1 research outputs found

    Minimizing crane times in pre-marshalling problems

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    [EN] The pre-marshalling problem has been extensively studied in recent years with the aim of minimizing the number of movements needed to rearrange a bay of containers. Time is a more realistic objective for measuring process efficiency, and we show that it does not correlate with the number of movements. As a result, we study the problem of minimizing crane times and develop two exact approaches to solve it: an integer linear model, and a branch and bound algorithm, with new upper and lower bounds, dominance criteria, and a heuristic procedure, to provide optimal solutions for problems of practical sizeThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, FPU Grant A-2015-12849 and under the project "OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Optimization" (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER funds.Parreño-Torres, C.; Álvarez-Valdés, R.; Ruiz García, R.; Tierney, K. (2020). Minimizing crane times in pre-marshalling problems. 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