10 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry Flows, Semi-Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon Models And The Pohlmeyer Reduction

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    We study the extended supersymmetric integrable hierarchy underlying the Pohlmeyer reduction of superstring sigma models on semi-symmetric superspaces F/G. This integrable hierarchy is constructed by coupling two copies of the homogeneous integrable hierarchy associated to the loop Lie superalgebra extension f of the Lie superalgebra f of F and this is done by means of the algebraic dressing technique and a Riemann-Hilbert factorization problem. By using the Drinfeld-Sokolov procedure we construct explicitly, a set of 2D spin \pm1/2 conserved supercharges generating supersymmetry flows in the phase space of the reduced model. We introduce the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the extended homogeneous hierarchy and show that the two brackets are of the Kostant-Kirillov type on the co-adjoint orbits defined by the light-cone Lax operators L_\pm. By using the second symplectic structure, we show that these supersymmetries are Hamiltonian flows, we compute part of the supercharge algebra and find the supersymmetric field variations they induce. We also show that this second Poisson structure coincides with the canonical Lorentz-Invariant symplectic structure of the WZNW model involved in the Lagrangian formulation of the extended integrable hierarchy, namely, the semi-symmetric space sine-Gordon model (SSSSG), which is the Pohlmeyer reduced action functional for the transverse degrees of freedom of superstring sigma models on the cosets F/G. We work out in some detail the Pohlmeyer reduction of the AdS_2xS^2 and the AdS_3xS^3 superstrings and show that the new conserved supercharges can be related to the supercharges extracted from 2D superspace. In particular, for the AdS_2xS^2 example, they are formally the same.Comment: V2: Two references added, V3: Modifications in section 2.6, V4: Published versio

    Nonlinear Super Integrable Couplings of Super Classical-Boussinesq Hierarchy

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    Nonlinear integrable couplings of super classical-Boussinesq hierarchy based upon an enlarged matrix Lie super algebra were constructed. Then, its super Hamiltonian structures were established by using super trace identity. As its reduction, nonlinear integrable couplings of the classical integrable hierarchy were obtained

    Super-Hamiltonian Structures and Conservation Laws of a New Six-Component Super-Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur Hierarchy

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    A six-component super-Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur (-AKNS) hierarchy is proposed by the zero curvature equation associated with Lie superalgebras. Supertrace identity is used to furnish the super-Hamiltonian structures for the resulting nonlinear superintegrable hierarchy. Furthermore, we derive the infinite conservation laws of the first two nonlinear super-AKNS equations in the hierarchy by utilizing spectral parameter expansions. PACS: 02.30.Ik; 02.30.Jr; 02.20.Sv

    Nonlinear Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics: concepts and realizations

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    Nonlinear SUSY approach to preparation of quantum systems with pre-planned spectral properties is reviewed. Possible multidimensional extensions of Nonlinear SUSY are described. The full classification of ladder-reducible and irreducible chains of SUSY algebras in one-dimensional QM is given. Emergence of hidden symmetries and spectrum generating algebras is elucidated in the context of Nonlinear SUSY in one- and two-dimensional QM.Comment: 75 pages, Minor corrections, Version published in Journal of Physics

    T-systems and Y-systems in integrable systems

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    The T and Y-systems are ubiquitous structures in classical and quantum integrable systems. They are difference equations having a variety of aspects related to commuting transfer matrices in solvable lattice models, q-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of quantum affine algebras, cluster algebras with coefficients, periodicity conjectures of Zamolodchikov and others, dilogarithm identities in conformal field theory, difference analogue of L-operators in KP hierarchy, Stokes phenomena in 1d Schr\"odinger problem, AdS/CFT correspondence, Toda field equations on discrete space-time, Laplace sequence in discrete geometry, Fermionic character formulas and combinatorial completeness of Bethe ansatz, Q-system and ideal gas with exclusion statistics, analytic and thermodynamic Bethe ans\"atze, quantum transfer matrix method and so forth. This review article is a collection of short reviews on these topics which can be read more or less independently.Comment: 156 pages. Minor corrections including the last paragraph of sec.3.5, eqs.(4.1), (5.28), (9.37) and (13.54). The published version (JPA topical review) also needs these correction