412 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Algorithm Using Duality-Base-Enumerating Scheme for Interval Linear Bilevel Programming Problems

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    Interval bilevel programming problem is hard to solve due to its hierarchical structure as well as the uncertainty of coefficients. This paper is focused on a class of interval linear bilevel programming problems, and an evolutionary algorithm based on duality bases is proposed. Firstly, the objective coefficients of the lower level and the right-hand-side vector are uniformly encoded as individuals, and the relative intervals are taken as the search space. Secondly, for each encoded individual, based on the duality theorem, the original problem is transformed into a single level program simply involving one nonlinear equality constraint. Further, by enumerating duality bases, this nonlinear equality is deleted, and the single level program is converted into several linear programs. Finally, each individual can be evaluated by solving these linear programs. The computational results of 7 examples show that the algorithm is feasible and robust

    Solving bilevel multi-objective optimization problems using evolutionary algorithms

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    Bilevel optimization problems require every feasible upper-level solution to satisfy optimality of a lower-level optimization problem. These problems commonly appear in many practical problem solving tasks including optimal control, process optimization, game-playing strategy development, transportation problems, and others. In the context of a bilevel single objective problem, there exists a number of theoretical, numerical, and evolutionary optimization results. However, there does not exist too many studies in the context of having multiple objectives in each level of a bilevel optimization problem. In this paper, we address bilevel multi-objective optimization issues and propose a viable algorithm based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) principles. Proof-of-principle simulation results bring out the challenges in solving such problems and demonstrate the viability of the proposed EMO technique for solving such problems. This paper scratches the surface of EMO-based solution methodologies for bilevel multi-objective optimization problems and should motivate other EMO researchers to engage more into this important optimization task of practical importance

    On topology optimization and canonical duality method

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    Topology optimization for general materials is correctly formulated as a bi-level knapsack problem, which is considered to be NP-hard in global optimization and computer science. By using canonical duality theory (CDT) developed by the author, the linear knapsack problem can be solved analytically to obtain global optimal solution at each design iteration. Both uniqueness, existence, and NP-hardness are discussed. The novel CDT method for general topology optimization is refined and tested by both 2-D and 3-D benchmark problems. Numerical results show that without using filter and any other artificial technique, the CDT method can produce exactly 0-1 optimal density distribution with almost no checkerboard pattern. Its performance and novelty are compared with the popular SIMP and BESO approaches. Additionally, some mathematical and conceptual mistakes in literature are explicitly addressed. A brief review on the canonical duality theory for modeling multi-scale complex systems and for solving general nonconvex/discrete problems are given in Appendix. This paper demonstrates a simple truth: elegant designs come from correct model and theory. © 201

    Canonical duality theory and algorithm for solving bilevel knapsack problems with applications

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    A novel canonical duality theory (CDT) is presented for solving general bilevel mixed integer nonlinear optimization governed by linear and quadratic knapsack problems. It shows that the challenging knapsack problems can be solved analytically in term of their canonical dual solutions. The existence and uniqueness of these analytical solutions are proved. NP-hardness of the knapsack problems is discussed. A powerful CDT algorithm combined with an alternative iteration and a volume reduction method is proposed for solving the NP-hard bilevel knapsack problems. Application is illustrated by benchmark problems in optimal topology design. The performance and novelty of the proposed method are compared with the popular commercial codes. © 2013 IEEE

    A methodology for solving the network toll design problem

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    Congestion pricing has been regarded as an efficient method to reduce network-wide travel cost. In this dissertation, a methodology for toll design is developed to provide policy-makers with suggestions on both where to charge tolls and how much the tolls should be. As opposed to the traditional approach of marginal social cost pricing, this methodology is capable of dealing with the more realistic case, in which only a small number of links can be tolled. Furthermore, this methodology is expanded to accommodate multiple user groups. The toll design problem can be formulated using both deterministic and stochastic route choice models. The most natural formulation of this problem in both cases is a bilevel formulation. Such formulations are very difficult to solve because of the nonconvexity and nondifferentiability of the constraint set. In this dissertation, the problem is converted into a single level, standard nonlinear optimization problem by making certain simplifying assumption. This single-level version of the toll design problem can be solved using a variety of well-developed algorithms. Tests show that this approach can be used to generate reasonable results and provide valuable decision support to policy-makers
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