261 research outputs found

    High-performance wireless interface for implant-to-air communications

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    Nous élaborons une interface cerveau-machine (ICM) entièrement sans fil afin de fournir un système de liaison directe entre le cerveau et les périphériques externes, permettant l’enregistrement et la stimulation du cerveau pour une utilisation permanente. Au cours de cette thèse, nous explorons la modélisation de canal, les antennes implantées et portables en tant que propagateurs appropriés pour cette application, la conception du nouveau système d’un émetteur-récepteur UWB implantable, la conception niveau système du circuit et sa mise en oeuvre par un procédé CMOS TSMC 0.18 um. En plus, en collaboration avec Université McGill, nous avons conçu un réseau de seize antennes pour une détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences. Notre première contribution calcule la caractérisation de canal de liaison sans fil UWB d’implant à l’air, l’absorption spécifique moyennée (ASAR), et les lignes directrices de la FCC sur la densité spectrale de puissance UWB transmis. La connaissance du comportement du canal est nécessaire pour déterminer la puissance maximale permise à 1) respecter les lignes directrices ANSI pour éviter des dommages aux tissus et 2) respecter les lignes directrices de la FCC sur les transmissions non autorisées. Nous avons recours à un modèle réaliste du canal biologique afin de concevoir les antennes pour l’émetteur implanté et le récepteur externe. Le placement des antennes est examiné avec deux scénarios contrastés ayant des contraintés de puissance. La performance du système au sein des tissus biologiques est examinée par l’intermédiaire des simulations et des expériences. Notre deuxième contribution est dédiée à la conception des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes d’enregistrement neural sans fil à bande ultra-large en utilisant un modèle multicouches inhomogène de la tête humaine. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à l’implantation ; nous étudions des matériaux à la fois flexibles et rigides et examinons des compromis de performance. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une plage de fréquence de 2-11 GHz (ayant S11-dessous de -10 dB) couvrant à la fois la bande 2.45 GHz (ISM) et la bande UWB 3.1-10.6 GHz. Des mesures confirment les résultats de simulation et montrent que les antennes flexibles ont peu de dégradation des performances en raison des effets de flexion (en termes de correspondance d’impédance). Finalement, une comparaison est réalisée entre quatre antennes implantables, couvrant la gamme 2-11 GHz : 1) une rigide, à la polarisation simple, 2) une rigide, à double polarisation, 3) une flexible, à simple polarisation et 4) une flexible, à double polarisation. Dans tous les cas une antenne rigide est utilisée à l’extérieur du corps, avec une polarisation appropriée. Plusieurs avantages ont été confirmés pour les antennes à la polarisation double : 1) une taille plus petite, 2) la sensibilité plus faible aux désalignements angulaires, et 3) une plus grande fidélité. Notre troisième contribution fournit la conception niveau système de l’architecture de communication sans fil pour les systèmes implantés qui stimulent simultanément les neurones et enregistrent les réponses de neurones. Cette architecture prend en charge un grand nombre d’électrodes (> 500), fournissant 100 Mb/s pour des signaux de stimulation de liaison descendante, et Gb/s pour les enregistrements de neurones de liaison montante. Nous proposons une architecture d’émetteur-récepteur qui partage une antenne ultra large bande, un émetteur-récepteur simplifié, travaillant en duplex intégral sur les deux bandes, et un nouveau formeur d’impulsions pour la liaison montante du Gb/s soutenant plusieurs formats de modulation. Nous présentons une démonstration expérimentale d’ex vivo de l’architecture en utilisant des composants discrets pour la réalisation les taux Gb/s en liaison montante. Une bonne performance de taux d’erreur de bit sur un canal biologique à 0,5, 1 et 2 Gb/s des débits de données pour la télémétrie de liaison montante (UWB) et 100 Mb/s pour la télémétrie en liaison descendante (bande 2.45 GHz) est atteinte. Notre quatrième contribution présente la conception au niveau du circuit d’un dispositif d’émission en duplex total qui est présentée dans notre troisième contribution. Ce dispositif d’émission en duplex total soutient les applications d’interfaçage neural multimodal et en haute densité (les canaux de stimulant et d’enregistrement) avec des débits de données asymétriques. L’émetteur (TX) et le récepteur (RX) partagent une seule antenne pour réduire la taille de l’implant. Le TX utilise impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) basé sur une approche alliant des bords, et le RX utilise un nouveau 2.4 GHz récepteur on-off keying (OOK).Une bonne isolation (> 20 dB) entre le trajet TX et RX est mis en oeuvre 1) par mise en forme des impulsions transmises pour tomber dans le spectre UWB non réglementé (3.1-7 GHz), et 2) par un filtrage espace-efficace du spectre de liaison descendante OOK dans un amplificateur à faible bruit RX. L’émetteur UWB 3.1-7 GHz peut utiliser soit OOK soit la modulation numérique binaire à déplacement de phase (BPSK). Le FDT proposé offre une double bande avec un taux de données de liaison montante de 500 Mbps TX et un taux de données de liaison descendante de 100 Mb/s RX, et il est entièrement en conformité avec les standards TSMC 0.18 um CMOS dans un volume total de 0,8 mm2. Ainsi, la mesure de consommation d’énergie totale en mode full duplex est de 10,4 mW (5 mW à 100 Mb/s pour RX, et de 5,4 mW à 500 Mb/s ou 10,8 PJ / bits pour TX). Notre cinquième contribution est une collaboration avec l’Université McGill dans laquelle nous concevons des antennes simples et à double polarisation pour les systèmes de détection du cancer du sein à l’aide d’hyperfréquences sans fil en utilisant un modèle multi-couche et inhomogène du sein humain. Les antennes fabriquées à partir de matériaux flexibles sont plus facilement adaptées à des applications portables. Les antennes flexibles miniaturisées monopôles et spirales sur un 50 um Kapton polyimide sont conçus, en utilisant high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), à être en contact avec des tissus biologiques du sein. Les antennes proposées sont conçues pour fonctionner dans une gamme de fréquences de 2 à 4 GHz. Les mesures montrent que les antennes flexibles ont une bonne adaptation d’impédance dans les différentes positions sur le sein. De Plus, deux antennes à bande ultralarge flexibles 4 × 4 (simple et à double polarisation), dans un format similaire à celui d’un soutien-gorge, ont été développés pour un système de détection du cancer du sein basé sur le radar.We are working on a fully wireless brain-machine-interface to provide a communication link between the brain and external devices, enabling recording and stimulating the brain for permanent usage. In this thesis we explore channel modeling, implanted and wearable antennas as suitable propagators for this application, system level design of an implantable UWB transceiver, and circuit level design and implementing it by TSMC 0.18 um CMOS process. Also, in a collaboration project with McGill University, we designed a flexible sixteen antenna array for microwave breast cancer detection. Our first contribution calculates channel characteristics of implant-to-air UWB wireless link, average specific absorption rate (ASAR), and FCC guidelines on transmitted UWB power spectral density. Knowledge of channel behavior is required to determine the maximum allowable power to 1) respect ANSI guidelines for avoiding tissue damage and 2) respect FCC guidelines on unlicensed transmissions. We utilize a realistic model of the biological channel to inform the design of antennas for the implanted transmitter and the external receiver. Antennas placement is examined under two scenarios having contrasting power constraints. Performance of the system within the biological tissues is examined via simulations and experiments. Our second contribution deals with designing single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband neural recording systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human head. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to implantation; we investigate both flexible and rigid materials and examine performance trade-offs. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–11 GHz (having S11 below -10 dB) covering both the 2.45 GHz (ISM) band and the 3.1–10.6 GHz UWB band. Measurements confirm simulation results showing flexible antennas have little performance degradation due to bending effects (in terms of impedance matching). Finally, a comparison is made of four implantable antennas covering the 2-11 GHz range: 1) rigid, single polarization, 2) rigid, dual polarization, 3) flexible, single polarization and 4) flexible, dual polarization. In all cases a rigid antenna is used outside the body, with an appropriate polarization. Several advantages were confirmed for dual polarization antennas: 1) smaller size, 2) lower sensitivity to angular misalignments, and 3) higher fidelity. Our third contribution provides system level design of wireless communication architecture for implanted systems that simultaneously stimulate neurons and record neural responses. This architecture supports large numbers of electrodes (> 500), providing 100 Mb/s for the downlink of stimulation signals, and Gb/s for the uplink neural recordings. We propose a transceiver architecture that shares one ultra-wideband antenna, a streamlined transceiver working at full-duplex on both bands, and a novel pulse shaper for the Gb/s uplink supporting several modulation formats. We present an ex-vivo experimental demonstration of the architecture using discrete components achieving Gb/s uplink rates. Good bit error rate performance over a biological channel at 0.5, 1, and 2 Gbps data rates for uplink telemetry (UWB) and 100 Mbps for downlink telemetry (2.45 GHz band) is achieved. Our fourth contribution presents circuit level design of the novel full-duplex transceiver (FDT) which is presented in our third contribution. This full-duplex transceiver supports high-density and multimodal neural interfacing applications (high-channel count stimulating and recording) with asymmetric data rates. The transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) share a single antenna to reduce implant size. The TX uses impulse radio ultra-wide band (IR-UWB) based on an edge combining approach, and the RX uses a novel 2.4-GHz on-off keying (OOK) receiver. Proper isolation (> 20 dB) between the TX and RX path is implemented 1) by shaping the transmitted pulses to fall within the unregulated UWB spectrum (3.1-7 GHz), and 2) by spaceefficient filtering (avoiding a circulator or diplexer) of the downlink OOK spectrum in the RX low-noise amplifier. The UWB 3.1-7 GHz transmitter can use either OOK or binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation schemes. The proposed FDT provides dual band 500-Mbps TX uplink data rate and 100 Mbps RX downlink data rate, and it is fully integrated into standard TSMC 0.18 um CMOS within a total size of 0.8 mm2. The total measured power consumption is 10.4 mW in full duplex mode (5 mW at 100 Mbps for RX, and 5.4 mW at 500 Mbps or 10.8 pJ/bit for TX). Our fifth contribution is a collaboration project with McGill University which we design single and dual-polarization antennas for wireless ultra-wideband breast cancer detection systems using an inhomogeneous multi-layer model of the human breast. Antennas made from flexible materials are more easily adapted to wearable applications. Miniaturized flexible monopole and spiral antennas on a 50 um Kapton polyimide are designed, using a high frequency structure simulator (HFSS), to be in contact with biological breast tissues. The proposed antennas are designed to operate in a frequency range of 2–4 GHz (with reflection coefficient (S11) below -10 dB). Measurements show that the flexible antennas have good impedance matching while in different positions with different curvature around the breast. Furthermore, two flexible conformal 4×4 ultra-wideband antenna arrays (single and dual polarization), in a format similar to that of a bra, were developed for a radar-based breast cancer detection system

    Feasibility of the Detection of Breast Cancer Using Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Technology in Comparison with Other Screening Techniques

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    Breast cancer is considered a leading cause of deaths among women. Researches state that women around the world still face this problem, and because of its unawareness, it is many times left unattended in the budding stages. If correctly screened and detected early, then with proper treatment, this could stop the metastasis and reduce the pains and difficulties of the later stages. Screening methods such as x-ray-based mammography, ultrasound, PET scan, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) clinically exist for breast tumor investigation. It is very important that screening procedures should have high specificity and sensitivity for the detection of tumors. Additionally, these methods also have to placate concerns such as ease of the patient during imaging, high-resolution images for added precise elucidation, cost effectiveness, and the capacity to detect the malignant-leading tumors in the early stage. Existing imaging techniques do not meet all of these conditions concurrently. In this scenario, ultra-wide band (UWB) technology has come into play the role of a useful alternative for screening and detection of breast tumors. This chapter discusses firstly probabilistic qualitative metrics which are used in measuring the quality of testing procedures, and then later UWB testing methods are discussed in brief

    Advanced ultrawideband imaging algorithms for breast cancer detection

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    Ultrawideband (UWB) technology has received considerable attention in recent years as it is regarded to be able to revolutionise a wide range of applications. UWB imaging for breast cancer detection is particularly promising due to its appealing capabilities and advantages over existing techniques, which can serve as an early-stage screening tool, thereby saving millions of lives. Although a lot of progress has been made, several challenges still need to be overcome before it can be applied in practice. These challenges include accurate signal propagation modelling and breast phantom construction, artefact resistant imaging algorithms in realistic breast models, and low-complexity implementations. Under this context, novel solutions are proposed in this thesis to address these key bottlenecks. The thesis first proposes a versatile electromagnetic computational engine (VECE) for simulating the interaction between UWB signals and breast tissues. VECE provides the first implementation of its kind combining auxiliary differential equations (ADE) and convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) for describing Debye dispersive medium, and truncating computational domain, respectively. High accuracy and improved computational and memory storage efficiency are offered by VECE, which are validated via extensive analysis and simulations. VECE integrates the state-of-the-art realistic breast phantoms, enabling the modelling of signal propagation and evaluation of imaging algorithms. To mitigate the severe interference of artefacts in UWB breast cancer imaging, a robust and artefact resistant (RAR) algorithm based on neighbourhood pairwise correlation is proposed. RAR is fully investigated and evaluated in a variety of scenarios, and compared with four well-known algorithms. It has been shown to achieve improved tumour detection and robust artefact resistance over its counterparts in most cases, while maintaining high computational efficiency. Simulated tumours in both homogeneous and heterogeneous breast phantoms with mild to moderate densities, combined with an entropy-based artefact removal algorithm, are successfully identified and localised. To further improve the performance of algorithms, diverse and dynamic correlation weighting factors are investigated. Two new algorithms, local coherence exploration (LCE) and dynamic neighbourhood pairwise correlation (DNPC), are presented, which offer improved clutter suppression and image resolution. Moreover, a multiple spatial diversity (MSD) algorithm, which explores and exploits the richness of signals among different transmitter and receiver pairs, is proposed. It is shown to achieve enhanced tumour detection even in severely dense breasts. Finally, two accelerated image reconstruction mechanisms referred to as redundancy elimination (RE) and annulus predication (AP) are proposed. RE removes a huge number of repetitive operations, whereas AP employs a novel annulus prediction to calculate millions of time delays in a highly efficient batch mode. Their efficacy is demonstrated by extensive analysis and simulations. Compared with the non-accelerated method, RE increases the computation speed by two-fold without any performance loss, whereas AP can be 45 times faster with negligible performance degradation

    Simulation and Design of an UWB Imaging System for Breast Cancer Detection

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer among women. In recent years, the mortality rate due to this disease is greatly decreased thanks to both enormous progress in cancer research, and screening campaigns which have allowed the increase in the number of early diagnoses of the disease. In fact, if the tumor is identied in its early stage, e.g. when it has a diameter of less than one centimeter, the possibility of a cure can reach 93%. However, statistics show that more young aged women are suered breast cancer. The goal of screening exams for early breast cancer detection is to nd cancers before they start to cause symptoms. Regular mass screening of all women at risk is a good option to achieve that. Instead of meeting very high diagnostic standards, it is expected to yield an early warning, not a denitive diagnosis. In the last decades, X-ray mammography is the most ecient screening technique. However, it uses ionizing radiation and, therefore, should not be used for frequent check-ups. Besides, it requires signicant breast compression, which is often painful. In this scenario many alternative technologies were developed to overcome the limitations of mammography. Among these possibilities, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is too expensive and time-consuming, Ultrasound is considered to be too operatordependent and low specicity, which are not suitable for mass screening. Microwave imaging techniques, especially Ultra WideBand (UWB) radar imaging, is the most interesting one. The reason of this interest relies on the fact that microwaves are non-ionizing thus permitting frequent examinations. Moreover, it is potentially lowcost and more ecient for young women. Since it has been demonstrated in the literatures that the dielectric constants between cancerous and healthy tissues are quite dierent, the technique consists in illuminating these biological tissues with microwave radiations by one or more antennas and analyzing the re ected signals. An UWB imaging system consists of transmitters, receivers and antennas for the RF part, the transmission channel and of a digital backend imaging unit for processing the received signals. When an UWB pulse strikes the breast, the pulse is re ected due to the dielectric discontinuity in tissues, the bigger the dierence, the bigger the backscatter. The re ected signals are acquired and processed to create the energy maps. This thesis aims to develop an UWB system at high resolution for the detection of carcinoma breast already in its initial phase. To favor the adoption of this method in screening campaigns, it is necessary to replace the expensive and bulky RF instrumentation used so far with ad-hoc designed circuits and systems. In order to realize that, at the very beginning, the overall system environment must be built and veried, which mainly consists of the transmission channel{the breast model and the imaging unit. The used transmission channel data come from MRI of the prone patient. In order to correctly use this numerical model, a simulator was built, which was implemented in Matlab, according to the Finite-Dierence-Time- Domain (FDTD) method. FDTD algorithm solves the electric and magnetic eld both in time and in space, thus, simulates the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the breast model. To better understand the eect of the system non-idealities, two 2D breast models are investigated, one is homogeneous, the other is heterogeneous. Moreover, the modeling takes into account all critical aspects, including stability and medium dispersion. Given the types of tissues under examination, the frequency dependence of tissue dielectric properties is incorporated into wideband FDTD simulations using Debye dispersion parameters. A performed further study is in the implementation of the boundary conditions. The Convolution Perfectly Matched Layer (CPML) is used to implement the absorbing boundaries. The objective of the imaging unit is to obtain an energy map representing the amount of energy re ected from each point of the breast, by recombining the sampled backscattered signals. For this purpose, the study has been carried out on various beamforming in the literature. The basic idea is called as "delay and sum", which is to align the received signals in such a way as to focus a given point in space and then add up all the contributions, so as to obtain a constructive interference at that point if this is a diseased tissue. In this work, Microwave Imaging via Space Time (MIST) Beamforming algorithm is applied, which is based on the above principle and add more elaborations of the signals in order to make the algorithm less sensitive to propagation phenomena in the medium and to the non-idealities of the system. It is divided into two distinct steps: the rst step, called SKin Artifact Removal (SKAR), takes care of removing the contributions from the signal caused by the direct path between the transmitter and receiver, the re ection of skin, as they are orders of magnitude higher compared to the re ections caused by cancers; the second step, which is BEAmForming (BEAF), performs the algorithm of reconstruction by forming a weighted combination of time delayed version of the calibrated re ected signals. As discussed above, more attention must be paid on the implementation of the ad-hoc integration circuits. In this scenario, due to the strict requirements on the RF receiver component, two dierent approaches of the implementation of the RF front-end, Direct Conversion (DC) receiver and Coherent Equivalent Time Sampling (CETS) receiver are compared. They are modeled behaviorally and the eects of various impairments, such as thermal, jitter, and phase noise, as well as phase inaccuracies, non-linearity, ADC quantization noise and distortion, on energy maps and on quantitative metrics such as SCR and SMR are evaluated. Dierential Gaussian pulse is chosen as the exciting source. Results show that DC receiver performs higher sensitivity to phase inaccuracies, which makes it less robust than the CETS receiver. Another advantage of the CETS receiver is that it can work in time domain with UWB pulses, other than in frequency domain with stepped frequency continuous waves like the DC one, which reduces the acquisition time without impacting the performance. Based on the results of the behavioral simulations, low noise amplier (LNA) and Track and Hold Amplier (THA) can be regarded as the most critical parts for the proposed CETS receiver, as well as the UWB antenna. This work therefore focuses on their hardware implementations. The LNA, which shows critical performance limitation at bandwidth and noise gure of receiver, has been developed based on common-gate conguration. And the THA based on Switched Source Follower (SSF) scheme has been presented and improved to obtain high input bandwidth, high sampling rate, high linearity and low power consumption. LNA and THA are implemented in CMOS 130nm technology and the circuit performance evaluation has been taken place separately and together. The small size UWB wide-slot antenna is designed and simulated in HFSS. Finally, in order to evaluate the eect of the implemented transistor level components on system performance, a multi-resolution top-down system methodology is applied. Therfore, the entire ow is analyzed for dierent levels of the RF frontend. Initially the system components are described behaviorally as ideal elements. The main activity consists in the analysis and development of the entire frontend system, observing and complementing each other blocks in a single ow simulation, clear and well-dened in its various interfaces. To achieve that the receiver is modeled and analyzed using VHDL-AMS language block by block, moreover, the impact of quantization, noise, jitter, and non-linearity is also evaluated. At last, the behavioral description of antenna, LNA and THA is replaced with a circuit-level one without changing the rest of the system, which permits a system-level assessment of low-level issues

    Determination of the breast cancer tumor diameter using a UWB microwave antenna system

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    This paper presents a novel ultra-wideband microwave antenna system to detect breast cancer and estimate tumor diameter. The system operates within the frequency range of 1 to 12 GHz and comprises a microstrip-fed monopole antenna that encircles the breast to identify the presence of tumors. The study demonstrates that a tumor within the breast can be detected by observing changes in the distribution of current density within the breast tissue, particularly in regions containing tumors of varying sizes. The research findings reveal that the system can identify breast tumors with the highest recorded current density of 188 A/m2 in cases with a tumor diameter of 30 mm, while the lowest recorded current density is 140 A/m2 for tumors with a diameter of 5 mm. Furthermore, the highest Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value measured at the surface of the breast model is 0.2 W/kg. To determine the diameter of the tumors, the system collects and analyzes backscattered waves from a breast model. The investigation covers tumors with diameters ranging from 1 mm to 35 mm, and the received signals are recorded. In contrast to prior research, this study introduces an empirical model with a remarkable accuracy rate of 92.28% for characterizing the diameter of breast tumors based on the measurement analysis.</p

    A Flexible Broadband Antenna and Transmission Line Network for a Wearable Microwave Breast Cancer Detection System

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    First, we report on the design, simulation and measurement of a 2-4 GHz conformable antenna optimized for skin contact and implemented on a flexible printed circuit for integration into a wearable device. Second, we experimentally verify the suitability of appropriately long (~10 cm) microstrip traces for the wearable system signal distribution network, which features varying radii of curvature. Consequently, the contribution of the here reported work is two-fold. First, the experimental results obtained both with breast phantoms and on-body measurements, demonstrate a return loss below -10 dB in the desired frequency band. Phantom results also show a through-breast transmission coefficient of above -40 dB at the centre frequency of 3 GHz. Second, and essential for signal integrity in our target application, the results show that the longitudinal curvature of such a microstrip does not increase transmission line losses

    Hardware Acceleration of Beamforming in a UWB Imaging Unit for Breast Cancer Detection

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    The Ultrawideband (UWB) imaging technique for breast cancer detection is based on the fact that cancerous cells have different dielectric characteristics than healthy tissues.When a UWB pulse in the microwave range strikes a cancerous region, the reflected signal is more intense than the backscatter originating from the surrounding fat tissue. A UWB imaging system consists of transmitters, receivers, and antennas for the RF part, and of a digital back-end for processing the received signals. In this paper we focus on the imaging unit, which elaborates the acquired data and produces 2D or 3D maps of reflected energies.We show that one of the processing tasks, Beamforming, is the most timing critical and cannot be executed in software by a standard microprocessor in a reasonable time.We thus propose a specialized hardware accelerator for it.We design the accelerator in VHDL and test it in an FPGA-based prototype. We also evaluate its performance when implemented on a CMOS 45nm ASIC technology. The speed-up with respect to a software implementation is on the order of tens to hundreds, depending on the degree of parallelism permitted by the target technology

    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Antenna Sensor Based Microwave Breast Imaging: A Review

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    Globally, breast cancer is reported as a primary cause of death in women. More than 1.8 million new breast cancer cases are diagnosed every year. Because of the current limitations on clinical imaging, researchers are motivated to investigate complementary tools and alternatives to available techniques for detecting breast cancer in earlier stages. This article presents a review of concepts and electromagnetic techniques for microwave breast imaging. More specifically, this work reviews ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna sensors and their current applications in medical imaging, leading to breast imaging. We review the use of UWB sensor based microwave energy in various imaging applications for breast tumor related diseases, tumor detection, and breast tumor detection. In microwave imaging, the back-scattered signals radiating by sensors from a human body are analyzed for changes in the electrical properties of tissues. Tumorous cells exhibit higher dielectric constants because of their high water content. The goal of this article is to provide microwave researchers with in-depth information on electromagnetic techniques for microwave imaging sensors and describe recent developments in these techniques