15 research outputs found

    Comparison of resting-state functional connectivity in marmosets with tracer-based cellular connectivity

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    © 2019 Elsevier Inc. Resting-state functional MRI (RS-fMRI) is widely used to assess how strongly different brain areas are connected. However, this connection obtained by RS-fMRI, which is called functional connectivity (FC), simply refers to the correlation of blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals across time it has yet to be quantified how accurately FC reflects cellular connectivity (CC). In this study, we elucidated this relationship using RS-fMRI and quantitative tracer data in marmosets. In addition, we also elucidated the effects of distance between two brain regions on the relationship between FC and CC across seed region. To calculate FC, we used full correlation approach that is considered to reflect not only direct (monosynaptic connections) but also indirect pathways (polysynaptic connections). Our main findings are that: (1) overall FC obtained by RS-fMRI was highly correlated with tracer-based CC, but correlation coefficients varied remarkably across seed regions; (2) the strength of FC decreased with increase in the distance between two regions; (3) correlation coefficients between FC and CC after regressing out the effects of the distance between two regions still varied across seed regions, but some regions have strong correlations. These findings suggest that although FC reflects the strength of monosynaptic pathways, it is strongly affected by the distance between regions

    Robustness of sex-differences in functional connectivity over time in middle-aged marmosets

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    Nonhuman primates (NHPs) are an essential research model for gaining a comprehensive understanding of the neural mechanisms of neurocognitive aging in our own species. In the present study, we used resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) to investigate the relationship between prefrontal cortical and striatal neural interactions, and cognitive flexibility, in unanaesthetized common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) at two time points during late middle age (8 months apart, similar to a span of 5-6 years in humans). Based on our previous findings, we also determine the reproducibility of connectivity measures over the course of 8 months, particularly previously observed sex differences in rsFC. Male marmosets exhibited remarkably similar patterns of stronger functional connectivity relative to females and greater cognitive flexibility between the two imaging time points. Network analysis revealed that the consistent sex differences in connectivity and related cognitive associations were characterized by greater node strength and/or degree values in several prefrontal, premotor and temporal regions, as well as stronger intra PFC connectivity, in males compared to females. The current study supports the existence of robust sex differences in prefrontal and striatal resting state networks that may contribute to differences in cognitive function and offers insight on the neural systems that may be compromised in cognitive aging and age-related conditions such as mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\u27s disease

    Looming and receding visual networks in awake marmosets investigated with fMRI

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    © 2020 The Author(s) An object that is looming toward a subject or receding away contains important information for determining if this object is dangerous, beneficial or harmless. This information (motion, direction, identity, time-to-collision, size, velocity) is analyzed by the brain in order to execute the appropriate behavioral responses depending on the context: fleeing, freezing, grasping, eating, exploring. In the current study, we performed ultra-high-field functional MRI (fMRI) at 9.4T in awake marmosets to explore the patterns of brain activation elicited by visual stimuli looming toward or receding away from the monkey. We found that looming and receding visual stimuli activated a large cortical network in frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital cortex in areas involved in the analysis of motion, shape, identity and features of the objects. Looming stimuli strongly activated a network composed of portions of the pulvinar, superior colliculus, putamen, parietal, prefrontal and temporal cortical areas. These activations suggest the existence of a network that processes visual stimuli looming toward peripersonal space to predict the consequence of these stimuli. Together with previous studies in macaque monkeys, these findings indicate that this network is preserved across Old and New World primates

    A complementary approach for neocortical cytoarchitecture inspection with cellular resolution imaging at whole brain scale

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    Cytoarchitecture, the organization of cells within organs and tissues, serves as a crucial anatomical foundation for the delineation of various regions. It enables the segmentation of the cortex into distinct areas with unique structural and functional characteristics. While traditional 2D atlases have focused on cytoarchitectonic mapping of cortical regions through individual sections, the intricate cortical gyri and sulci demands a 3D perspective for unambiguous interpretation. In this study, we employed fluorescent micro-optical sectioning tomography to acquire architectural datasets of the entire macaque brain at a resolution of 0.65 μm × 0.65 μm × 3 μm. With these volumetric data, the cortical laminar textures were remarkably presented in appropriate view planes. Additionally, we established a stereo coordinate system to represent the cytoarchitectonic information as surface-based tomograms. Utilizing these cytoarchitectonic features, we were able to three-dimensionally parcel the macaque cortex into multiple regions exhibiting contrasting architectural patterns. The whole-brain analysis was also conducted on mice that clearly revealed the presence of barrel cortex and reflected biological reasonability of this method. Leveraging these high-resolution continuous datasets, our method offers a robust tool for exploring the organizational logic and pathological mechanisms of the brain’s 3D anatomical structure

    Abnormal axon guidance signals and reduced interhemispheric connection via anterior commissure in neonates of marmoset ASD model

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    In autism spectrum disorder (ASD), disrupted functional and structural connectivity in the social brain has been suggested as the core biological mechanism underlying the social recognition deficits of this neurodevelopmental disorder. In this study, we aimed to identify genetic and neurostructural abnormalities at birth in a non-human primate model of ASD, the common marmoset with maternal exposure to valproic acid (VPA), which has been reported to display social recognition deficit in adulthood. Using a comprehensive gene expression analysis, we found that 20 genes were significantly downregulated in VPA-exposed neonates. Of these, Frizzled3 (FZD3) and PIK3CA were identified in an axon guidance signaling pathway. FZD3 is essential for the normal development of the anterior commissure (AC) and corpus callosum (CC); hence, we performed diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging with a 7-Tesla scanner to measure the midsagittal sizes of these structures. We found that the AC size in VPA-exposed neonates was significantly smaller than that in age-matched controls, while the CC size did not differ. These results suggest that downregulation of the genes related to axon guidance and decreased AC size in neonatal primates may be linked to social brain dysfunctions that can happen later in life

    Sex Differences in Cognitive Flexibility and Resting Brain Networks in Middle-Aged Marmosets

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    Sex differences in human cognitive performance are well characterized. However, the neural correlates of these differences remain elusive. This issue may be clarified using nonhuman primates, for which sociocultural influences are minimized. We used the marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) to investigate sex differences in two aspects of executive function: reversal learning and intradimensional/extradimensional (ID/ED) set shifting. Stress reactivity and motor function were also assessed. In agreement with human literature, females needed more trials than males to acquire the reversals. No sex differences in ED set shifting or motivational measures were observed. The findings suggest enhanced habit formation in females, perhaps due to striatal estrogenic effects. Both sexes showed increased urinary cortisol during social separation stressor, but females showed an earlier increase in cortisol and a greater increase in agitated locomotion, possibly indicating enhanced stress reactivity. Independent of sex, basal cortisol predicted cognitive performance. No sex differences were found in motor performance. Associations between brain networks and reversal learning performance were investigated using resting state fMRI. Resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) analyses revealed sex differences in cognitive networks, with differences in overall neural network metrics and specific regions, including the prefrontal cortex, caudate, putamen, and nucleus accumbens. Correlations between cognitive flexibility and neural connectivity indicate that sex differences in cognitive flexibility are related to sex-dependent patterns of resting brain networks. Overall, our findings reveal sex differences in reversal learning, brain networks, and their relationship in the marmoset, positioning this species as an excellent model to investigate the biological basis of cognitive sex differences

    The nonhuman primate neuroimaging and neuroanatomy project

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    Multi-modal neuroimaging projects such as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) and UK Biobank are advancing our understanding of human brain architecture, function, connectivity, and their variability across individuals using high-quality non-invasive data from many subjects. Such efforts depend upon the accuracy of non-invasive brain imaging measures. However, ‘ground truth’ validation of connectivity using invasive tracers is not feasible in humans. Studies using nonhuman primates (NHPs) enable comparisons between invasive and non-invasive measures, including exploration of how “functional connectivity” from fMRI and “tractographic connectivity” from diffusion MRI compare with long-distance connections measured using tract tracing. Our NonHuman Primate Neuroimaging & Neuroanatomy Project (NHP_NNP) is an international effort (6 laboratories in 5 countries) to: (i) acquire and analyze high-quality multi-modal brain imaging data of macaque and marmoset monkeys using protocols and methods adapted from the HCP; (ii) acquire quantitative invasive tract-tracing data for cortical and subcortical projections to cortical areas; and (iii) map the distributions of different brain cell types with immunocytochemical stains to better define brain areal boundaries. We are acquiring high-resolution structural, functional, and diffusion MRI data together with behavioral measures from over 100 individual macaques and marmosets in order to generate non-invasive measures of brain architecture such as myelin and cortical thickness maps, as well as functional and diffusion tractography-based connectomes. We are using classical and next-generation anatomical tracers to generate quantitative connectivity maps based on brain-wide counting of labeled cortical and subcortical neurons, providing ground truth measures of connectivity. Advanced statistical modeling techniques address the consistency of both kinds of data across individuals, allowing comparison of tracer-based and non-invasive MRI-based connectivity measures. We aim to develop improved cortical and subcortical areal atlases by combining histological and imaging methods. Finally, we are collecting genetic and sociality-associated behavioral data in all animals in an effort to understand how genetic variation shapes the connectome and behavior