339,998 research outputs found

    An approach to architecture-centric domain-specific modelling and implementation for software development and reuse.

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    Model-driven development has been considered to be the hope of improving software productivity significantly. However, it has not been achieved even after many years of research and application. Models are only and still used at the analysis and design stage, furthermore, models gradually deviate from system implementation. The thesis integrates domain-specific modelling and web service techniques with model-driven development and proposes a unified approach, SODSMI (Service Oriented executable Domain-Specific Modelling and Implementation), to build the executable domain-specific model and to achieve the target of model-driven development. The approach is organised by domain space at architectural level which is the elementary unit of the domain-specific modelling and implementation framework. The research of SODSMI is made up of three main parts: Firstly, xDSM (eXecutable Domain-Specific Model) is proposed as the core construction for domain-specific modelling. Behaviour scenario is adopted to build the meta-modelling framework for xDSM. Secondly, XDML language (eXecutable Domain-specific Meta-modelling Language) is designed to describe the xDSM meta-model and its application model. Thirdly, DSMEI (Domain-Specific Model Execution Infrastructure) is designed as the execution environment for xDSM. Web services are adopted as the implementation entities mapping to core functions of xDSM so as to achieve the service-oriented domain-specific application. The thesis embodies the core value of model and provides a feasible approach to achieve real model-driven development from modelling to system implementation which makes domain-specific software development and reuse coming true

    UML-SOA-Sec and Saleem's MDS Services Composition Framework for Secure Business Process Modelling of Services Oriented Applications

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    In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of SOA applications. However, analysis of today's software development approaches reveals that the engineering of security into the system design is often neglected. Security is incorporated in an ad-hoc manner or integrated during the applications development phase or administration phase or out sourced. SOA security is cross-domain and all of the required information is not available at downstream phases. The post-hoc, low-level integration of security has a negative impact on the resulting SOA applications. General purpose modeling languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used for designing the software system; however, these languages lack the knowledge of the specific domain and "security" is one of the essential domains. A Domain Specific Language (DSL), named the "UML-SOA-Sec" is proposed to facilitate the modeling of security objectives along the business process modeling of SOA applications. Furthermore, Saleem's MDS (Model Driven Security) services composition framework is proposed for the development of a secure web service composition

    OMiLAB: the Role of Model-driven Digital Innovation in Information Systems Development

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    OMiLAB is a community of practice interested in the value of conceptual models and the role they play in Information Systems development or operation. One key value proposition of the OMiLAB is a Digital Innovation environment having conceptual modeling at its core, as a means for integrating a business-oriented view with a technical view. The business-oriented view is based on a Digital Design Thinking method, whereas the technical view benefits from a diverse set of model-driven IoT devices for cyber-physical experimentation. The semantic and functional integrator between the two views is the BEE-UP modeling tool, together with the Agile Modeling Method Engineering framework - which can be employed to expand the modeling tool\u27s semantic space with domain-specific and technology-specific concepts or functionality. Academic and industry partners are joining the OMiLAB ecosystem as OMiLAB Nodes, sharing knowledge assets and artifacts developed with the help of OMiLAB\u27s Digital Innovation environment. These are disseminated via dedicated research streams and scientific events such as the NEMO summer school (initiated in 2014), the PROSE workshop (initiated in 2017) and a Springer book series on domain-specific conceptual modeling (initiated in 2016). Tool-specific tutorials have been held in recent Business Informatics and Information Systems conferences (e.g. HICSS, BIR, PoEM) to raise awareness on the value of conceptual models for such communities. Recently, the OMiLAB-FSEGA node was established at Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The thematic focus of the node is Digital Business Models, targeting topics such as semantics of Product-Service Systems, their dynamic pricing, supplying and automated delivery from a design-oriented research perspective. In relation to this thematic specificity, the talk will highlight the value of this node for both research and education

    UML-SOA-Sec and Saleem’s MDS Services Composition Framework for Secure Business Process Modelling of Services Oriented Applications

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    In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment, a software application is a composition of services, which are scattered across enterprises and architectures. Security plays a vital role during the design, development and operation of SOA applications. However, analysis of today’s software development approaches reveals that the engineering of security into the system design is often neglected. Security is incorporated in an ad-hoc manner or integrated during the applications development phase or administration phase or out sourced. SOA security is cross-domain and all of the required information is not available at downstream phases. The post-hoc, low-level integration of security has a negative impact on the resulting SOA applications. General purpose modeling languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML) are used for designing the software system; however, these languages lack the knowledge of the specific domain and “security” is one of the essential domains. A Domain Specific Language (DSL), named the “UML-SOA-Sec” is proposed to facilitate the modeling of security objectives along the business process modeling of SOA applications. Furthermore, Saleem’s MDS (Model Driven Security) services composition framework is proposed for the development of a secure web service composition

    Towards a re-engineering method for web services architectures

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    Recent developments in Web technologies – in particular through the Web services framework – have greatly enhanced the flexible and interoperable implementation of service-oriented software architectures. Many older Web-based and other distributed software systems will be re-engineered to a Web services-oriented platform. Using an advanced e-learning system as our case study, we investigate central aspects of a re-engineering approach for the Web services platform. Since our aim is to provide components of the legacy system also as services in the new platform, re-engineering to suit the new development paradigm is as important as re-engineering to suit the new architectural requirements

    A Domain-Specific IDL and its Compiler for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    Pervasive computing environments introduce new challenges for application development, due to the heterogeneity of the devices involved. In practice, pervasive computing applications rely on general-purpose middleware to manage this heterogeneity, but this approach does not provide programming support and verifications specific to the pervasive computing environment. In this paper, we present a domain-specific IDL and its compiler, dedicated to the development of pervasive computing applications. Our IDL is based on that of CORBA and provides declarative support for concisely characterizing a pervasive computing environment. This description is (1) to be used by programmers as a high-level reference to develop applications that coordinate entities of the target environment and (2) to be passed to a compiler that generates a framework dedicated to the target environment. This process enables verifications to be performed prior to runtime on both the declared environment and a given application. Furthermore, customized operations are automatically generated to support the development of pervasive computing activities, such as service discovery and session negotiation for stream-oriented devices. We have implemented a framework generator and have used it to generate frameworks targeting pervasive computing areas such as building surveillance, advanced telecommunications and home automation

    A design model for Open Distributed Processing systems

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    This paper proposes design concepts that allow the conception, understanding and development of complex technical structures for open distributed systems. The proposed concepts are related to, and partially motivated by, the present work on Open Distributed Processing (ODP). As opposed to the current ODP approach, the concepts are aimed at supporting a design trajectory with several, related abstraction levels. Simple examples are used to illustrate the proposed concepts

    Dynamic Model-based Management of Service-Oriented Infrastructure.

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    Models are an effective tool for systems and software design. They allow software architects to abstract from the non-relevant details. Those qualities are also useful for the technical management of networks, systems and software, such as those that compose service oriented architectures. Models can provide a set of well-defined abstractions over the distributed heterogeneous service infrastructure that enable its automated management. We propose to use the managed system as a source of dynamically generated runtime models, and decompose management processes into a composition of model transformations. We have created an autonomic service deployment and configuration architecture that obtains, analyzes, and transforms system models to apply the required actions, while being oblivious to the low-level details. An instrumentation layer automatically builds these models and interprets the planned management actions to the system. We illustrate these concepts with a distributed service update operation