5,534 research outputs found

    Information reuse in dynamic spectrum access

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    Dynamic spectrum access (DSA), where the permission to use slices of radio spectrum is dynamically shifted (in time an in different geographical areas) across various communications services and applications, has been an area of interest from technical and public policy perspectives over the last decade. The underlying belief is that this will increase spectrum utilization, especially since many spectrum bands are relatively unused, ultimately leading to the creation of new and innovative services that exploit the increase in spectrum availability. Determining whether a slice of spectrum, allocated or licensed to a primary user, is available for use by a secondary user at a certain time and in a certain geographic area is a challenging task. This requires 'context information' which is critical to the operation of DSA. Such context information can be obtained in several ways, with different costs, and different quality/usefulness of the information. In this paper, we describe the challenges in obtaining this context information, the potential for the integration of various sources of context information, and the potential for reuse of such information for related and unrelated purposes such as localization and enforcement of spectrum sharing. Since some of the infrastructure for obtaining finegrained context information is likely to be expensive, the reuse of this infrastructure/information and integration of information from less expensive sources are likely to be essential for the economical and technological viability of DSA. © 2013 IEEE

    Motion Compatibility for Indoor Localization

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    Indoor localization -- a device's ability to determine its location within an extended indoor environment -- is a fundamental enabling capability for mobile context-aware applications. Many proposed applications assume localization information from GPS, or from WiFi access points. However, GPS fails indoors and in urban canyons, and current WiFi-based methods require an expensive, and manually intensive, mapping, calibration, and configuration process performed by skilled technicians to bring the system online for end users. We describe a method that estimates indoor location with respect to a prior map consisting of a set of 2D floorplans linked through horizontal and vertical adjacencies. Our main contribution is the notion of "path compatibility," in which the sequential output of a classifier of inertial data producing low-level motion estimates (standing still, walking straight, going upstairs, turning left etc.) is examined for agreement with the prior map. Path compatibility is encoded in an HMM-based matching model, from which the method recovers the user s location trajectory from the low-level motion estimates. To recognize user motions, we present a motion labeling algorithm, extracting fine-grained user motions from sensor data of handheld mobile devices. We propose "feature templates," which allows the motion classifier to learn the optimal window size for a specific combination of a motion and a sensor feature function. We show that, using only proprioceptive data of the quality typically available on a modern smartphone, our motion labeling algorithm classifies user motions with 94.5% accuracy, and our trajectory matching algorithm can recover the user's location to within 5 meters on average after one minute of movements from an unknown starting location. Prior information, such as a known starting floor, further decreases the time required to obtain precise location estimate

    Sensing and visualizing spatial relations of mobile devices

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    Location information can be used to enhance interaction with mobile devices. While many location systems require instrumentation of the environment, we present a system that allows devices to measure their spatial relations in a true peer-to-peer fashion. The system is based on custom sensor hardware implemented as USB dongle, and computes spatial relations in real-time. In extension of this system we propose a set of spatialized widgets for incorporation of spatial relations in the user interface. The use of these widgets is illustrated in a number of applications, showing how spatial relations can be employed to support and streamline interaction with mobile devices