conditions, such as frequent changes in group membership and the demand for low latency. 1

    Adaptive content management for collaborative 3D virtual spaces

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    Collaborative 3D virtual spaces and their services are often too heavy for a mobile device to handle. The burden of such services is divided between extensive amounts of data, which need to be downloaded prior to using the service, and the complexity of the resulting graphical rendering process. In this paper, a proxy based architecture for collaborative virtual spaces is used to manipulate graphical data demand-time to favor both network bandwidth usage and graphical rendering process. In addition, a proof of concept test is shown, regarding how the simplification process gains savings for different client device profiles, including laptops, tablets and mobile devices

    On the effectiveness of an optimization method for the traffic of TCP-based multiplayer online games

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    This paper studies the feasibility of using an optimization method, based on multiplexing and header compression, for the traffic of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) using TCP at the Transport Layer. Different scenarios where a number of flows share a common network path are identified. The adaptation of the multiplexing method is explained, and a formula of the savings is devised. The header compression ratio is obtained using real traces of a popular game and a statistical model of its traffic is used to obtain the bandwidth saving as a function of the number of players and the multiplexing period. The obtained savings can be up to 60 % for IPv4 and 70 % for IPv6. A Mean Opinion Score model from the literature is employed to calculate the limits of the multiplexing period that can be used without harming the user experience. The interactions between multiplexed and non-multiplexed flows, sharing a bottleneck with different kinds of background traffic, are studied through simulations. As a result of the tests, some limits for the multiplexing period are recommended: the unfairness between players can be low if the value of the multiplexing period is kept under 10 or 20 ms. TCP background flows using SACK (Selective Acknowledgment) and Reno yield better results, in terms of fairness, than Tahoe and New Reno. When UDP is used for background traffic, high values of the multiplexing period may stress the unfairness between flows if network congestion is severe

    Scalable Resource and QoS Brokering Mechanisms for Massively Multiplayer Online Games

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    Multiplayer online games have become an increasingly integral part of online entertainment. With advances in social media, the number of players of these games is increasing at a very rapid rate, which in some cases has been observed to be exponential. This is when resource becomes a concern. In this thesis, I investigated several challenges in developing and maintaining multiplayer games such as hotspots, genrespeci c limitations, unpredictable quality of service and rigidity in resource availability. I showed that these issues can be solved by adopting mechanisms for separation of resource concerns from functional concerns and coordination of resources. To support resource coordination, I divided the ownership of resources among three partiesgame owner, resource owner and game player. I developed the CyberOrgs-MMOG API, which supports Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) platforms capable of resource sharing among multiple peers, through mechanisms for acquiring these resources dynamically. I showed that dynamic acquisition of resources can solve the resource questions mentioned above. The API was evaluated using a 2D game with up to 250 simulated players. I also showed, how the game's responsiveness can be dynamically adjusted in a scalable way. This thesis presents the design and implementation of the CyberOrgs-MMOG API, interfaces provided to the interacting agents representing di erent parties. I integrated a 2D multiplayer game with the API and evaluated the mechanisms supported by the API

    A Generic Proxy System for Networked Computer Games

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    In this work: in-progress report we present the general outline of a research project which aims at providing proxy support for networked computer games. The problems of both client-server and fully replicated architectures are discussed and we reason that employing proxy technology, which has been successfully used for other networked applications, is advantageous for this class of applications as well. In particular we describe how a proxy system for networked computer games can help with providing congestion control, achieving robustness, minimizing the impact of network delay and providing fairness

    Interaktive latenzkritische Anwendungen in mobilen Ad-hoc Netzen

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    In this thesis we discuss the challenges that latency-sensitive interactive applications face in mobile ad-hoc networks. By using multi-player games as an example, we argue that the traditional client-server architecture is unsuitable for this new environment. We consequently create a novel communication architecture as well as quality of service mechanisms that can support the network requirements of such applications in mobile environments. By using a number of distributed zone servers that are selected and managed dynamically by our server selection algorithm, we provide a scalable approach that offers the necessary redundancy. Furthermore, we propose additional quality of service mechanisms to reduce latency and packet loss for interactive applications. We evaluate our approach through network simulation and realistic mobile gaming scenarios. The performance of our evaluation is checked against real-world measurements.In dieser Arbeit werden die Probleme und Herausforderungen von latenz-kritischen interactiven Computeranwendungen in mobilen Ad-hoc Netzen untersucht. Am Beispiel von Mehrbenutzercomputerspielen zeigen wir, dass traditionelle Client-Server Architekturen fĂŒr diese neuen Umgebungen ungeeignet sind. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird daher eine neue Kommunikationsarchitektur sowie verschiedene Mechanismen zur Erhöhung der DienstgĂŒte vorgeschlagen. Mit Hilfe von Zonenserver, die durch den Serverauswahlalgorithmus ausgesucht und verwaltet werden zeigen wir einen Ansatz auf, der sowohl bezĂŒglich der NetzgrĂ¶ĂŸe skalierbar ist als auch die notwendige Redundanz bereitstellt. Wir zeigen die FunktionalitĂ€t und die Leistung unseres Ansatzes mit Hilfe von Netzsimulationen bei denen realistische Szenarien fĂŒr mobiles Spielen simuliert werden. Der hierbei benutze Netzsimulator wurde dafĂŒr auf Basis von eigenen Messungen verbessert und fĂŒr das jeweilige Szenario passend eingestellt