6 research outputs found

    A Systematic Survey of General Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

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    SpGEMM (General Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication) has attracted much attention from researchers in fields of multigrid methods and graph analysis. Many optimization techniques have been developed for certain application fields and computing architecture over the decades. The objective of this paper is to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on SpGEMM. Existing optimization techniques have been grouped into different categories based on their target problems and architectures. Covered topics include SpGEMM applications, size prediction of result matrix, matrix partitioning and load balancing, result accumulating, and target architecture-oriented optimization. The rationales of different algorithms in each category are analyzed, and a wide range of SpGEMM algorithms are summarized. This survey sufficiently reveals the latest progress and research status of SpGEMM optimization from 1977 to 2019. More specifically, an experimentally comparative study of existing implementations on CPU and GPU is presented. Based on our findings, we highlight future research directions and how future studies can leverage our findings to encourage better design and implementation.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, 4 algorithm

    A framework for general sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on GPUs and heterogeneous processors

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    General sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM) is a fundamental building block for numerous applications such as algebraic multigrid method (AMG), breadth first search and shortest path problem. Compared to other sparse BLAS routines, an efficient parallel SpGEMM implementation has to handle extra irregularity from three aspects: (1) the number of nonzero entries in the resulting sparse matrix is unknown in advance, (2) very expensive parallel insert operations at random positions in the resulting sparse matrix dominate the execution time, and (3) load balancing must account for sparse data in both input matrices. In this work we propose a framework for SpGEMM on GPUs and emerging CPU-GPU heterogeneous processors. This framework particularly focuses on the above three problems. Memory pre-allocation for the resulting matrix is organized by a hybrid method that saves a large amount of global memory space and efficiently utilizes the very limited on-chip scratchpad memory. Parallel insert operations of the nonzero entries are implemented through the GPU merge path algorithm that is experimentally found to be the fastest GPU merge approach. Load balancing builds on the number of necessary arithmetic operations on the nonzero entries and is guaranteed in all stages. Compared with the state-of-the-art CPU and GPU SpGEMM methods, our approach delivers excellent absolute performance and relative speedups on various benchmarks multiplying matrices with diverse sparsity structures. Furthermore, on heterogeneous processors, our SpGEMM approach achieves higher throughput by using re-allocatable shared virtual memory. The source code of this work is available at https://github.com/bhSPARSE/Benchmark_SpGEMM_using_CSRComment: 25 pages, 12 figures, published at Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC

    Computación paralela heterogénea en registro de imágenes y aplicaciones de álgebra lineal

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    This doctoral thesis focuses on GPU acceleration of medical image registration and sparse general matrix-matrix multiplication (SpGEMM). The comprehensive work presented here aims to enable new possibilities in Image Guided Surgery (IGS). IGS provides the surgeon with advanced navigation tools during surgery. Image registration, which is a part of IGS, is computationally demanding, therefore GPU acceleration is greatly desirable. spGEMM, which is an essential part in many scientific and data analytics applications, e.g., graph applications, is also a useful tool in biomechanical modeling and sparse vessel network registration. We present this work in two parts. The first part of this thesis describes the optimization of the most demanding part of non-rigid Free Form Deformation registration, i.e., B-spline interpolation. Our novel optimization technique minimizes the data movement between processing cores and memory and maximizes the utilization of the very fast register file. In addition, our approach re-formulates B-spline interpolation to fully utilize Fused Multiply Accumulation instructions for additional benefits in performance and accuracy. Our optimized B-spline interpolation provides significant speedup to image registration. The second part describes the optimization of spGEMM. Hardware manufacturers, with the aim of increasing the performance of deep-learning, created specialized dense matrix multiplication units, called Tensor Core Units (TCUs). However, until now, no work takes advantage of TCUs for sparse matrix multiplication. With this work we provide the first TCU implementation of spGEMM and prove its benefits over conventional GPU spGEMM.Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la aceleración por GPU del registro de imágenes médicas y la multiplicación de matrices dispersas (SpGEMM). El exhaustivo trabajo presentado aquí tiene como objetivo permitir nuevas posibilidades en la cirugía guiada por imagen (IGS). IGS proporciona al cirujano herramientas de navegación avanzadas durante la cirugía. El registro de imágenes, parte de IGS computacionalmente exigente, por lo tanto, la aceleración en GPU es muy deseable. spGEMM, la cual es una parte esencial en muchas aplicaciones científicas y de análisis de datos, por ejemplo, aplicaciones de gráficos, también es una herramienta útil en el modelado biomecánico y el registro de redes de vasos dispersos. Presentamos este trabajo en dos partes. La primera parte de esta tesis describe la optimización de la parte más exigente del registro de deformación de forma libre no rígida, es decir, la interpolación B-spline. Nuestra novedosa técnica de optimización minimiza el movimiento de datos entre los núcleos de procesamiento y la memoria y maximiza la utilización del archivo de registro rápido. Además, nuestro enfoque reformula la interpolación B-spline para utilizar completamente las instrucciones de multiplicación-acumulación fusionada (FMAC) para obtener beneficios adicionales en rendimiento y precisión. Nuestra interpolación B-spline optimizada proporciona una aceleración significativa en el registro de imágenes. La segunda parte describe la optimización de spGEMM. Los fabricantes de hardware, con el objetivo de aumentar el rendimiento del aprendizaje profundo, crearon unidades especializadas de multiplicación de matrices densas, llamadas Tensor Core Units (TCU). Sin embargo, hasta ahora, no se ha encontrado ningún trabajo aprovecha las TCU para la multiplicación de matrices dispersas. Con este trabajo, proporcionamos la primera implementación TCU de spGEMM y demostramos sus beneficios sobre la spGEMM convencional operada sobre dispositivos GPU

    Towards Closing the Programmability-Efficiency Gap using Software-Defined Hardware

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    The past decade has seen the breakdown of two important trends in the computing industry: Moore’s law, an observation that the number of transistors in a chip roughly doubles every eighteen months, and Dennard scaling, that enabled the use of these transistors within a constant power budget. This has caused a surge in domain-specific accelerators, i.e. specialized hardware that deliver significantly better energy efficiency than general-purpose processors, such as CPUs. While the performance and efficiency of such accelerators are highly desirable, the fast pace of algorithmic innovation and non-recurring engineering costs have deterred their widespread use, since they are only programmable across a narrow set of applications. This has engendered a programmability-efficiency gap across contemporary platforms. A practical solution that can close this gap is thus lucrative and is likely to engender broad impact in both academic research and the industry. This dissertation proposes such a solution with a reconfigurable Software-Defined Hardware (SDH) system that morphs parts of the hardware on-the-fly to tailor to the requirements of each application phase. This system is designed to deliver near-accelerator-level efficiency across a broad set of applications, while retaining CPU-like programmability. The dissertation first presents a fixed-function solution to accelerate sparse matrix multiplication, which forms the basis of many applications in graph analytics and scientific computing. The solution consists of a tiled hardware architecture, co-designed with the outer product algorithm for Sparse Matrix-Matrix multiplication (SpMM), that uses on-chip memory reconfiguration to accelerate each phase of the algorithm. A proof-of-concept is then presented in the form of a prototyped 40 nm Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) chip that demonstrates energy efficiency and performance per die area improvements of 12.6x and 17.1x over a high-end CPU, and serves as a stepping stone towards a full SDH system. The next piece of the dissertation enhances the proposed hardware with reconfigurability of the dataflow and resource sharing modes, in order to extend acceleration support to a set of common parallelizable workloads. This reconfigurability lends the system the ability to cater to discrete data access and compute patterns, such as workloads with extensive data sharing and reuse, workloads with limited reuse and streaming access patterns, among others. Moreover, this system incorporates commercial cores and a prototyped software stack for CPU-level programmability. The proposed system is evaluated on a diverse set of compute-bound and memory-bound kernels that compose applications in the domains of graph analytics, machine learning, image and language processing. The evaluation shows average performance and energy-efficiency gains of 5.0x and 18.4x over the CPU. The final part of the dissertation proposes a runtime control framework that uses low-cost monitoring of hardware performance counters to predict the next best configuration and reconfigure the hardware, upon detecting a change in phase or nature of data within the application. In comparison to prior work, this contribution targets multicore CGRAs, uses low-overhead decision tree based predictive models, and incorporates reconfiguration cost-awareness into its policies. Compared to the best-average static (non-reconfiguring) configuration, the dynamically reconfigurable system achieves a 1.6x improvement in performance-per-Watt in the Energy-Efficient mode of operation, or the same performance with 23% lower energy in the Power-Performance mode, for SpMM across a suite of real-world inputs. The proposed reconfiguration mechanism itself outperforms the state-of-the-art approach for dynamic runtime control by up to 2.9x in terms of energy-efficiency.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169859/1/subh_1.pd