114 research outputs found

    A formal semantics for Grafcet specifications

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    Unambiguous Interpretation of IEC 60848 GRAFCET based on a Literature Review

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    IEC 60848 GRAFCET is a standardized, graphical specification language for control functions. Because of the semiformal nature of IEC 60848, the details of specifications created with GRAFCET can be interpreted in different ways, possibly leading to faulty implementations. These ambiguities have been partially addressed in existing literature, but solved in different manners. Based on a literature review, this work aims at providing an overview of existing interpretations and, based on that, proposes a comprehensive interpretation algorithm for IEC 60848, which takes all relevant ambiguities from the literature review into account.Comment: Submitted to ETFA 2

    A Control Flow based Static Analysis of GRAFCET using Abstract Interpretation

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    The graphical modeling language GRAFCET is used as a formal specification language in industrial control design. This paper proposes a static analysis approach based on the control flow of GRAFCET using abstract interpretation to allow verification on specification level. GRAFCET has different elements leading to concurrent behavior, which in general results in a large state space. To get precise results and reduce the state space, we propose an analysis suitable for GRAFCET instances without concurrent behavior. We point out how to check for the absence of concurrency and present a flow-sensitive analysis for these GRAFCET instances. The proposed approach is evaluated on an industrial-sized example.Comment: \c{opyright} 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Graphical Languages for Enterprise Control

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    Graphical Languages for Business Processes and Manufacturing Operations

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    The aim of this paper is to present trends, similarities and differences in the usage of graphical languages at the level of Process Control, manufacturing Operations and Business Systems. The paper also gives ideas of how a common language could be used to increase the integration between the three levels and what advantages this could bring to its user

    Synthesis of control implementation for discrete manufacturing systems

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    International audienceThe paper presents the concepts and steps required to synthesize a correct control implementation for discrete manufacturing systems, starting from Grafcet speci-® cations. A formal framework implementing the synthesis steps is also presented and illustrated with an example of a drilling system

    Petri net-based semi-compiled code generation for programmable logic controllers

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    Industrial discrete event dynamic systems (DEDSs) are commonly modeled by means of Petri nets (PNs). PNs have the capability to model behaviors such as concurrency, synchronization, and resource sharing, compared to a step transition function chart or GRAphe Fonctionnel de Commande Etape Transition (GRAFCET) which is a particular case of a PN. However, there is not an effective systematic way to implement a PN in a programmable logic controller (PLC), and so the implementation of such a controller outside a PLC in some external software that will communicate with the PLC is very common. There have been some attempts to implement PNs within a PLC, but they are dependent on how the logic of places and transitions is programmed for each application. This work proposes a novel application-independent and platform-independent PN implementation methodology. This methodology is a systematic way to implement a PN controller within industrial PLCs. A great portion of the code will be validated automatically prior to PLC implementation. Net structure and marking evolution will be checked on the basis of PN model structural analysis, and only net interpretation will be manually coded and error-prone. Thus, this methodology represents a systematic and semi-compiled PN implementation method. A use case supported by a digital twin (DT) is shown where the automated solution required by a manufacturing system is carried out and executed in two different devices for portability testing, and the scan cycle periods are compared for both approaches

    Security Analysis for Distributed IoT-Based Industrial Automation

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    Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable development of reconfigurable manufacturing systems--a new generation of modularized industrial equipment suitable for highly customized manufacturing. Sequential control in these systems is largely based on discrete events, whereas their formal execution semantics is specified as control interpreted Petri nets (CIPN). Despite industry-wide use of programming languages based on the CIPN formalism, formal verification of such control applications in the presence of adversarial activity is not supported. Consequently, in this article, we introduce security-aware modeling and verification techniques for CIPN-based sequential control applications. Specifically, we show how CIPN models of networked industrial IoT controllers can be transformed into time Petri net (TPN)-based models and composed with plant and security-aware channel models in order to enable system-level verification of safety properties in the presence of network-based attacks. Additionally, we introduce realistic channel-specific attack models that capture adversarial behavior using nondeterminism. Moreover, we show how verification results can be utilized to introduce security patches and facilitate design of attack detectors that improve system resiliency and enable satisfaction of critical safety properties. Finally, we evaluate our framework on an industrial case study

    Table-based formal specification approaches for control engineers—empirical studies of usability

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    The dependability characteristic of the control software of manufacturing systems is highlighted more than before, going through repeated changes to cope with various and varying requirements. Formal methods are researched to be applied to automation system engineering to obtain a more effective and efficient quality assurance. One of the approaches, a formal specification language named Generalised Test Tables has been developed with the aim of intuitiveness and accessibility for automation application developers. The result of the experiments conducted to assess the usability of this language is presented here. Focussing on evaluating effectiveness and user satisfaction, three paper-based experiments have been conducted with students at the bachelor and master level. The evaluation results point to positive usability in both comparative effectiveness to conventional language, that is, Petri Nets, and subjective perception of user satisfaction