39 research outputs found

    Slices of the unitary spread

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    We prove that slices of the unitary spread of Q(+)(7, q), q equivalent to 2 (mod 3), can be partitioned into five disjoint classes. Slices belonging to different classes are non-equivalent under the action of the subgroup of P Gamma O+(8, q) fixing the unitary spread. When q is even, there is a connection between spreads of Q(+)(7, q) and symplectic 2-spreads of PG(5, q) (see Dillon, Ph.D. thesis, 1974 and Dye, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 114, 173-194, 1977). As a consequence of the above result we determine all the possible non-equivalent symplectic 2-spreads arising from the unitary spread of Q(+)(7, q), q = 2(2h+1). Some of these already appeared in Kantor, SIAM J. Algebr. Discrete Methods 3(2), 151-165, 1982. When q = 3(h), we classify, up to the action of the stabilizer in P Gamma O(7, q) of the unitary spread of Q(6, q), those among its slices producing spreads of the elliptic quadric Q(-)(5, q)

    The pseudo-hyperplanes and homogeneous pseudo-embeddings of AG(n, 4) and PG(n, 4)

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    We determine all homogeneous pseudo-embeddings of the affine space AG(n, 4) and the projective space PG(n, 4). We give a classification of all pseudo-hyperplanes of AG(n, 4). We also prove that the two homogeneous pseudo-embeddings of the generalized quadrangle Q(4, 3) are induced by the two homogeneous pseudo-embeddings of AG(4, 4) into which Q(4, 3) is fully embeddable

    Regular ovoids and Cameron-Liebler sets of generators in polar spaces

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    Cameron-Liebler sets of generators in polar spaces were introduced a few years ago as natural generalisations of the Cameron-Liebler sets of subspaces in projective spaces. In this article we present the first two constructions of non-trivial Cameron-Liebler sets of generators in polar spaces. Also regular m-ovoids of k-spaces are introduced as a generalization of m-ovoids of polar spaces. They are used in one of the aforementioned constructions of Cameron-Liebler sets

    Intriguing sets of strongly regular graphs and their related structures

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    In this paper we outline a technique for constructing directed strongly regular graphs by using strongly regular graphs having a "nice" family of intriguing sets. Further, we investigate such a construction method for rank three strongly regular graphs having at most 4545 vertices. Finally, several examples of intriguing sets of polar spaces are provided