8 research outputs found

    Detecting Ontological Conflicts in Protocols between Semantic Web Services

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    The task of verifying the compatibility between interacting web services has traditionally been limited to checking the compatibility of the interaction protocol in terms of message sequences and the type of data being exchanged. Since web services are developed largely in an uncoordinated way, different services often use independently developed ontologies for the same domain instead of adhering to a single ontology as standard. In this work we investigate the approaches that can be taken by the server to verify the possibility to reach a state with semantically inconsistent results during the execution of a protocol with a client, if the client ontology is published. Often database is used to store the actual data along with the ontologies instead of storing the actual data as a part of the ontology description. It is important to observe that at the current state of the database the semantic conflict state may not be reached even if the verification done by the server indicates the possibility of reaching a conflict state. A relational algebra based decision procedure is also developed to incorporate the current state of the client and the server databases in the overall verification procedure

    Modeling Web Services by Iterative Reformulation of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

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    Abstract. We propose an approach for incremental modeling of composite Web services. The technique takes into consideration both the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the composition. While the functional requirements are described using symbolic transition systems—transition systems augmented with state variables, function invocations, and guards; non-functional requirements are quantified using thresholds. The approach allows users to specify an abstract and possibly incomplete specification of the desired service (goal) that can be realized by selecting and composing a set of pre-existing services. In the event that such a composition is unrealizable, i.e. the composition is not functionally equivalent to the goal or the non-functional requirements are violated, our system provides the user with the causes for the failure, that can be used to appropriately reformulate the functional and/or non-functional requirements of the goal specification.

    Towards a Unifying View of QoS-Enhanced Web Service Description and Discovery Approaches

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    The number of web services increased vastly in the last years. Various providers offer web services with the same functionality, so for web service consumers it is getting more complicated to select the web service, which best fits their requirements. That is why a lot of the research efforts point to discover semantic means for describing web services taking into account not only functional characteristics of services, but also the quality of service (QoS) properties such as availability, reliability, response time, trust, etc. This motivated us to research current approaches presenting complete solutions for QoS enabled web service description, publication and discovery. In this paper we present comparative analysis of these approaches according to their common principals. Based on such analysis we extract the essential aspects from them and propose a pattern for the development of QoS-aware service-oriented architectures

    Fuzzy Optimised Power Generation from Moving Vehicles

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    Abstract In our Paper regenerative power system for electric motorcycles and cars that performs regenerative energy recovery from the axle of the vehicle based on fuzzy logic control for a boost converter is used to boost (maintain) the voltage level. Autonomous vehicles have potential applications in many fields, such as replacing humans in hazardous environments, conducting military missions, and performing routine tasks for industry. A constant regenerative current control scheme is proposed, thereby providing improved performance and high energy recovery efficiency at minimum cost. Drivers typically respond quickly to sudden changes in their environment. While other control techniques may be used to control a vehicle, fuzzy logic has certain advantages in this area; one of them is its ability to incorporate human knowledge and experience, via language, into relationships among the given quantities

    An Ontology Based Approach Towards A Universal Description Framework for Home Networks

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    Current home networks typically involve two or more machines sharing network resources. The vision for the home network has grown from a simple computer network, to every day appliances embedded with network capabilities. In this environment devices and services within the home can interoperate, regardless of protocol or platform. Network clients can discover required resources by performing network discovery over component descriptions. Common approaches to this discovery process involve simple matching of keywords or attribute/value pairings. Interest emerging from the Semantic Web community has led to ontology languages being applied to network domains, providing a logical and semantically rich approach to both describing and discovering network components. In much of the existing work within this domain, developers have focused on defining new description frameworks in isolation from existing protocol frameworks and vocabularies. This work proposes an ontology-based description framework which takes the ontology approach to the next step, where existing description frameworks are in- corporated into the ontology-based framework, allowing discovery mechanisms to cover multiple existing domains. In this manner, existing protocols and networking approaches can participate in semantically-rich discovery processes. This framework also includes a system architecture developed for the purpose of reconciling existing home network solutions with the ontology-based discovery process. This work also describes an implementation of the approach and is deployed within a home-network environment. This implementation involves existing home networking frameworks, protocols and components, allowing the claims of this work to be examined and evaluated from a ‘real-world’ perspective

    A Framework for Semantic Web Services Discovery

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    This paper describes a framework for ontology-based flexible discovery of Semantic Web services. The proposed approach relies on user-supplied, context-specific mappings from an user ontology to relevant domain ontologies used to specify Web services. We show how a user's query for a Web service that meets certain selection criteria can be transformed into queries that can be processed by a matchmaking engine that is aware of the relevant domain ontologies and Web services. We also describe how user-specified preferences for Web services in terms of non-functional requirements (e.g., QoS) can be incorporated into the Web service discovery mechanism to generate a partially ordered list of services that meet userspecified functional requirements

    An abstract architecture for virtual organizations: The THOMAS approach

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    Today, the need for architectures and computational models for large-scale open multi-agent systems is considered to be a key issue for the success of agent technology in real-world scenarios. This paper analyzes the significant unsolved problems that must be taken into account in order to develop real, open multi-agent systems. It identifies requirements and related open issues, discusses how some of these requirements have been tackled by current technologies, and explains how the THOMAS architecture is able to give support to these open issues. This paper also describes the THOMAS abstract architecture and computational model for large-scale open multi-agent systems based on a service-oriented approach that specifically addresses the design of virtual organizations. An application example for the management of a travel agency system, which demonstrates the new features of the proposal, is also presented. © 2010 Springer-Verlag London Limited.This work is supported by the Spanish government grants CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00022, TIN2008-04446 and TIN2009-13839-C03-01 and by the GVA project PROMETEO 2008/051.Argente Villaplana, E.; Botti Navarro, VJ.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Giret Boggino, AS.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; Rebollo Pedruelo, M. (2011). An abstract architecture for virtual organizations: The THOMAS approach. Knowledge and Information Systems. 29(2):379-403. doi:10.1007/s10115-010-0349-1S379403292Agent-Oriented-Software (2004) JACK intelligent agents: JACK teams manual, Release 4.1Aguero J, Rebollo M, Carrascosa C, Julian V (2009) Mdd-based agent-oriented software engineering for ubiquitous deployment. 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