1,851 research outputs found

    A sequential semidefinite programming method and an application in passive reduced-order modeling

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    We consider the solution of nonlinear programs with nonlinear semidefiniteness constraints. The need for an efficient exploitation of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices makes the solution of such nonlinear semidefinite programs more complicated than the solution of standard nonlinear programs. In particular, a suitable symmetrization procedure needs to be chosen for the linearization of the complementarity condition. The choice of the symmetrization procedure can be shifted in a very natural way to certain linear semidefinite subproblems, and can thus be reduced to a well-studied problem. The resulting sequential semidefinite programming (SSP) method is a generalization of the well-known SQP method for standard nonlinear programs. We present a sensitivity result for nonlinear semidefinite programs, and then based on this result, we give a self-contained proof of local quadratic convergence of the SSP method. We also describe a class of nonlinear semidefinite programs that arise in passive reduced-order modeling, and we report results of some numerical experiments with the SSP method applied to problems in that class

    Optimization viewpoint on Kalman smoothing, with applications to robust and sparse estimation

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    In this paper, we present the optimization formulation of the Kalman filtering and smoothing problems, and use this perspective to develop a variety of extensions and applications. We first formulate classic Kalman smoothing as a least squares problem, highlight special structure, and show that the classic filtering and smoothing algorithms are equivalent to a particular algorithm for solving this problem. Once this equivalence is established, we present extensions of Kalman smoothing to systems with nonlinear process and measurement models, systems with linear and nonlinear inequality constraints, systems with outliers in the measurements or sudden changes in the state, and systems where the sparsity of the state sequence must be accounted for. All extensions preserve the computational efficiency of the classic algorithms, and most of the extensions are illustrated with numerical examples, which are part of an open source Kalman smoothing Matlab/Octave package.Comment: 46 pages, 11 figure

    Combining filter method and dynamically dimensioned search for constrained global optimization

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    In this work we present an algorithm that combines the filter technique and the dynamically dimensioned search (DDS) for solving nonlinear and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The DDS is a stochastic global algorithm for solving bound constrained problems that in each iteration generates a randomly trial point perturbing some coordinates of the current best point. The filter technique controls the progress related to optimality and feasibility defining a forbidden region of points refused by the algorithm. This region can be given by the flat or slanting filter rule. The proposed algorithm does not compute or approximate any derivatives of the objective and constraint functions. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other methods.The first author thanks a scholarship supported by the International Cooperation Program CAPES/ COFECUB at the University of Minho. The second and third authors thanks the support given by FCT (Funda¸c˜ao para Ciˆencia e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of the projects: UID/MAT/00013/2013 and UID/CEC/00319/2013. The fourth author was partially supported by CNPq-Brazil grants 308957/2014-8 and 401288/2014-5.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Filter-based DIRECT method for constrained global optimization

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    This paper presents a DIRECT-type method that uses a filter methodology to assure convergence to a feasible and optimal solution of nonsmooth and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The filter methodology aims to give priority to the selection of hyperrectangles with feasible center points, followed by those with infeasible and non-dominated center points and finally by those that have infeasible and dominated center points. The convergence properties of the algorithm are analyzed. Preliminary numerical experiments show that the proposed filter-based DIRECT algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other DIRECT-type methods.The authors would like to thank two anonymous referees and the Associate Editor for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the paper. This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - Fundac¸ao para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and ˆ UID/MAT/00013/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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