374 research outputs found

    Governing information security within the context of "bring your own device" in small, medium and micro enterprises

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    Throughout history, information has been core to the communication, processing and storage of most tasks in the organisation, in this case in Small-Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). The implementation of these tasks relies on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT is constantly evolving, and with each developed ICT, it becomes important that organisations adapt to the changing environment. Organisations need to adapt to the changing environment by incorporating innovative ICT that allows employees to perform their tasks with ease anywhere and anytime, whilst reducing the costs affiliated with the ICT. In this modern, performing tasks with ease anywhere and anytime requires that the employee is mobile whilst using the ICT. As a result, a relatively new phenomenon called “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) is currently infiltrating most organisations, where personally-owned mobile devices are used to access organisational information that will be used to conduct the various tasks of the organisation. The use of BYOD in organisations breeds the previously mentioned benefits such as performing organisational tasks anywhere and anytime. However, with the benefits highlighted for BYOD, organisations should be aware that there are risks to the implementation of BYOD. Therefore, the implementation of BYOD deems that organisations should implement BYOD with proper management thereof

    Governing information security within the context of "bring your own device" in small, medium and micro enterprises

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    Throughout history, information has been core to the communication, processing and storage of most tasks in the organisation, in this case in Small-Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). The implementation of these tasks relies on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT is constantly evolving, and with each developed ICT, it becomes important that organisations adapt to the changing environment. Organisations need to adapt to the changing environment by incorporating innovative ICT that allows employees to perform their tasks with ease anywhere and anytime, whilst reducing the costs affiliated with the ICT. In this modern, performing tasks with ease anywhere and anytime requires that the employee is mobile whilst using the ICT. As a result, a relatively new phenomenon called “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) is currently infiltrating most organisations, where personally-owned mobile devices are used to access organisational information that will be used to conduct the various tasks of the organisation. The use of BYOD in organisations breeds the previously mentioned benefits such as performing organisational tasks anywhere and anytime. However, with the benefits highlighted for BYOD, organisations should be aware that there are risks to the implementation of BYOD. Therefore, the implementation of BYOD deems that organisations should implement BYOD with proper management thereof

    Towards a wireless local area network security control framework for small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa

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    There is little literature available that is specific to the use of wireless local area network [WLAN) security among small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. This research study developed a framework which may be used by SMMEs for the purposes of securing their WLANs. In view of the fact that the aim of the study was to develop a system for improving information technology security, the study followed a design science approach. A literature review was conducted on security control framework standards and WLAN technologies. The needs of SMMEs regarding WLANs were also established. The result of this process was an artefact in the form of a WLAN Security Control Framework for securing WLANs for SMMEs in South Africa. The suitability of the framework was validated by means of a focus group

    Towards a wireless local area network security control framework for small, medium and micro enterprises in South Africa

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    There is little literature available that is specific to the use of wireless local area network [WLAN) security among small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. This research study developed a framework which may be used by SMMEs for the purposes of securing their WLANs. In view of the fact that the aim of the study was to develop a system for improving information technology security, the study followed a design science approach. A literature review was conducted on security control framework standards and WLAN technologies. The needs of SMMEs regarding WLANs were also established. The result of this process was an artefact in the form of a WLAN Security Control Framework for securing WLANs for SMMEs in South Africa. The suitability of the framework was validated by means of a focus group

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics 2016

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    Cape Town, South Africa, 7 Sept. 2016 – 8 Sept. 2016. Theme: Sustainable economies in the information economy. Purpose: To share the quality academic papers presented at the International Conference on Business and Management Dynamics (ICBMD) held from 7 to 8 September 2016 at African Pride Crystal Hotel and Spa in Cape Town. As grey literature, the proceedings are the contributions made by researchers at the conference and are considered the written record of the work that was presented to fellow conference delegates. Methodology: The methodology used varies from researcher to researcher but are suitable for the studies conducted. Thus, on the one hand, studies that were subjective in nature used the interpretive paradigm, where the qualitative approach adopted made used of the interview method to collect data. On the other hand, studies that were objectively inclined adopted the positivist philosophy and used survey questionnaires to collect data. However, there were some academic papers which used mixed methodology because of the nature of the study. Whatever methodology used adhered to the ethos of the philosophies underpinning the methodology. Contribution made to scholarship: The articles come from individual researchers and each article in the proceedings is unique. Mostly, there is no general argument leading from one contribution to the next. However, it is interesting to note that in the area of economic performance it was evident that real exchange rate and net foreign direct investment contribute more towards innovations in economic growth. With regard to human capital development, papers presented evidence that there exists a definite need to explore the phenomenon of personal branding as limited scientific academic research has been done within the field of personal branding or on elements of the topic. Thus, the outcome argues that personal branding has an influence on leadership style which in turn impacts on organisational performance and related hygiene factors. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that current methods or strategies for enforcing institutionalisation of knowledge sharing within an organisation have not been successful, and, as such, new strategies are needed to reinforce efforts to nurture and invigorate the institutionalisation of knowledge sharing within an organisation. With regard to technology and big data impact on organisational performance, it was evident that system performance, memory consumption and CPU utilisation can be used as criteria to compare and evaluate big data technologies to improve organisational performance. Most of the articles’ contribution reemphasised technology education and training as a means of digitising business and improving effectiveness. Target audience: The target readership is academic researchers and business leaders who require access to the latest developments in the fields of economics, information management, business, education, development studies, social sciences and technology. It is also for policymakers and other stakeholders who need a better understanding of the impact of new developments on existing policies and regulations for their review or amendment

    Shifting the digital skills discourse for the 4th industrial revolution

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    Copyright ©the Authors All rights reserved. Permission to make digital or paper copy of part or all of these works for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that the copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies: 1) bear this notice in full; and 2) give the full citation on the first page. It is permissible to abstract these works so long as credit is given. To copy in all other cases or to republish or to post on a server or to redistribute to lists requires specific permission and payment of a fee. Contact [email protected] to request redistribution permission.School of Computin

    A model to enhance the perceived trustworthiness of Eastern Cape essential oil producers selling through electronic marketplaces

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    Eastern Cape Province farmers in the natural essential oils industry are yet to fully realise the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce) platforms, such as electronic marketplaces (e-marketplaces) for business purposes. This is due to the issues that include lack of awareness, poor product quality, untrusted payment gateways and unsuccessful delivery that are associated with e-marketplaces. As a result, farmers do not trust e-marketplaces and therefore hesitate to engage in e-marketplaces for business purposes. This is further complicated by natural essential oils buyers‟ tendency of preferring face-to-face interaction with a supplier rather than online interaction as they need quality assurance. As such, this research proposes a model to enhance the perceived trustworthiness of natural essential oil producers in the Eastern Cape Province selling through e-marketplaces. The model constitutes the factors that could be considered in assisting essential oil producers to create a perception of trustworthiness to buyers in e-marketplaces. These factors were evaluated amongst five organisations involved in the production, retail or processing of essential oils using a multiple-case study methodology. The study‟s use of multiple-case study was applied within the interpretivist paradigm and five cases were considered. Interviews, document analysis and observations were used for data collection. Data analysis was done using within-case analysis followed by cross-case analysis to establish factors of trust. The essential oil producers based in the Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces were cases that had been successfully using e-marketplaces for a notable period of time. Accordingly, factors that contributed to the successful use of e-marketplaces informed the proposed model of this research. The model proposes that perceived trustworthiness of enterprises in e-marketplaces can be achieved through following the uncertainty reduction stages (Entry, Personal and Exit) and applying uncertainty reduction strategies (passive, active and interactive)

    A framework for the adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) in the hospital environment

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    The concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – the use of a personally owned device in a working environment – is all over the place, nobody talks about it but many are using it. To find out the state of the art of BYOD in Swiss hospitals, an intense literature research revealed a research gap in the combination of BYOD and healthcare related topics. Six hospitals in Switzerland were examined, were questioned about their IT organization and services as well as their usage of mobile devices with a special focus on BYOD. As the Swiss hospital system is organized in a federalist way – much alike the Swiss state structure – it was to no surprise that the results among the study sites varied quite a bit. BYOD is used in many ways and for a mature implementation of BYOD, an EMM solution is crucial

    Procurement practices employed within the commuter bus industry in the Gauteng Province of South Africa

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    The purpose of this study is to explore procurement practices employed within the commuter bus industry in Gauteng. The contemporary procurement practices employed within the commuter bus industry in Gauteng have propagated a number of challenges for this industry, including a deficit in the allocated funds and a lack of coordinated relationship between the relevant stakeholders. This study is both descriptive and exploratory in nature and employed a mixed-method research approach to collect the research data. The data was collected from a sample of 18 respondents who are key stakeholders directly involved in the procurement of subsidised commuter bus services in Gauteng by means of a face-to-face interview using a semi-structured questionnaire. The findings of the study revealed that there are three types of procurement practices employed within the commuter bus industry, namely, interim, negotiated and tender contracts. However, all these contracts are now outdated, due to the complex implementation of the policies guiding procurement. The study also revealed that there are minimal contributions towards the socio-economic objectives within the commuter bus industry. This has led to uncoordinated relations between the government officials and the subsidised commuter bus operators. Furthermore, there are challenges hindering effective procurement in the commuter bus industry, such as under-funding, fronting activities, frequent reshuffling of transport personnel and inconstant allocation of funds. The study also noted differences in the application of procurement practices between the government officials and the subsidised commuter bus operators, in terms of the industry’s contribution towards socio-economic objectives, policies and regulations, relationship and the challenges faced within the industry. Efficient procurement practices can contribute significantly to the commuter bus industry, especially towards job creation and economic growth. The study concludes with a recommended framework for enhancing the procurement practices of the commuter bus services in Gauteng.EconomicsM. Com. (Transport Economics
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