1,933 research outputs found

    Some Results on Distinguishing Attacks on Stream Ciphers

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    Stream ciphers are cryptographic primitives that are used to ensure the privacy of a message that is sent over a digital communication channel. In this thesis we will present new cryptanalytic results for several stream ciphers. The thesis provides a general introduction to cryptology, explains the basic concepts, gives an overview of various cryptographic primitives and discusses a number of different attack models. The first new attack given is a linear correlation attack in the form of a distinguishing attack. In this attack a specific class of weak feedback polynomials for LFSRs is identified. If the feedback polynomial is of a particular form the attack will be efficient. Two new distinguishing attacks are given on classical stream cipher constructions, namely the filter generator and the irregularly clocked filter generator. It is also demonstrated how these attacks can be applied to modern constructions. A key recovery attack is described for LILI-128 and a distinguishing attack for LILI-II is given. The European network of excellence, called eSTREAM, is an effort to find new efficient and secure stream ciphers. We analyze a number of the eSTREAM candidates. Firstly, distinguishing attacks are described for the candidate Dragon and a family of candidates called Pomaranch. Secondly, we describe resynchronization attacks on eSTREAM candidates. A general square root resynchronization attack which can be used to recover parts of a message is given. The attack is demonstrated on the candidates LEX and Pomaranch. A chosen IV distinguishing attack is then presented which can be used to evaluate the initialization procedure of stream ciphers. The technique is demonstrated on four candidates: Grain, Trivium, Decim and LEX

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    On the Role of the Inner State Size in Stream Ciphers

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    Many modern stream ciphers consist of a keystream generator and a key schedule algorithm. In fielded systems, security of the keystream generator is often based on a large inner state rather than an inherently secure design. Note, however, that little theory on the initialisation of large inner states exists, and many practical designs are based on an ad-hoc approach. As a consequence, an increasing number of attacks on stream ciphers exploit the (re-)initialisation of large inner states by a weak key schedule algorithm. In this paper, we propose a strict separation of keystream generator and key schedule algorithm in stream cipher design. A formal definition of inner state size is given, and lower bounds on the necessary inner state size are proposed. After giving a construction for a secure stream cipher from an insecure keystream generator, the limitations of such an approach are discussed. We introduce the notion of inner state size efficiency and compare it for a number of fielded stream ciphers, indicating that a secure cipher can be based on reasonable inner state sizes. Concluding, we ask a number of open questions that may give rise to a new field of research that is concerned with the security of key schedule algorithms

    Performance Analysis Of Secured Synchronous Stream Ciphers

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    The new information and communication technologies require adequate security. In the past decades ,we have witnessed an explosive growth of the digital storage and communication of data ,triggered by some important breakthroughs such as the Internet and the expansive growth of wireless communications. In the world of cryptography ,stream ciphers are known as primitives used to ensure privacy over communication channel and these are widely used for fast encryption of sensitive data. Lots of old stream ciphers that have been formerly used no longer be considered secure ,because of their vulnerability to newly developed cryptanalysis techniques. Many designs stream ciphers have been proposed in an effort to find a proper candidate to be chosen as world standard for data encryption. From these designs, the stream ciphers which are Trivium,Edon80 and Mickey are implemented in ‘c’ language with out affecting their security .Actually these algorithms are particularly suited for hardware oriented environments which provides considerable security and efficiency aspects. We will be targeting hardware applications, and good measure for efficiency of a stream cipher in this environment is the number of key stream bits generated per cycle per gate. For good efficiency we are approaching two ways .One approach is minimizing the number of gates.The other approach is to dramatically increase the number of bits for cycle. This allows reducing the clock frequency at the cost of an increased gate count. Apart from the implementation the analysis which includes the security of these algorithms against some attacks related to stream ciphers such as guess and deterministic attacks, correlation attacks, divide and conquer attacks and algebraic attacks are presented

    The enablers and implementation model for mobile KMS in Australian healthcare

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    In this research project, the enablers in implementing mobile KMS in Australian regional healthcare will be investigated, and a validated framework and guidelines to assist healthcare in implementing mobile KMS will also be proposed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes for this study are expected to improve the understanding the enabling factors in implementing mobile KMS in Australian healthcare, as well as provide better guidelines for this process

    On the Design and Analysis of Stream Ciphers

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    This thesis presents new cryptanalysis results for several different stream cipher constructions. In addition, it also presents two new stream ciphers, both based on the same design principle. The first attack is a general attack targeting a nonlinear combiner. A new class of weak feedback polynomials for linear feedback shift registers is identified. By taking samples corresponding to the linear recurrence relation, it is shown that if the feedback polynomial has taps close together an adversary to take advantage of this by considering the samples in a vector form. Next, the self-shrinking generator and the bit-search generator are analyzed. Both designs are based on irregular decimation. For the self-shrinking generator, it is shown how to recover the internal state knowing only a few keystream bits. The complexity of the attack is similar to the previously best known but uses a negligible amount of memory. An attack requiring a large keystream segment is also presented. It is shown to be asymptotically better than all previously known attacks. For the bit-search generator, an algorithm that recovers the internal state is given as well as a distinguishing attack that can be very efficient if the feedback polynomial is not carefully chosen. Following this, two recently proposed stream cipher designs, Pomaranch and Achterbahn, are analyzed. Both stream ciphers are designed with small hardware complexity in mind. For Pomaranch Version 2, based on an improvement of previous analysis of the design idea, a key recovery attack is given. Also, for all three versions of Pomaranch, a distinguishing attack is given. For Achterbahn, it is shown how to recover the key of the latest version, known as Achterbahn-128/80. The last part of the thesis introduces two new stream cipher designs, namely Grain and Grain-128. The ciphers are designed to be very small in hardware. They also have the distinguishing feature of allowing users to increase the speed of the ciphers by adding extra hardware
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