19 research outputs found

    A framework for response surface methodology for simulation optimization

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    We develop a framework for automated optimization of stochastic simulation models using Response Surface Methodology. The framework is especially intended for simulation models where the calculation of the corresponding stochastic response function is very expensive or time-consuming. Response Surface Methodology is frequently used for the optimization of stochastic simulation models in a non-automated fashion. In scientific applications there is a clear need for a standardized algorithm based on Response Surface Methodology. In addition, an automated algorithm is less time-consuming, since there is no need to interfere in the optimization process. In our framework for automated optimization we describe all choices that have to be made in constructing such an algorithm

    Response Surface Methodology's Steepest Ascent and Step Size Revisited

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    Response Surface Methodology (RSM) searches for the input combination maximizing the output of a real system or its simulation.RSM is a heuristic that locally fits first-order polynomials, and estimates the corresponding steepest ascent (SA) paths.However, SA is scale-dependent; and its step size is selected intuitively.To tackle these two problems, this paper derives novel techniques combining mathematical statistics and mathematical programming.Technique 1 called 'adapted' SA (ASA) accounts for the covariances between the components of the estimated local gradient.ASA is scale-independent.The step-size problem is solved tentatively.Technique 2 does follow the SA direction, but with a step size inspired by ASA.Mathematical properties of the two techniques are derived and interpreted; numerical examples illustrate these properties.The search directions of the two techniques are explored in Monte Carlo experiments.These experiments show that - in general - ASA gives a better search direction than SA.response surface methodology

    An Economical Approach to Stop an Experimental Campaign with the Aim of Reducing Cost

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    Nowadays, in a period of stagnation and economic crisis, the continuous improvement of the production technologies in order to optimize economic, energetic and productive resources is crucial. The increase in efficiency, measured in terms of cost reduction, is therefore a key problem that requires the attention of more and more companies and researchers. In particular, the productivity of a machining system and its related costs depend on the setup of the machining parameters. This choice plays a key role when the machining material is expensive, the production batch has a limited size and the tool to be used is new: typical examples are the aircraft and die/mold industries. In order to optimally setup a machine, the study of the tool life according to the material and the machining parameters is critical. The expression of the tool life could be estimated using an appropriate experimental campaign, which should have a limited size in order to reduce the experimental costs. This approach becomes of primary importance when the production is not in series where the costs can be spread over a large number of pieces. The aim of this paper is to propose a new methodology that stops the experimental campaign as soon as the expected gain in carrying on the experimentation does not justify the marginal cost of experimentation. To prove our idea, a simple problem from the well-known turning cutting condition optimization is used and the optimization technique Response Surface Methodology is selected

    Response surface methodology revisited

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    Estimting parameters of a microsimulation model for breast cancer screening using the score function method

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    In developing decision-making models for the evaluation of medical procedures, the model parameters can be estimated by fitting the model to data observed in trial studies. For complex models that are implemented by discrete event simulation (microsimulation) of individual life histories, the Score Function (SF) method can potentially be an appropriate approach for such estimation exercises. We test this approach for a microsimulation model of screening for cancer that is fitted to data from the HIP randomized trial for early detection of breast cancer. Comparison of the parameter values estimated by the SF method and the analytical solution shows that method performs well on this simple model. The precision of the estimated parameter values depends (as expected) on the size of the simulation number of life histories), and on the number of parameters estimated. Using analytical representations for parts of the microsimulation model can increase the precision in the estimation of the remaining parameters. Compared to the Nelder and Mead Simplex method which is often used in stochastic simulation because of its ease of implementation, the SF method is clearly more efficient (ratio computer time: precision of estimates). The additional analytical investment needed to implement the method in an (existing) simulation model may well be worth the effort

    Robust Inventory System Optimization Based on Simulation and Multiple Criteria Decision Making

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    Inventory management in retailers is difficult and complex decision making process which is related to the conflict criteria, also existence of cyclic changes and trend in demand is inevitable in many industries. In this paper, simulation modeling is considered as efficient tool for modeling of retailer multiproduct inventory system. For simulation model optimization, a novel multicriteria and robust surrogate model is designed based on multiple attribute decision making (MADM) method, design of experiments (DOE), and principal component analysis (PCA). This approach as a main contribution of this paper, provides a framework for robust multiple criteria decision making under uncertainty

    Robust Inventory System Optimization Based on Simulation and Multiple Criteria Decision Making

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    Inventory management in retailers is difficult and complex decision making process which is related to the conflict criteria, also existence of cyclic changes and trend in demand is inevitable in many industries. In this paper, simulation modeling is considered as efficient tool for modeling of retailer multiproduct inventory system. For simulation model optimization, a novel multicriteria and robust surrogate model is designed based on multiple attribute decision making (MADM) method, design of experiments (DOE), and principal component analysis (PCA). This approach as a main contribution of this paper, provides a framework for robust multiple criteria decision making under uncertainty