4 research outputs found

    A Two-Step Tabu Search Heuristic for Multi-period Multi-site Assignment Problem with Joint Requirement of Multiple Resource Types

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    An assignment problem has been extensively studied and applied in many industries. Variations of assignment problem have been proposed and appeared in literatures for many years. This paper extends the variation of assignment problem in the dimension of task and resource by proposing the joint requirement of multiple resource types in a multi-period multi-site assignment problem. This specific characteristic is that there are many multi-skill resource types and tasks require joint requirement of more than one resource type for operation. An application of this model can be found in healthcare industry, especially in clinic networks or hospital networks, which have many service locations, have many resource types such as doctors, nurses or medical equipments and definitely require more than one resource type for operations. This paper proposes a two-step Tabu search heuristic for multi-period multi-site assignment problem with joint requirement of multiple resource types. The specified neighborhood strategy, short-term memory and long-term memory are designed to suitable for the problem and to produce an efficient move to better solutions. From computational study, solutions from Tabu search algorithm are compared with optimal solutions from CPLEX and the result shows that, for small size problems, most solutions are close to optimal solutions, for medium size problems, the algorithm can provide good solutions in a short time comparing with CPLEX, and for large size problem, four out of five solutions from the proposed algorithm are better than solutions from CPLEX in a limit of time

    Proposição de um modelo de alocação baseado em competências : um estudo sobre o problema da designação generalizada aplicado a equipes de prestação de serviços

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    Essa dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de um modelo para a solução do problema de alocação de equipes baseado em competências. Fundamentado no tradicional problema da alocação generalizada, inicialmente introduzido por Ross e Soland (1975), este trabalho propõe um método heurístico considerando três dimensões (trabalhador, região e competência). Considerando-se uma prestadora de serviços cuja demanda é variável segundo a sua região de origem, a quantidade de atendimentos necessários e o perfil de competências exigido para cada atendimento. Supondo ser inerente ao serviço que os trabalhadores possam realizar tanto atendimentos locais quanto em outras regiões e que é desejável priorizar atendimentos com profissionais locais. O objetivo do modelo é determinar a melhor região para a alocação individual de um grupo de profissionais, com base em seu perfil de competências e no comportamento da demanda por essas competências. O modelo desenvolvido é aplicado em uma empresa prestadora de serviços de segurança e saúde no trabalho. Quatro cenários são avaliados comparativamente, sendo um desses o ambiente original e os demais resultantes de três simulações com o método realizadas sob considerações distintas. Os resultados indicam que o modelo proposto possui significativa convergência com a solução ótima, assim como uma potencial contribuição a estratégia de atendimento da empresa.This dissertation addresses the development and the implementation of a method for solving the competency-based team allocation problem. Based on the traditional generalized assignment problem, initially introduced by Ross and Soland (1975), this paper proposes a heuristic method considering three dimensions (worker, region and competence). Considering a service provider whose demand varies according to its location (region), the amount of needed assistance and the expertise profile required for each service demanded. Assuming it is inherent to the service that workers can provide assistance both locally and remotely, and that it is desirable to prioritize local professionals for service assignment. The method’s main objective is to determine the best region for the individual assignment of a group of professionals, based on their competency profile and the demand behavior for those competencies. The developed method is applied in a company that provides occupational health and safety services. Four scenarios are comparatively evaluated, one of them being the original environment and the others resulting from three simulations with the method performed under different considerations. The outcomes indicate that the proposed method has significant convergence to the optimal solution, as well as a potential contribution to the company's service strategy

    Organisation et planification de la main-d'oeuvre : applications en santé et en industrie

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    Revue de la littérature sur l'organisation et la planification de la main-d'oeuvre -- Analysis of a territorial approach to the delivery of nursing home care services based on historical data -- A patient assignment algorithm for home care services -- A flexible milp model multiple-shift workforce planning under annualized hours112