15,606 research outputs found

    Geometry-Oblivious FMM for Compressing Dense SPD Matrices

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    We present GOFMM (geometry-oblivious FMM), a novel method that creates a hierarchical low-rank approximation, "compression," of an arbitrary dense symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix. For many applications, GOFMM enables an approximate matrix-vector multiplication in NlogNN \log N or even NN time, where NN is the matrix size. Compression requires NlogNN \log N storage and work. In general, our scheme belongs to the family of hierarchical matrix approximation methods. In particular, it generalizes the fast multipole method (FMM) to a purely algebraic setting by only requiring the ability to sample matrix entries. Neither geometric information (i.e., point coordinates) nor knowledge of how the matrix entries have been generated is required, thus the term "geometry-oblivious." Also, we introduce a shared-memory parallel scheme for hierarchical matrix computations that reduces synchronization barriers. We present results on the Intel Knights Landing and Haswell architectures, and on the NVIDIA Pascal architecture for a variety of matrices.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by SC'1

    An Octree-Based Approach towards Efficient Variational Range Data Fusion

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    Volume-based reconstruction is usually expensive both in terms of memory consumption and runtime. Especially for sparse geometric structures, volumetric representations produce a huge computational overhead. We present an efficient way to fuse range data via a variational Octree-based minimization approach by taking the actual range data geometry into account. We transform the data into Octree-based truncated signed distance fields and show how the optimization can be conducted on the newly created structures. The main challenge is to uphold speed and a low memory footprint without sacrificing the solutions' accuracy during optimization. We explain how to dynamically adjust the optimizer's geometric structure via joining/splitting of Octree nodes and how to define the operators. We evaluate on various datasets and outline the suitability in terms of performance and geometric accuracy.Comment: BMVC 201

    Accurate and efficient algorithms for boundary element methods in electromagnetic scattering: a tribute to the work of F. Olyslager

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    Boundary element methods (BEMs) are an increasingly popular approach to model electromagnetic scattering both by perfect conductors and dielectric objects. Several mathematical, numerical, and computational techniques pullulated from the research into BEMs, enhancing its efficiency and applicability. In designing a viable implementation of the BEM, both theoretical and practical aspects need to be taken into account. Theoretical aspects include the choice of an integral equation for the sought after current densities on the geometry's boundaries and the choice of a discretization strategy (i.e. a finite element space) for this equation. Practical aspects include efficient algorithms to execute the multiplication of the system matrix by a test vector (such as a fast multipole method) and the parallelization of this multiplication algorithm that allows the distribution of the computation and communication requirements between multiple computational nodes. In honor of our former colleague and mentor, F. Olyslager, an overview of the BEMs for large and complex EM problems developed within the Electromagnetics Group at Ghent University is presented. Recent results that ramified from F. Olyslager's scientific endeavors are included in the survey

    Efficient computation of partition of unity interpolants through a block-based searching technique

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    In this paper we propose a new efficient interpolation tool, extremely suitable for large scattered data sets. The partition of unity method is used and performed by blending Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) as local approximants and using locally supported weight functions. In particular we present a new space-partitioning data structure based on a partition of the underlying generic domain in blocks. This approach allows us to examine only a reduced number of blocks in the search process of the nearest neighbour points, leading to an optimized searching routine. Complexity analysis and numerical experiments in two- and three-dimensional interpolation support our findings. Some applications to geometric modelling are also considered. Moreover, the associated software package written in \textsc{Matlab} is here discussed and made available to the scientific community