5 research outputs found

    Transfer Learning based Low Shot Classifier for Software Defect Prediction

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    Background: The rapid growth and increasing complexity of software applications are causing challenges in maintaining software quality within constraints of time and resources. This challenge led to the emergence of a new field of study known as Software Defect Prediction (SDP), which focuses on predicting future defect in advance, thereby reducing costs and improving productivity in software industry. Objective: This study aimed to address data distribution disparities when applying transfer learning in multi-project scenarios, and to mitigate performance issues resulting from data scarcity in SDP. Methods: The proposed approach, namely Transfer Learning based Low Shot Classifier (TLLSC), combined transfer learning and low shot learning approaches to create an SDP model. This model was designed for application in both new projects and those with minimal historical defect data. Results: Experiments were conducted using standard datasets from projects within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Software Research Laboratory (SOFTLAB) repository. TLLSC showed an average increase in F1-Measure of 31.22%, 27.66%, and 27.54% for project AR3, AR4, and AR5, respectively. These results surpassed those from Transfer Component Analysis (TCA+), Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA+), and Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis plus (KCCA+). Conclusion: The results of the comparison between TLLSC and state-of-the-art algorithms, namely TCA+, CCA+, and KCCA+ from the existing literature consistently showed that TLLSC performed better in terms of F1-Measure. Keywords: Just-in-time, Defect Prediction, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, Low Shot Learnin

    complexFuzzy: A novel clustering method for selecting training instances of cross-project defect prediction

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    Over the last decade, researchers have investigated to what extent cross-project defect prediction (CPDP) shows advantages over traditional defect prediction settings. These works do not take training and testing data of defect prediction from the same project. Instead, dissimilar projects are employed. Selecting proper training data plays an important role in terms of the success of CPDP. In this study, a novel clustering method named complexFuzzy is presented for selecting training data of CPDP. The method is developed by determining membership values with the help of some metrics which can be considered as indicators of complexity. First, CPDP combinations are created on 29 different data sets. Subsequently, complexFuzzy is evaluated by considering cluster centers of data sets and comparing some performance measures including area under the curve (AUC) and F-measure. The method is superior to other five comparison algorithms in terms of the distance of cluster centers and prediction performance