970 research outputs found

    Real-Time Salient Closed Boundary Tracking via Line Segments Perceptual Grouping

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    This paper presents a novel real-time method for tracking salient closed boundaries from video image sequences. This method operates on a set of straight line segments that are produced by line detection. The tracking scheme is coherently integrated into a perceptual grouping framework in which the visual tracking problem is tackled by identifying a subset of these line segments and connecting them sequentially to form a closed boundary with the largest saliency and a certain similarity to the previous one. Specifically, we define a new tracking criterion which combines a grouping cost and an area similarity constraint. The proposed criterion makes the resulting boundary tracking more robust to local minima. To achieve real-time tracking performance, we use Delaunay Triangulation to build a graph model with the detected line segments and then reduce the tracking problem to finding the optimal cycle in this graph. This is solved by our newly proposed closed boundary candidates searching algorithm called "Bidirectional Shortest Path (BDSP)". The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are tested on real video sequences as well as during a robot arm pouring experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, The 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) submission ID 103

    Keyframe-based monocular SLAM: design, survey, and future directions

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    Extensive research in the field of monocular SLAM for the past fifteen years has yielded workable systems that found their way into various applications in robotics and augmented reality. Although filter-based monocular SLAM systems were common at some time, the more efficient keyframe-based solutions are becoming the de facto methodology for building a monocular SLAM system. The objective of this paper is threefold: first, the paper serves as a guideline for people seeking to design their own monocular SLAM according to specific environmental constraints. Second, it presents a survey that covers the various keyframe-based monocular SLAM systems in the literature, detailing the components of their implementation, and critically assessing the specific strategies made in each proposed solution. Third, the paper provides insight into the direction of future research in this field, to address the major limitations still facing monocular SLAM; namely, in the issues of illumination changes, initialization, highly dynamic motion, poorly textured scenes, repetitive textures, map maintenance, and failure recovery

    Coding local and global binary visual features extracted from video sequences

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    Binary local features represent an effective alternative to real-valued descriptors, leading to comparable results for many visual analysis tasks, while being characterized by significantly lower computational complexity and memory requirements. When dealing with large collections, a more compact representation based on global features is often preferred, which can be obtained from local features by means of, e.g., the Bag-of-Visual-Word (BoVW) model. Several applications, including for example visual sensor networks and mobile augmented reality, require visual features to be transmitted over a bandwidth-limited network, thus calling for coding techniques that aim at reducing the required bit budget, while attaining a target level of efficiency. In this paper we investigate a coding scheme tailored to both local and global binary features, which aims at exploiting both spatial and temporal redundancy by means of intra- and inter-frame coding. In this respect, the proposed coding scheme can be conveniently adopted to support the Analyze-Then-Compress (ATC) paradigm. That is, visual features are extracted from the acquired content, encoded at remote nodes, and finally transmitted to a central controller that performs visual analysis. This is in contrast with the traditional approach, in which visual content is acquired at a node, compressed and then sent to a central unit for further processing, according to the Compress-Then-Analyze (CTA) paradigm. In this paper we experimentally compare ATC and CTA by means of rate-efficiency curves in the context of two different visual analysis tasks: homography estimation and content-based retrieval. Our results show that the novel ATC paradigm based on the proposed coding primitives can be competitive with CTA, especially in bandwidth limited scenarios.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    View point robust visual search technique

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    In this thesis, we have explored visual search techniques for images taken from diferent view points and have tried to enhance the matching capability under view point changes. We have proposed the Homography based back-projection as post-processing stage of Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS), the new MPEG standard; moreover, we have deined the aine adapted scale space based aine detection, which steers the Gaussian scale space to capture the features from aine transformed images; we have also developed the corresponding gradient based aine descriptor. Using these proposed techniques, the image retrieval robustness to aine transformations has been signiicantly improved. The irst chapter of this thesis introduces the background on visual search. In the second chapter, we propose a homography based back-projection used as the postprocessing stage of CDVS to improve the resilience to view point changes. The theory behind this proposal is that each perspective projection of the image of 2D object can be simulated as an aine transformation. Each pair of aine transformations are mathematically related by homography matrix. Given that matrix, the image can be back-projected to simulate the image of another view point. In this way, the real matched images can then be declared as matching because the perspective distortion has been reduced by the back-projection. An accurate homography estimation from the images of diferent view point requires at least 4 correspondences, which could be ofered by the CDVS pipeline. In this way, the homography based back-projection can be used to scrutinize the images with not enough matched keypoints. If they contain some homography relations, the perspective distortion can then be reduced exploiting the few provided correspondences. In the experiment, this technique has been proved to be quite efective especially to the 2D object images. The third chapter introduces the scale space, which is also the kernel to the feature detection for the scale invariant visual search techniques. Scale space, which is made by a series of Gaussian blurred images, represents the image structures at diferent level of details. The Gaussian smoothed images in the scale space result in feature detection being not invariant to aine transformations. That is the reason why scale invariant visual search techniques are sensitive to aine transformations. Thus, in this chapter, we propose an aine adapted scale space, which employs the aine steered Gaussian ilters to smooth the images. This scale space is lexible to diferent aine transformations and it well represents the image structures from diferent view points. With the help of this structure, the features from diferent view points can be well captured. In practice, the scale invariant visual search techniques have employed a pyramid structure to speed up the construction. By employing the aine Gaussian scale space principles, we also propose two structures to build the aine Gaussian scale space. The structure of aine Gaussian scale space is similar to the pyramid structure because of the similiar sampling and cascading iii properties. Conversely, the aine Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) structure is completely diferent. The Laplacian operator, under aine transformation, is hard to be aine deformed. Diferently from a simple Laplacian operation on the scale space to build the general LoG construction, the aine LoG can only be obtained by aine LoG convolution and the cascade implementations on the aine scale space. Using our proposed structures, both the aine Gaussian scale space and aine LoG can be constructed. We have also explored the aine scale space implementation in frequency domain. In the second chapter, we will also explore the spectrum of Gaussian image smoothing under the aine transformation, and propose two structures. General speaking, the implementation in frequency domain is more robust to aine transformations at the expense of a higher computational complexity. It makes sense to adopt an aine descriptor for the aine invariant visual search. In the fourth chapter, we will propose an aine invariant feature descriptor based on aine gradient. Currently, the state of the art feature descriptors, including SIFT and Gradient location and orientation histogram (GLOH), are based on the histogram of image gradient around the detected features. If the image gradient is calculated as the diference of the adjacent pixels, it will not be aine invariant. Thus in that chapter, we irst propose an aine gradient which will contribute the aine invariance to the descriptor. This aine gradient will be calculated directly by the derivative of the aine Gaussian blurred images. To simplify the processing, we will also create the corresponding aine Gaussian derivative ilters for diferent detected scales to quickly generate the aine gradient. With this aine gradient, we can apply the same scheme of SIFT descriptor to generate the gradient histogram. By normalizing the histogram, the aine descriptor can then be formed. This aine descriptor is not only aine invariant but also rotation invariant, because the direction of the area to form the histogram is determined by the main direction of the gradient around the features. In practice, this aine descriptor is fully aine invariant and its performance for image matching is extremely good. In the conclusions chapter, we draw some conclusions and describe some future work

    Fast and Interpretable 2D Homography Decomposition: Similarity-Kernel-Similarity and Affine-Core-Affine Transformations

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    In this paper, we present two fast and interpretable decomposition methods for 2D homography, which are named Similarity-Kernel-Similarity (SKS) and Affine-Core-Affine (ACA) transformations respectively. Under the minimal 44-point configuration, the first and the last similarity transformations in SKS are computed by two anchor points on target and source planes, respectively. Then, the other two point correspondences can be exploited to compute the middle kernel transformation with only four parameters. Furthermore, ACA uses three anchor points to compute the first and the last affine transformations, followed by computation of the middle core transformation utilizing the other one point correspondence. ACA can compute a homography up to a scale with only 8585 floating-point operations (FLOPs), without even any division operations. Therefore, as a plug-in module, ACA facilitates the traditional feature-based Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) pipeline, as well as deep homography pipelines estimating 44-point offsets. In addition to the advantages of geometric parameterization and computational efficiency, SKS and ACA can express each element of homography by a polynomial of input coordinates (77th degree to 99th degree), extend the existing essential Similarity-Affine-Projective (SAP) decomposition and calculate 2D affine transformations in a unified way. Source codes are released in https://github.com/cscvlab/SKS-Homography

    A practical multirobot localization system

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    We present a fast and precise vision-based software intended for multiple robot localization. The core component of the software is a novel and efficient algorithm for black and white pattern detection. The method is robust to variable lighting conditions, achieves sub-pixel precision and its computational complexity is independent of the processed image size. With off-the-shelf computational equipment and low-cost cameras, the core algorithm is able to process hundreds of images per second while tracking hundreds of objects with a millimeter precision. In addition, we present the method's mathematical model, which allows to estimate the expected localization precision, area of coverage, and processing speed from the camera's intrinsic parameters and hardware's processing capacity. The correctness of the presented model and performance of the algorithm in real-world conditions is verified in several experiments. Apart from the method description, we also make its source code public at \emph{http://purl.org/robotics/whycon}; so, it can be used as an enabling technology for various mobile robotic problems
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