6 research outputs found

    Variable-width datapath for on-chip network static power reduction

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    Conception d'un micro-réseau intégré NOC tolérant les fautes multiples statiques et dynamiques

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    The quest for higher-performance and low-power consumption has driven the microelectronics' industry race towards aggressive technology scaling and multicore chip designs. In this many-core era, the Network-on-chip (NoCs) becomes the most promising solution for on-chip communication because of its performance scaling with the number of IPs integrated in the chip.Fault tolerance becomes mandatory as the CMOS technology continues shrinking down. The yield and the reliability are more and more affected by factors such as manufacturing defects, process variations, environment variations, cosmic radiations, and so on. As a result, the designs should be able to provide full functionality (e.g. critical systems), or at least allow degraded mode in a context of high failure rates. To accomplish this, the systems should be able to adapt to manufacturing and runtime failures.In this thesis, some techniques are proposed to improve the fault tolerance ability of NoC based circuits working in harsh environments. As previous works allow the handling of one type of fault at a time, we propose here a solution where different kinds of faults can be tolerated concurrently.Considering constraints such as area and power consumption, a fault tolerant adaptive routing algorithm was proposed, which can cope with transient, intermittent and permanent faults. Combined with some existing techniques, like flit retransmission and packet fragmentation, this approach allows tolerating numerous static and dynamic faults. Simulations results show that the proposed solution allows a high packet delivery success rate: for a 16x16 2D Mesh NoC, 97.68% in the presence of 384 simultaneous link faults, and 93.40% with the presence of 103 simultaneous router faults. This success rate is even higher when this algorithm is extended to NoCs with Tore topology. Another contribution of this thesis is the inclusion of a congestion management function in the proposed routing algorithm. For this purpose, we introduce a novel metric of congestion measurement named Flit Remain. The experimental results show that using this new congestion metric allows a reduction of the average latency of the Network on Chip from 2.5% to 16.1% when compared to the existing metrics.The combination of static and dynamic fault tolerant and adaptive routing and the congestion management offers a solution, which allows designing a NoC highly resilient.Les progrès dans les technologies à base de semi-conducteurs et la demande croissante de puissance de calcul poussent vers une intégration dans une même puce de plus en plus de processeurs intégrés. Par conséquent les réseaux sur puce remplacent progressivement les bus de communication, ceux-ci offrant plus de débit et permettant une mise à l'échelle simplifiée. Parallèlement, la réduction de la finesse de gravure entraine une augmentation de la sensibilité des circuits au processus de fabrication et à son environnement d'utilisation. Les défauts de fabrication et le taux de défaillances pendant la durée de vie du circuit augmentent lorsque l'on passe d'une technologie à une autre. Intégrer des techniques de tolérance aux fautes dans un circuit devient indispensable, en particulier pour les circuits évoluant dans un environnement très sensible (aérospatial, automobile, santé, ...). Nous présentons dans ce travail de thèse, des techniques permettant d'améliorer la tolérance aux fautes des micro-réseaux intégrés dans des circuits évoluant dans un environnement difficile. Le NoC doit ainsi être capable de s'affranchir de la présence de nombreuses fautes. Les travaux publiés jusqu'ici proposaient des solutions pour un seul type de faute. En considérant les contraintes de surface et de consommation du domaine de l'embarqué, nous avons proposé un algorithme de routage adaptatif tolérant à la fois les fautes intermittentes, transitoires et permanentes. En combinant et adaptant des techniques existantes de retransmission de flits, de fragmentation et de regroupement de paquet, notre approche permet de s'affranchir de nombreuses fautes statiques et dynamiques. Les très nombreuses simulations réalisées ont permis de montrer entre autre que, l'algorithme proposé permet d'atteindre un taux de livraison de paquets de 97,68% pour un NoC 16x16 en maille 2D en présence de 384 liens défectueux simultanés, et 93,40% lorsque 103 routeurs sont défaillants. Nous avons étendu l'algorithme aux topologies de type tore avec des résultats bien meilleurs.Une autre originalité de cette thèse est que nous avons inclus dans cet algorithme une fonction de gestion de la congestion. Pour cela nous avons défini une nouvelle métrique de mesure de la congestion (Flit Remain) plus pertinente que les métriques utilisées et publiées jusqu'ici. Les expériences ont montré que l'utilisation de cette métrique permet de réduire la latence (au niveau du pic de saturation) de 2,5 % à 16,1 %, selon le type de trafic généré, par rapport à la plus efficace des métriques existante. La combinaison du routage adaptatif tolérant les fautes statiques et dynamiques et la gestion de la congestion offrent une solution qui permet d'avoir un NoC et par extension un circuit beaucoup plus résilient

    Adaptive Routing Approaches for Networked Many-Core Systems

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    Through advances in technology, System-on-Chip design is moving towards integrating tens to hundreds of intellectual property blocks into a single chip. In such a many-core system, on-chip communication becomes a performance bottleneck for high performance designs. Network-on-Chip (NoC) has emerged as a viable solution for the communication challenges in highly complex chips. The NoC architecture paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication challenges such as wiring complexity, communication latency, and bandwidth. Furthermore, the combined benefits of 3D IC and NoC schemes provide the possibility of designing a high performance system in a limited chip area. The major advantages of 3D NoCs are the considerable reductions in average latency and power consumption. There are several factors degrading the performance of NoCs. In this thesis, we investigate three main performance-limiting factors: network congestion, faults, and the lack of efficient multicast support. We address these issues by the means of routing algorithms. Congestion of data packets may lead to increased network latency and power consumption. Thus, we propose three different approaches for alleviating such congestion in the network. The first approach is based on measuring the congestion information in different regions of the network, distributing the information over the network, and utilizing this information when making a routing decision. The second approach employs a learning method to dynamically find the less congested routes according to the underlying traffic. The third approach is based on a fuzzy-logic technique to perform better routing decisions when traffic information of different routes is available. Faults affect performance significantly, as then packets should take longer paths in order to be routed around the faults, which in turn increases congestion around the faulty regions. We propose four methods to tolerate faults at the link and switch level by using only the shortest paths as long as such path exists. The unique characteristic among these methods is the toleration of faults while also maintaining the performance of NoCs. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms are the first approaches to bypassing faults prior to reaching them while avoiding unnecessary misrouting of packets. Current implementations of multicast communication result in a significant performance loss for unicast traffic. This is due to the fact that the routing rules of multicast packets limit the adaptivity of unicast packets. We present an approach in which both unicast and multicast packets can be efficiently routed within the network. While suggesting a more efficient multicast support, the proposed approach does not affect the performance of unicast routing at all. In addition, in order to reduce the overall path length of multicast packets, we present several partitioning methods along with their analytical models for latency measurement. This approach is discussed in the context of 3D mesh networks.Siirretty Doriast

    Fehlertolerante Mehrkernprozessoren fĂĽr gemischt-kritische Echtzeitsysteme

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    Current and future computing systems must be appropriately designed to cope with random hardware faults in order to provide a dependable service and correct functionality. Dependability has many facets to be addressed when designing a system and that is specially challenging in mixed-critical real-time systems, where safety standards play an important role and where responding in time can be as important as responding correctly or even responding at all. The thesis addresses the dependability of mixed-critical real-time systems, considering three important requirements: integrity, resilience and real-time. More specifically, it looks into the architectural and performance aspects of achieving dependability, concentrating its scope on error detection and handling in hardware -- more specifically in the Network-on-Chip (NoC), the backbone of modern MPSoC -- and on the performance of error handling and recovery in software. The thesis starts by looking at the impacts of random hardware faults on the NoC and on the system, with special focus on soft errors. Then, it addresses the uncovered weaknesses in the NoC by proposing a resilient NoC for mixed-critical real-time systems that is able to provide a highly reliable service with transparent protection for the applications. Formal communication time analysis is provided with common ARQ protocols modeled for NoCs and including a novel ARQ-based protocol optimized for DMAs. After addressing the efficient use of ARQ-based protocols in NoCs, the thesis proposes the Advanced Integrity Q-service (AIQ), a low-overhead mechanism to achieve integrity and real-time guarantees of NoC transactions on an End-to-End (E2E) basis. Inspired by transactions in distributed systems, the mechanism differs from the previous approach in that it does not provide error recovery in hardware but delegates the task to software, making use of existing functionality in cross-layer fault-tolerance solutions. Finally, the thesis addresses error handling in software as seen in cross-layer approaches. It addresses the performance of replicated software execution in many-core platforms. Replicated software execution provides protection to the system against random hardware faults. It relies on hardware-supported error detection and error handling in software. The replica-aware co-scheduling is proposed to achieve high performance with replicated execution, which is not possible with standard real-time schedulers.Um einen zuverlässigen Betrieb und korrekte Funktionalität zu gewährleisten, müssen aktuelle und zukünftige Computersysteme so ausgelegt werden, dass sie mit diesen Fehlern umgehen können. Zuverlässigkeit hat viele Aspekte, die bei der Entwicklung eines Systems berücksichtigt werden müssen. Das gilt insbesondere für Echtzeitsysteme mit gemischter Kritikalität, bei denen Sicherheitsstandards, die ein korrektes und rechtzeitiges Verhalten fordern, eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Zuverlässigkeit von gemischt-kritischen Echtzeitsystemen unter Berücksichtigung von drei wichtigen Anforderungen: Integrität, Resilienz und Echtzeit. Genauer gesagt, behandelt sie Architektur- und Leistungsaspekte die notwendig sind um Zuverlässigkeit zu erreichen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Fehlererkennung und -behandlung in der Hardware – genauer gesagt im Network-on-Chip (NoC), dem Rückgrat des modernen MPSoC – und auf der Leistung der Fehlerbehandlung und -behebung in der Software liegt. Die Arbeit beginnt mit der Untersuchung der Auswirkung von zufälligen Hardwarefehlern auf das NoC und das System, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf weichen Fehler (soft errors) liegt. Anschließend werden die aufgedeckten Schwachstellen im NoC behoben, indem ein widerstandsfähiges NoC für gemischt-kritische Echtzeitsysteme vorgeschlagen wird, das in der Lage ist, einen höchst zuverlässigen Betrieb mit transparentem Schutz für die Anwendungen zu bieten. Nach der Auseinandersetzung mit der effizienten Nutzung von ARQ-basierten Protokolle in NoCs, wird der Advanced Integrity Q-Service (AIQ) vorgestellt, der ein Mechanismus mit geringem Overhead ist, um Integrität und Echtzeit-Garantien von NoC-Transaktionen auf Ende-zu-Ende (E2E)-Basis zu erreichen. Inspiriert von Transaktionen in verteilten Systemen unterscheidet sich der Mechanismus vom bisherigen Konzept dadurch, dass er keine Fehlerbehebung in der Hardware vorsieht, sondern diese Aufgabe an die Software delegiert. Schließlich befasst sich die Dissertation mit der Fehlerbehandlung in Software, wie sie in schichtübergreifenden Methoden zu sehen ist. Sie behandelt die Leistung der replizierten Software-Ausführung in Many-Core-Plattformen. Es setzt auf hardwaregestützte Fehlererkennung und Fehlerbehandlung in der Software. Das Replika-bewusste Co-Scheduling wird vorgeschlagen, um eine hohe Performance bei replizierter Ausführung zu erreichen, was mit Standard-Echtzeit-Schedulern nicht möglich ist