3 research outputs found

    An Approach to Modeling Information System Specifications based on Domain Specific Languages

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    Methods of Database Schema Transformations in Support of the Information System Reengineering Process

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    Cilj istraživanja realizovanih u ovom radu, bio je je da se formalno opišu mogući pristupi transformacijama različitih opisa baza podataka iz jednog modela podataka u drugi i praktično provere kroz njihovu implementaciju u okviru jednog CASE alata, namenjenog projektovanju informacionih sistema i baza podataka. U skladu sa postavljenim ciljem definisan je metodološki pristup i softversko okruženje IIS*Ree koje omogućava visok nivo automatizacije procesa reinženjeringa informacionih sistema. Okruženje IIS*Ree, zasnovano na MDSD principima, kao krajnji rezultat generiše šemu baze podataka u izabranom ciljnom, konceptualnom ili implementacionom modelu podataka, kao i prototip aplikacije.The goal of the research presented in this paper is to formally specify approaches to transformation of database specifications between different data models. The transformations are then to be implemented and tested using a CASE tool for modelling information systems and databases. Following this goal, a methodological approach is defined together with a software named IIS*Ree that provides a high level of automation of the information system reengineering process. The IIS*Ree software, developed in accordance to MDSD principles, generates database schemas specified in a target, conceptual or implementation data model, as well as application prototypes

    Methods of Database Schema Transformations in Support of the Information System Reengineering Process

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    Cilj istraživanja realizovanih u ovom radu, bio je je da se formalno opišu mogući pristupi transformacijama različitih opisa baza podataka iz jednog modela podataka u drugi i praktično provere kroz njihovu implementaciju u okviru jednog CASE alata, namenjenog projektovanju informacionih sistema i baza podataka. U skladu sa postavljenim ciljem definisan je metodološki pristup i softversko okruženje IIS*Ree koje omogućava visok nivo automatizacije procesa reinženjeringa informacionih sistema. Okruženje IIS*Ree, zasnovano na MDSD principima, kao krajnji rezultat generiše šemu baze podataka u izabranom ciljnom, konceptualnom ili implementacionom modelu podataka, kao i prototip aplikacije.The goal of the research presented in this paper is to formally specify approaches to transformation of database specifications between different data models. The transformations are then to be implemented and tested using a CASE tool for modelling information systems and databases. Following this goal, a methodological approach is defined together with a software named IIS*Ree that provides a high level of automation of the information system reengineering process. The IIS*Ree software, developed in accordance to MDSD principles, generates database schemas specified in a target, conceptual or implementation data model, as well as application prototypes