3 research outputs found

    Polar permutation graphs are polynomial-time recognisable *

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    Abstract Polar graphs generalise bipartite graphs, cobipartite graphs, and split graphs, and they constitute a special type of matrix partitions. A graph is polar if its vertex set can be partitioned into two, such that one part induces a complete multipartite graph and the other part induces a disjoint union of complete graphs. Deciding whether a given arbitrary graph is polar, is an NP-complete problem. Here, we show that for permutation graphs this problem can be solved in polynomial time. The result is surprising, as related problems like achromatic number and cochromatic number are NP-complete on permutation graphs. We give a polynomial-time algorithm for recognising graphs that are both permutation and polar. Prior to our result, polarity has been resolved only for chordal graphs and cographs

    Efficient domination and polarity

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    The thesis considers the following graph problems: Efficient (Edge) Domination seeks for an independent vertex (edge) subset D such that all other vertices (edges) have exactly one neighbor in D. Polarity asks for a vertex subset that induces a complete multipartite graph and that contains a vertex of every induced P_3. Monopolarity is the special case of Polarity where the wanted vertex subset has to be independent. These problems are NP-complete in general, but efficiently solvable on various graph classes. The thesis sharpens known NP-completeness results and presents new solvable cases